Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1294 Secret fold, it’s coming

"The Miscellaneous Family congratulates Mr. Xiao Zhu. In this dynasty, there are not many people who can win the robe from the Holy Emperor. There are even fewer fifth-level officials who can win the unicorn uniform from the Holy Emperor. Although Lord Xiao Zhu is far away from the capital, he is still in the heart of the emperor. ah."

The leading young eunuch watched Zhu Pingan put the royal unicorn uniform on the incense table, and smiled and congratulated Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an also knew that the facts were indeed as the little eunuch said, Emperor Jiajing was very cautious and stingy about granting services.

Zhu Ping'an knew that this was due to Emperor Jiajing's control over power.

The first-grade python suit, the second-grade flying fish, the third-grade bullfighting, the fourth and fifth-grade unicorn, the sixth and seventh-grade tiger and tiger. The python suit is in the shape of a dragon, but has four claws, one less claw than a real dragon; the flying fish is also in the shape of a dragon, but has two more wings than the dragon; the bullfight is also in the shape of a dragon, but the horns are bull horns. Bullfighting, flying fish, python and dragon are very similar. The patterns of python suit, flying fish suit and bullfighting suit are all similar to dragon. This makes not only the appearance of the three kinds of clothes very similar and easy to be confused, but also there is a big difference between them and the emperor's dragon robe. similarity. Emperor Jiajing, who was accustomed to holding great power alone, was very sensitive and unhappy with these three kinds of submission.

More than ten years ago, when Emperor Jiajing held a spring festival at his mausoleum, Zhang Zan, who was then Minister of War, came to see Emperor Jiajing wearing a flying fish suit. Emperor Jiajing mistakenly called Zhang Zan's flying fish suit for a python suit, and he suddenly became distraught. Yue, angrily yelled at Xia Yan, a university student on the side, "Zhang Zan, a mere second-rank minister, why did you wear a python suit without authorization?!" , just similar in appearance." After hearing Xia Yan's explanation, Emperor Jiajing was still very dissatisfied and said with an unhappy face: "Absurd! Why does a flying fish have two horns?! I strictly prohibit it." So, the officials pressed Emperor Jiajing It means that civil and military officials are not allowed to use python clothes, flying fish and bullfighting. Emperor Jiajing approved the report and ordered the officials of the Ministry of Industry: "Anyone who embroiders pythons, dragons, flying fish, bullfighting and other prohibited patterns will be executed by the craftsmen, and the family will be sent to the border guards and sent to the army." From then on, civil and military officials were not allowed to use python clothes, flying fish, bullfighting, or any other colorful clothing. Only the Jin Yiwei had a special nature. They were the emperor's guard of honor and received extra favors. It was stipulated that the Jin Yiwei commanded and the guards could wear unicorn uniforms.

Therefore, the Kirin suit was also very rare in the Jiajing Dynasty.

Zhu Ping'an was awarded the unicorn uniform by Emperor Jiajing, which is indeed a great honor and grace for officials.

However, Zhu Ping'an didn't like this, and even felt a little disgusted with Qilin's pair of big pig's hooves.

"My lord, Zhu Ping'an, thanks you for your holy grace. Long live my emperor."

Of course, gratitude is still a must. Zhu Ping'an thanked Emperor Jiajing with tears in his eyes for the gift. After the ceremony, he replied with a smile, "I would like to thank my father-in-law for your kind words. I would like to ask your father-in-law to say more kind words in front of the Holy Emperor in the future."

"How dare you, don't you dare, I will have to ask Mr. Xiao Zhu to give you more kind words in the future." The leading eunuch said with a meaningful smile, "After all, Mr. Xiao Zhu's right to speak in front of the Holy Master is extraordinary for ordinary people."

When Zhu Ping'an heard the song, he knew its elegant meaning, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. Xu Hai and the others did not disappoint themselves!

Sure enough, the next second the leading young eunuch read out the second reward from Emperor Jiajing, "The emperor gave me a secret folding box, which was specially awarded to Si Qianshi, the Zhejiang Provincial Envoy for Punishment, and Zhu Ping'an, the magistrate of Jingnan County. right."

Although he had already guessed it in his heart, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but be excited when he heard the little eunuch's words.

Secret fold! It's finally here! With the right to report secretly, he is equivalent to having a beggar's version of Shang Fang's sword.

