Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1295 Unlucky Xu Hai (Part 1)

When Zhu Ping'an saw off the eunuch who announced the decree and continued to inspect the construction of the Japanese anti-Japanese sentry tower with Liu Dadao and others, the Matsuura family of Hizen Province, the daimyo of Hirado, in the northwest of Japan across the sea, welcomed a guest from the Ming Dynasty. To be precise, he was a hostage from the Ming Dynasty. He was an ordinary-looking monk with a sinister face.

This monk hostage is Xu Hai. This Xu Hai is not that Xu Hai. He is not the official Xu Hai who came to Jingnan more than ten days ago to investigate the corruption case of Zhu Ping'an colluding with grain dealers, but the Japanese pirate Xu Hai.

Xu Hai's treatment in the Matsuura family was not high, and the Matsuura family did not treat him as a distinguished guest. The house he lived in was also a house owned by a servant of the Matsuura family. The roof leaked, the windows leaked, and the food he ate was meager. He was not even given the island country's specialty fish fillet, and he had no freedom. There were always two samurai from the Matsuura family watching over him, which was normal. After all, he was just a hostage now.

The reason why Xu Hai is now a hostage of the Matsuura family actually starts with his assassination of the Pirate King, no, King Hui of Jinghai - Wang Zhi.

The reasons why Xu Hai assassinated Wang Zhi were very complicated. First, he had different ideas. Wang Zhi had always had great expectations for the imperial court, and was determined to recruit people to replace Japan's tribute position, trade with the Ming Dynasty, and monopolize the Ming Dynasty's overseas trade. To achieve this goal, he strictly restricted the piracy of his Japanese pirates for a while; while Xu Hai It is a business without capital. No matter what kind of trade, doing business still requires costs and risks. How can it be as fun as robbery? No capital is needed, and the robbery will be profit. While Wang Zhi was restraining the Japanese pirates under his command, Xu Hai also led Japanese pirates to attack the coast from time to time, and was severely scolded by Wang Zhi. Second, they are dissatisfied with the treatment. Xu Hai has great ambitions and considers himself to be of extraordinary ability. He heard his mother say that the night he was born, his mother dreamed that Sirius was in her arms. Xu Hai often thought to himself that Sirius was in his arms. How could I be a mortal? ! But Wang Zhi did not give him a matching status. Wang Zhi's subordinates are Wang Xia Qiwuhai, no, they are mainly divided into seven captains. The representative captains are Mao Haifeng and Xu Yuanliang from Zhejiang, Xu Weixue from Anhui, and Ye Zongman from Fujian. Xu Hai considers himself to be as talented as Mao Haifeng and Xu Yuanliang. Xu Yuanliang and others, in his opinion, Mao Haifeng was just relying on Wang Zhi's adopted son. Xu Yuanliang and others were short-witted, so he took the initiative to ask Wang Zhi many times, saying that he wanted to be a captain of a ship. But Wang Zhi never agreed. Third, be instigated by others. His uncle Xu Weixue secretly instigated Xu Hai to assassinate Wang Zhi many times. His uncle Xu Weixue was originally Wang Zhi's entrepreneurial partner. When the stall was small, the two parties cooperated happily, and there was no hierarchy. But when the stall grew, Wang Zhi took the lead in the entrepreneurial group because his ability was much higher than that of Xu Weixue. Xu Weixue He just became a captain of Wang Zhixia's ship. Wang Zhi ate meat, and Xu Weixue could only drink soup. Why, we are all founders, why do you eat meat and me drink soup, why do you have to give orders to me and I can only obey? Xu Weixue was unwilling to accept profits and power in the sole control of Wang Zhi, and always tried to kill Wang Zhi. Replace Wang Zhi's position. Therefore, Xu Weixue secretly instigated Xu Hai to assassinate Wang Zhi many times so that he could take the opportunity to ascend to power.

Of course, the three feet of ice did not freeze in a day. There are many reasons why Xu Hai assassinated Wang Zhi, but the trigger was because of a woman - a legendary woman - Xu Hai's woman Wang Cuiqiao.

