Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1300 Outnumbered

Because of the effectiveness of flood fighting and disaster relief, Zhu Pingan was deeply trusted and loved by the people of Jingnan and won the hearts of Jingnan people. After the conscription order was issued, a thousand young and strong men were quickly recruited.

Zhu Ping'an did not hesitate to take out the armor and equipment from the treasury and armed them all.

At first glance, one thousand young men are all young and strong, with uniform uniforms, complete armor, scimitars, spears, shields, crossbows and other weapons. They are well-equipped and look like elite soldiers.

Of course, these are just appearances. In fact, they are just well-equipped farmers.

In a field battle, they are not much better than a mob.

Zhu Ping'an took Liu Dianli, Han Dianli, 150 officers, and 800 young men, gathered 30,000 stones of grain, grass, and ordnance, and headed for the southeastern mountainous area where the Nanman Miao rebelled. The rest stayed in the county.

"I heard that the Nanbarbarians kill people without batting an eyelid and eat people without spitting out their bones. They are absolutely brutal."

During the march, some young and strong people couldn't help but said with some worry that it was their first time to participate in the recruitment.

"Little brother, you are afraid of a hammer. Our county magistrate is a god from heaven! Do you know Japanese pirates? Not only do Japanese pirates kill people without blinking an eye, but they are also very powerful in martial arts. It is a normal operation to catch a sword with bare hands. They can also catch arrows with bare hands. , we shot over with one arrow, and the Japanese pirates were able to catch the arrows in one go. The Japanese pirates must be powerful, there are more than 3,000 people, but so what, we were defeated by the county magistrate with us!"

Next to him was Qing Zhuang, who had participated in the anti-Japanese defense of the city. He reached out and patted the worried Qing Zhuang, and the old god said calmly.

"That's right, as long as our county magistrate is here, just keep it in your heart. Last time, the Japanese pirates were cowards. They were not tall and ran very fast, and I couldn't kill them quickly. I hope these southern barbarians can be tougher and hold on longer. "

Another young man who had participated in the anti-Japanese defense of the city patted his chest vigorously and said arrogantly.

"Let me tell you, our county magistrate is really like a god with his troops. We can't defeat the Japanese pirates one-on-one, but the county magistrate asked us to set up a simple formation. If you say we are not godly, the Japanese pirates will hit our heads under our formation." The blood is flowing, we are like killing a pig and stabbing a sheep, killing the little Japanese pirate to pieces. When the blood is flowing, you should follow me closely and make sure that your kid doesn't lose a single hair."

The young men who had participated in the anti-Japanese defense of the city came forward one after another to speak out and cheer for the newly recruited young men.

Under the influence of his companions, the newly recruited young men also put aside their worries and straightened their chests.

Scenes like this happened many times in the team. As the team progressed, the morale of the team steadily increased.

When the last ray of the sun disappeared on the horizon, Zhu Ping'an and his party rushed to the place where the incident occurred - Wuxi Mountain.

"Your Majesty, in front of you is the mountainous area where the rebellious Nanman Miao descendants are entrenched. After the Nanman invaded the southeastern flood avoidance area, they took the food and grass and the hijackers retreated to the mountain in front of them." A guard pointed at the rolling Wuxi Mountains to Zhu. Ping An said.

Wuxi Mountain is a mountainous area where the Southeast Miao people have lived for generations. They have thrived here for thousands of years.

Zhu Ping'an had read the county annals before and also read the information archived by the county government. There are more than a hundred Miao villages of various sizes in the rolling Wuxi Mountains, and about 70,000 to 80,000 Miao people live here. The Jingnan County Chronicle refers to them collectively as "Wuxi Miao", saying that they "have a name but no surname" and "the same surname is not required for marriage."

