Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1299 Southern Barbarian Rebellion

Dusk fell, the setting sun was like blood, and the west was dyed a bright red, as if the blood of the gods was spilled all over the ground.

The East Lake project area is about to be completed. With his official robe tucked around his waist and his sleeves rolled up, Zhu Pingan joins the people in carrying bluestones to reinforce the lake embankment. This is the last 300 meters of the lake embankment. Once this section of the lake embankment is reinforced, the East Lake Project Area will be completed.

"Report!!!!!!! County Lord! Something bad has happened!"

A servant with disheveled hair and blood on his body kicked the horse's belly desperately, shouting while galloping.

high speed! The sound of horse hooves was like a violent storm, and the dust behind them was flying, raising a cloud of yellow sand.

"Master, be careful." Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang and others instinctively stood in front of Zhu Pingan to prevent accidents.

"It's He Xiaoer!"

When Zhu Pingan saw the person coming, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils. He Xiaoer was a young man who had the courage to defend the city against the Japanese. He was later hired as a county government officer. He was honest and diligent. Zhu Pingan had a good impression of him, but what about He Xiaoer at this moment? Will be covered in blood? ! The so-called big thing is bad, what happened? !

"County Lord!" He Xiaoer saw Zhu Ping'an and pulled the reins hard, causing the horse to slow down. However, he was exhausted and fell off the horse's back. He fell heavily to the ground and continued along the newly built lake embankment. tumbled down.

In the direction where He Xiaoer rolled, there was a piece of bluestone that had not yet been processed. If it collided with it, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Save people quickly." Zhu Pingan shouted hurriedly.

Liu Dadao stepped forward quickly in response, his steps were like flying, he turned over the boulder, and rescued He Xiaoer at the critical moment.

"He Xiaoer, how are you? What happened?!" Zhu Pingan quickly stepped forward, squatted down and asked.

"Cough cough."

He Xiaoer wanted to report anxiously, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned red and purple.

"No hurry! No hurry!" Zhu Ping'an helped He Xiaoer breathe easier with his hands, turned and shouted below, "Water, bring water."

Someone rushed up from below and handed over a water bag. Zhu Pingan took it and gave He Xiaoer a sip of water.

He Xiaoer took a sip of water and swallowed the bloody phlegm stuck in his throat. As soon as he could breathe, he hurriedly reported to Zhu Pingan: "County Lord, something serious has happened. The Nanman Miao people in the southeastern mountainous area are rebelling. They have broken through." They entered the southeast flood refuge area and robbed three thousand shi of food stored in the flood refuge area, and also robbed a large number of refugees and civilians."

"What? The Southern Barbarians rebelled again?! What should we do?!"

"Oh my god, why are these barbarians who have killed thousands of people come down the mountain again! These barbarians are ten thousand times more terrifying than the Japanese pirates! They drink human blood and eat human flesh! How can the refugees who were taken away have a way to survive!"

"My dear mother, why are these damned Nanbarbarians rebelling again! What should we do?! Do you still remember the rebellion of the Nanbarian Miao people five years ago? The then magistrate invited the guards to lead five thousand troops to quell the rebellion. , As a result, the rebellion was not suppressed, people were killed by the Nanmanzi, and most of the guardsmen were killed or injured."

"Don't say it, I'm scared just thinking about it. That time when the Nanbarbarians came down from the mountains to rebel, it was like a plague of locusts. They left no grass in their path. Many villages suffered, and they almost conquered the county seat."

When the people in the Donghu Work-for-Relief Project Area heard about the rebellion of the Nanman Miao people, their faces turned pale with fear. When they heard about the rebellion of the Nanman Miao people, they were many times more frightened than when they heard about the siege by Japanese pirates.

The Nanban Miao descendants rebelled! !

After hearing He Xiaoer's report, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but be shocked. When I entered the government of Jingnan, I heard that there were five major harms to Jingnan. The first was corrupt officials, collusion between officials and bandits, collusion between officials and businessmen, and collusion between government and mines, which preyed on the people. The second was the rebellion of the Southern Barbarians, which caused the people to suffer. The third was the invasion of mountain bandits. , the four dangers are pirate attacks, and the five dangers are Japanese pirates massacre and plunder. The rebellion of the Miao descendants of the Southern Barbarians is the second most serious harm, even more harmful than bandits and Japanese pirates!

It's just that he has only been in charge of Jingnan for a short time, and he is busy with Japanese pirates, fighting floods, etc., and there has been no movement from the Nanman Miao people, so he has ignored it. Unexpectedly, at this juncture, the Southern Barbarian Miao descendants actually rebelled! They broke through the southeast flood refuge area and robbed not only food and grass, but also a large number of refugees and civilians!


Well come! Just before I take office, I can eliminate this harm for Jingnan! Zhu Pingan's eyes were firm.

"He Xiaoer, you did a good job. I already know the news. You can recover from your injuries. I will take care of the rest."

Zhu Ping'an patted He Xiaoer's arm with approval and ordered the people below to take good care of He Xiaoer.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, there is no need to worry. As long as I am here, I will ensure that you, fellow citizens, are safe and sound!"

Zhu Ping'an stood up calmly and shouted confidently to the panicked people below.

Zhu Ping'an's confidence and calmness infected the people below, and the people calmed down from their panic.

Yes, we have a county magistrate. If the county magistrate can drive away the Japanese pirates, he will definitely be able to put down the rebellious Nanman Miao descendants!

"Liu Dianli, this place is left to you. Everything is as before. Wang Lizheng, Zhang Lizheng, Xia Lizheng, Tao Lizheng, you assist Liu Dianli. After building the lake embankment, gather everyone to return to the flood refuge area and settle down. Fence the camp and take precautions. With big swords and big guns, you gather the officers and follow me back to the county seat quickly."

Zhu Ping'an remained calm. After arranging the affairs of the engineering area one by one, he gave Liu Dianli and others a few words, and then quickly returned to the county town with Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang and dozens of assembled officers.

On the way back, Zhu Ping'an sent several officers to different engineering areas and flood avoidance areas, and ordered them to summon all subordinate officers and officers to gather at the Jingnan County government office without any mistakes.

The setting sun was like blood, and Zhu Ping'an, Liu Dadao and his party returned to Jingnan County in a blood-red afterglow.

The county government had already received the news, and Han Dianli and other subordinate officials were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"Your Majesty, the Miao descendants of the Southern Barbarians have rebelled."

After Zhu Ping'an arrived at the county government office, Han Dianli and others seemed to have found a backbone and quickly came forward.

"I already know it." Zhu Ping'an ordered as he walked, "Zhang Dianli, you lead people to open the treasury and take out all the soldiers, armors and equipment; Qian Dianli, you lead people to open the warehouse, count 30,000 stones of grain and grass, and load them into cars for later use; Officials Liu Dian and Han Dian, you two take people and quickly gather a thousand young people; Sun Dian, you draft an official document in your name and announce it to the people of the county."

Zhu Pingan's orders were issued one after another, strategizing and methodical. Zhang Dianli and others were infected by Zhu Pingan's calmness. They calmed down under Zhu Pingan's strategizing orders and accepted the orders one by one.

After Zhu Pingan came back, the county government seemed to have a brain. Soon, the entire county government was mobilized by Zhu Ping'an, each performing their duties and preparing quickly.

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