Wang Cuiqiao. Gender: Female. Occupation: He used to be engaged in the ancient leather and meat business and was a famous Jiangnan courtesan; now he is the head wife of Xu Haiba who was brought back in a sedan chair. Origin: The daughter of a northern official. Her father was an official. Later, her father was dismissed from office due to crimes. The Wang family fell into decline. Wang Cuiqiao was reduced to a prostitute by the Qinhuai River. Because she was beautiful, slender, had a delicate voice, well-informed, gentle, and gentle. She has the heroic spirit of a northern woman, a resolute personality, capable and straightforward actions, and a huge contrast between her appearance and personality. Therefore, she is famous along the Qinhuai River. She was the most famous courtesan on the Qinhuai River at that time. Once when I was doing business at the home of a dignitary, I encountered Japanese pirates on the road and was captured alive by the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates dedicated Wang Cuiqiao to their leader, Xu Hai. Xu Hai fell in love at first sight with Wang Cuiqiao, who was from a well-known family, had noble temperament, was well-educated and had a rough life experience, and married Wang Cuiqiao as his official wife in an eight-carat sedan chair. A courtesan who was famous far and wide, and a rising star in the Japanese pirate community. The combination of the two was not lacking in popularity, and it became a good story in the Japanese pirate circle at that time.

However, Wang Cuiqiao's reputation for beauty spread far and wide, and it even reached the ears of Mao Haifeng, Wang Zhi and others.

In the 31st year of Jiajing, it was Wang Zhi's fiftieth birthday. Wang Zhi's godson Mao Haifeng held a grand birthday party for his adoptive father in Ligang, Zhoushan. All the Japanese pirate leaders, big and small, attended. During the banquet, Mao Haifeng used his drunkenness to " "Please" Xu Hai's wife Wang Cuiqiao sing and dance to cheer up the fun. All the Japanese pirates made noises, so Xu Hai had no choice but to agree. Wang Cuiqiao was worthy of being a Qinhuai oiran, and she performed a song and dance to a birthday banquet, which made all the Japanese pirates fascinated. Even Wang Zhi could not help but be moved by it, and asked Wang Cuiqiao to come forward and pour wine to celebrate his birthday.

After the birthday banquet that day, there were rumors in the Japanese pirate circle that Wang Zhi intended to take Wang Cuiqiao as his concubine.

This is the hatred of seizing a wife.

After hearing this, Xu Hai had no doubts and felt great hatred in his heart. During the birthday banquet, Wang Zhi ordered Wang Cuiqiao to come forward and pour wine.

The hatred for killing one's father, the hatred for taking away one's wife, these are the sworn hatreds of men.

Therefore, Xu Hai started to assassinate Wang Zhi after some further instigation from his uncle Xu Weixue.

However, Wang Zhi has been licking blood from the edge of a knife to this day, how can he be easily assassinated? Xu Hai's assassination was discovered by Wang Zhi in the preparation stage, and all the stolen goods were stolen by Wang Zhi before the assassination began.

After Xu Hai's assassination failed, he was almost killed by Wang Zhi. After his uncle Xu Weixue's constant persuasion and pleading, Wang Zhi spared Xu Hai. Later, the news that Xu Weixue had instigated Xu Hai to assassinate Wang Zhi came out. Xu Weixue was worried about Wang Zhi's revenge and was already dissatisfied with Wang Zhi's monopoly on profits and power, so he simply left with Xu Hai and some Japanese pirates to meet Wang Zhi. Parted ways and started working alone.

However, Xu Wei's academic ambition is as high as the sky, but his ability and luck are completely poor.

After Xu Weixue took Xu Hai out to work alone, he was gearing up to recruit troops and prepare to do something big.

For the first time, Xu Weixue chose Taizhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and prepared to grab a huge fortune.

burn one's boats!

Army attack!

When a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength!

Xu Weixue pulled all the men and horses on board, pierced three small boats in public, expressed his determination to the Japanese pirates under his command, and screamed to encourage the Japanese pirates under his command. Xu Weixue was in high spirits.

But his luck was so bad that Xu Weixue's entire army attacked this time. Before it reached the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it encountered a typhoon halfway. Yes, that’s right, it’s that typhoon, the one that caused heavy rains in Jiangnan.

After a typhoon, Xu Weixue's high-spirited spirit was buried in the sea. Of the more than 800 pirate ships, less than thirty were left, and almost all of the thousands of Japanese pirates under his command were also lost in the sea.

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