The development of Wuxi Miao is relatively backward. They mainly rely on agriculture, supplemented by hunting, and only use a small amount of plows. They mainly use the relatively primitive slash-and-burn farming method, and the harvest is far less than that of the Han people. Wuxi Miao is somewhere between slavery and feudalism. There are more than a hundred tribes, that is, Miao villages. The imperial court inherited the Yuan Dynasty system and established the Wuxi Chieftain to indirectly manage Wuxi Miao. The leader of the largest tribe in Wuxi Miao served as the Wuxi Chieftain. However, for more than a hundred years, Wuxi Miao had constant conflicts with the officials in Jingnan and other places as well as the Han people, with constant petty quarrels and rebellions occurring from time to time, which has always been a hidden danger to the rule. Governments in Jingnan and other places have also sent troops to quell rebellions many times, paying a lot of costs and losses, but the results have never been ideal. A former magistrate of Jingnan died in a counter-insurgency. Therefore, over the years, the governments in various places bordering on Wuxi Miao have regarded Wuxi Miao as a hot potato, pushing it away if they can, and not getting involved easily. Most Wuxi seedlings are located in Jingnan, and local governments have also pushed this hot potato to Jingnan, making Jingnan the main target.

Zhu Ping'an estimated that the reason why the Miao descendants of the Southern Barbarians rebelled at this time was because of the floods, which made it difficult for them to survive.

Liu Dianli was the warden of the Jingnan County Government Office, and he was also a brave man. He looked at the neat young men and officers, and confidently asked Zhu Pingan for orders, "Your Majesty, I will go and shout to stop the rebel Nanman." Return the stolen grain, grass and people, and make the chieftain tie himself up and come out of the mountain to apologize!"

"That's fine. As the saying goes, be courteous before fighting. If you can solve the problem without using weapons, that would be the best."

Zhu Ping'an nodded slightly, but he also knew very well that shouting 90% of the time would not solve the problem.

However, although it cannot solve the problem, it is good to take a look at Miao Yi's attitude through this.

"Liu Dianli, pay attention to safety. Just give it a try, don't force it." Zhu Pingan reminded Liu Dianli.

"Don't worry, county magistrate. I think the Southern Barbarians are nothing more than a ragtag group. Seeing the great strength of our army, they will not dare to make any mistakes."

Liu Dianli said confidently.

Zhu Ping'an asked Liu Dadao to accompany him with a shield to protect Liu Dianli, and then asked Liu Dianli to go to the front to shout.

"Where is Wuxi Chieftain? Return the plundered grain, grass and people as soon as possible and atone for your sins, otherwise our army will destroy you and other Miao villages." Liu Dianli walked to the front, took a deep breath, and shouted hard towards the mountain where the Miao people were entrenched.

"Tap through and wait for the Miao Village."

"Tap through and wait for the Miao Village."

Liu Dianli was indeed a martial arts practitioner, with a large lung capacity, and the echoes of his shouts echoed across the valley.


When more than a thousand young men heard Liu Dianli call them a big army, they all shouted mighty in unison, cooperating with Liu Dianli to create a big army atmosphere. For a time, the whole valley echoed with the voices of young men shouting mightily.

Thousands of people are strong and young, their voices are majestic and loud, their soldiers are neatly armored, and they are well-equipped. They really have the appearance of a large army.

People's confidence has also gone up.

However, people's confidence was soon extinguished, and a loud roar with a strong Miao dialect first came from the valley.

Then it was like gunpowder exploded, and the mountains and plains exploded.

"Dream, Gou Guan!" "Go to hell, Ming Gou!" "Sun Thief, are you awake?!" "Come up here."

The mountains and fields are filled with the roars of the Miao people. The mountains and fields are filled with people, waving weapons and shouting. The mountains and fields are filled with weapons reflecting the glow of the setting sun. There are at least tens of thousands of people.

Liu Dianli at the foot of the mountain was dumbfounded, and more than a thousand young men were also dumbfounded. How come there were so many.

At that time, there were only more than 3,000 Japanese pirates, but there were at least 30,000 to 50,000 Nanmanzi, and we only had a thousand.

Outnumbered is not enough to describe.

The confidence they had at the beginning was gone at this moment, and despair quickly occupied the high ground of their minds.

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