The beggar's version of Shang Fang's Sword is also Shang Fang's Sword, which is enough to scare some people who have evil intentions towards him.

In addition, this is a good way to embrace Emperor Jiajing's thighs, which is equivalent to a delayed version of private WeChat.

This is my biggest gain since I fought floods and provided disaster relief.

After the leading young eunuch finished reading, he took the secret folding box from a young eunuch and handed it to Zhu Pingan with both hands.

"My lord, Zhu Pingan, kowtows to thank the Holy Grace. Long live my emperor." This time, Zhu Pingan kowtowed to express his gratitude, and Zhu Pingan's excitement became much more real.

After Zhu Pingan finished thanking him, he took the secret folding box with both hands and put it in front of his eyes to look at it. This is a box about eight inches long, four inches wide and two inches high. It is made of nanmu, with yellow paint painted on the outside and the words "Zhu Ping'an" engraved on it. The box has a delicate little lock and comes with a key. Each secret box has two keys, one is given to the ministers, and the other is kept in the hands of Emperor Jiajing.

"The Holy Spirit's decree has been read out by the Zajia family. Please get up, Mr. Xiao Zhu." After finishing his words, the leading young eunuch stepped forward and helped Zhu Ping'an stand up.

"Thank you, father-in-law." Zhu Pingan thanked him.

"Lord Xiao Zhu, you are too polite. I haven't told Lord Xiao Zhu yet. The Holy Emperor has granted a total of eighty people the right to submit secret reports this time, and all of them are officials of third rank or above or officials in the border areas, with the exception of Lord Xiao Zhu. In the capital, I don’t know how many people are jealous of Mr. Xiao Zhu.” The leading young eunuch added softly.

"Safety is a great honor. I can only repay the Holy Spirit's trust by swearing to death."

Zhu Ping'an faced the direction of the capital and held his hands at ninety degrees, expressing a wave of loyalty and determination to Emperor Jiajing, who was thousands of miles away.

These face-saving tasks must be done well. Who knows whether Emperor Jiajing will be so idle that he will ask about it.

"Master Xiao Zhu, before Zajia came, the Ministry of Civil Affairs had already sent word that a successor magistrate for Jingnan would be selected in the near future and he would take office as soon as possible, so that Master Xiao Zhu could go to Zhejiang to serve as the prosecutor of Zhejiang Province. skill."

The leading young eunuch approached Zhu Pingan and whispered.

"Thank you, father-in-law, for reminding me." Zhu Pingan thanked the leading eunuch for tipping him off.

In fact, this was also within Zhu Pingan's expectation. When he had made a contribution to the fight against the Japanese, the imperial court rewarded him for his merits and promoted him to the post of Zhejiang Provincial Envoy and Inspector General. However, the officials suppressed him on the grounds that the Jingnan Magistrate had not yet selected a successor. He temporarily served as the Jingnan County Magistrate as Si Qianshi, the Provost and Prosecution Envoy. He could only take up the post after the Jingnan County Magistrate and Xin County Magistrate were selected and took office. Now that he has made great contributions in fighting floods and providing disaster relief, the Holy Father has also granted him the right to secretly submit memorials. How can the officials suppress it? ! Therefore, in as little as a month or as much as two months, the new magistrate of Jingnan will definitely be in place.

"Master Xiao Zhu, the Holy Spirit's instructions and rewards have been delivered to the Zajia family. I am returning to Beijing to resume my duties."

The leading young eunuch said goodbye to Zhu Pingan.

"How come my father-in-law is in such a hurry? It's so hard to come all the way, thousands of miles away. Father-in-law, just have some simple meals and rest for a day before setting off again." Zhu Ping'an persuaded enthusiastically.

Zhu Ping'an felt really sorry that he had come all the way from the capital without eating a single meal.

"Master Xiao Zhu is so kind, and the Za family appreciates it. However, before the Za family came, Huang Duong had already warned him that the flood relief work in the south of the Yangtze River was at a critical juncture, and he strictly ordered the Za family not to disturb Mr. Xiao Zhu for even a moment. I will record this banquet for the time being, and When Mr. Xiao Zhu returns to the capital, it won’t be too late to invite the Za family.”

The leading young eunuch smiled and declined politely, very resolutely.

Zhu Pingan failed to retain him again, so he had to take a group of subordinate officials from the county government to see him off at the gate of the county government.

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