Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1306 Nerd, I'm going to be killed by you

The camp of tens of thousands of people was chaotic and endless. Under the guidance of the small Miao man, Zhu Pingan and his party passed through the crowd. After walking for tens of meters, they saw a camp with Miao characteristics. Zhu Pingan knew that the destination was right. arrive.

This is a camp surrounded by more than thirty tents, and the camp gate is guarded by relatively well-equipped Miao barbarians.

Miao Manke Erba had already informed him in advance, and Zhu Ping'an was let go when he walked to the camp gate.

As soon as he entered the camp, Zhu Ping'an saw tables and chairs placed more than ten meters in front of him. The main seat was a tiger-skin Taishi chair, on which sat an old woman with silver hair. Her silver hair was combed meticulously, and her face was clean. She looked too old, but the deep crow's feet at the corners of her eyes betrayed her age.

She is the chieftain of Wuxi—Mrs. Yilan.

A dragon-headed walking stick was leaning in front of the tiger leather seat. The ferocious dragon's head was facing Zhu Ping'an, as if it was about to bite him.

Two rows of nearly a hundred elite Miao warriors stood expressionlessly in front of the old woman's tiger-skin Taishi chair, about one and a half meters apart, staring at Zhu Pingan and his party with fierce eyes without blinking.

"Your Majesty invites you!"

After Zhu Pingan and his party entered the camp, they heard a shout.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As soon as the shouts ended, two rows of elite Miao warriors drew out their snow-white swords and raised them diagonally above their heads. The blades intersected to form a passage made of blades, just enough for one person to pass through.

"Don't you want to see our Lord?! Please! You are a senior official, so you invite me first. I just don't know if you dare?!" The little Miao man pointed at the passage made of long knives and snorted coldly. , said provocatively to Zhu Pingan.

"Well, the Sword and Gun Gate is the highest courtesy for Miao people to welcome distinguished guests. Not bad, not bad. I'm very satisfied."

Zhu Pingan touched his chin and commented with satisfaction.

"I have only heard that it is a courtesy for Miao people to hold the door for wine to welcome distinguished guests. I have never heard of swords and guns."

Hearing this, the demon girl Ruonan couldn't help but roll her eyes, approached Zhu Pingan, and whispered softly.

"The hair is long but the knowledge is short. Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Your hair is not shorter than mine!" The demon Ruonan heard this and glared at Zhu Ping'an hard.

"Don't pay attention to these details. In short, you are just short-sighted." Upon hearing this, Zhu Pingan's mouth twitched slightly. Well, long hair makes you short-sighted. This saying does not seem to apply to ancient times. In ancient times, when body hair and skin were influenced by parents, both men and women had long hair.

"You are short-sighted!" The demon Ruonan glared at Zhu Pingan again.

"You ate your 'knowledge'!" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but became anxious when he heard what the demon Ruonan said.

"Why are you so anxious?" The demon girl Ruonan didn't know why and rolled her eyes at Zhu Ping'an.

I am Zhu Pingan.

"Humph, are you scared?!" The little Miaoman man couldn't help but sneered when he saw Zhu Ping'an standing there motionless.

"I'm afraid of your size! I dislike that your sword and gun system is a bit crude, the long swords are not uniform, the sword and gun path is too short, the ceremony personnel are also a bit mixed, and the height, fat and thin are not uniform."

Zhu Pingan turned his head and glanced at the small-headed Miaoman. He twitched his lips, pointed at the knife and gun door, and commented with disgust.

The little Miao Man's face turned dark after hearing the comment, and he snorted, "Huh! Just say it if you're afraid!"

"Forget it, we are a small tribe, we can't ask for too much, just make do with what we have." Zhu Pingan shook his head and said with a look of reluctance. After saying that, Zhu Pingan was the first to step into the sword and gun gate.

"You're dead now!" The demon girl Ruonan stamped her foot and followed Zhu Ping'an into the sword and gun door.

Liu Dadao and others followed closely.

Zhu Ping'an walked into the sword and gun gate, still strolling leisurely, with a faint smile on his lips.

The demon Ruonan stepped carefully, like a fox ready to fight back at any time. Seeing Zhu Ping'an still strolling leisurely in front of her, the witch Ruonan couldn't help but blinked. This nerd is really big-hearted.

Liu Dadao and others had serious expressions, and their eyes were always looking at Zhu Pingan in front of them with concern, ready to provide support at any time.

The sword and gun gate was only ten meters away, and he quickly walked out. The demon girl Ruonan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Yilan sat high on the tiger leather chair, watching Zhu Pingan's every move through the knife and gun gate. Seeing Zhu Pingan passing through the knife and gun gate calmly and leisurely, Mrs. Yilan subconsciously changed from sitting deeply to Sit down lightly.

When Mrs. Yilan was looking at Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan was also looking at Mrs. Yilan. As soon as Zhu Pingan walked out of the knife and gun door, he looked up and looked directly at Mrs. Yilan, his eyes unabashedly looking at Mrs. Yilan.

"Don't be rude to the Lord!"

The girl who was accompanying Mrs. Yilan couldn't help but stop shouting when she saw Zhu Pingan's unabashedly large number of Mrs. Yilan.

please! Could you please cover it up a little and stop looking at the Miaoman chieftain so blatantly? This is not in your Jingnan Yamen, this is on their territory. They are not your subordinates, nor are they prisoners. They are chieftains with tens of thousands of soldiers. If you make someone unhappy, tens of thousands of tribal warriors will come up and tear us into pieces with just one move!

The witch Ruonan on the side had her toes clenched.

"Am I rude?! I think it's you who are rude! I am the Zhejiang Provincial Commissioner and the Jingnan County Magistrate! I am your parent officer! Are you just going to let me stand here?! This is yours How to treat guests?! Others say you are Miao barbarians, but you are really barbarians?! Don’t you even understand the rules?!"

Before the little girl could finish her words, Zhu Ping'an spoke with an imposing manner, as if he was raising an army to punish the guilty, which was much stronger than the little girl.

The little girl who originally asked for guilt was stunned by Zhu Ping'an's lecture.


The demon girl Ruonan on the side couldn't help but feel weak after hearing Zhu Ping'an's accusation. She almost staggered!

Nerd, why are you acting like an official now? You don't want your life! Please open your eyes and see the situation clearly, okay? ! This is their chassis. They have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and we only have eleven people, which is not enough to fill their teeth! You don't want to die, I haven't lived enough yet!

The witch Ruonan couldn't help but wink at Zhu Pingan, asking Zhu Pingan to clear his head.

Eyes blinked almost cramped.


And it seems to have had the opposite effect. It seems that the nerd took his eyes as encouragement.

"What are you doing so stupidly? Why don't you bring me a seat quickly so that you can meet me more conveniently!"

Zhu Ping'an's words rang in the ears of Demon Girl Ruonan, who suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

bookworm! I'm going to be killed by you. For a moment, these words were all in the mind of the demon Ruonan.

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