Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1308 A Sharp Mouth Ping Miao Barbarian (Part 1)

"I have taken my seat. You can come over and pay your respects."

After Zhu Ping'an sat down, he glanced at all the Miao Man, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said leisurely.

"You want us to meet you?! You're so big-faced!" Butterfly's chest heaved violently when he heard this.

All the Miao barbarians were also filled with indignation.

"Oh, you don't even understand etiquette, no wonder others call you barbarians." Zhu Pingan glanced at the butterfly and shook his head sadly.

"You Han people are the real barbarians, the biggest barbarians." Butterfly stamped her feet angrily.

"Master Zhu, right? I wonder what you are doing with Master Zhu's trip?" Mrs. Yilan asked quietly.

"Oh, look, you girls almost forgot about the business because of the interruption." Zhu Pingan glanced at the butterfly again.

"It's all your fault, and you blame me." Hearing this, Butterfly was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe.

"It's all because you don't know the etiquette, and you blame me for having too many things." Zhu Ping'an imitated Butterfly's tone.

"You" Butterfly was so angry that she almost exploded.

"Master Zhu came here this time not to tease my maid, right?" Mrs. Yi Lan took a deep breath, stared at Zhu Pingan with a pair of weather-beaten eyes, and said faintly.

"Ahem, teasing?! Why did the chieftain say this?! Don't try to smear me, I am an upright, upright, and upright gentleman!" Zhu Ping'an coughed and shook his head vigorously.

"A gentleman?! Ha!" Mrs. Yi Lan snorted, her eyes pointed at the demon Ruo Nan next to Zhu Pingan, and the corner of her mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm.

Mrs. Yilan has a vicious eye. Although the enchantress is skillful in dressing up as a man, she can't hide in Mrs. Yilan's eyes.

Soldiers are the major event of the country, the place of life and death, and the path to survival.

When marching and fighting, you never forget to have fun, and you bring your female relatives with you. Are you still upright and calm? !


Mrs. Yilan looked at Zhu Ping'an sarcastically, and snorted, without saying anything, keeping everything in silence.

The witch Ruonan shrank back subconsciously, this old lady's eyes are so poisonous, she actually saw through my disguise? !

This shrinking of the enchantress Ruonan confirmed Mrs. Yilan's even more, and the corners of her mouth curved even further.

"Ahem, stop gossip, let's get down to business." Zhu Pingan coughed and said solemnly.

"Then please Master Zhu explain why you are here." Mrs. Yilan twitched the corners of her lips and said leisurely.

"The disaster of extermination of the Wuxi Miao clan is imminent, and the danger is at stake. This official is here to save the chieftain and the entire Wuxi Miao clan."

Zhu Pingan said with a serious face.

"What?! The disaster of extermination?! It's ridiculous!"



"The catastrophe of extermination, you came to save us?! The dog officer has such a big tone, and you are not afraid that the wind will flash your dog's tongue!"

As soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, the surrounding Wuxi seedlings became excited one by one, as if a temple had been blown up. Especially Mrs. Yilan's personal girl Butterfly, who glared at Zhu Pingan.

The witch Ruonan next to Zhu Pingan lowered her head and rolled her eyes from an angle that no one could see. She was slandering Zhu Pingan in her heart. She is really a nerd. Your opening sentence was simply copied from a book. Ancient lobbyist Going to lobby others, the opening line of Rotten Street is "The general is in danger, don't you know it, I'm here to save the general"

Sure enough, the next second, the demon Ruonan heard Mrs. Yilan's chuckle, "Master Zhu's opening remarks are so familiar. Could it be the opening remarks of the lobbyist in "Historical Records"?!"

Look, you nerd, you have made a fool of yourself and been exposed to your face. The enchantress Ruonan couldn't help but twitched her lips when she heard Mrs. Yilan's chuckle, and even blushed slightly for Zhu Pingan.

"Of course." Zhu Pingan nodded solemnly with his usual face.

The nerd actually admitted it openly, without feeling ashamed at all, he's really thick-skinned.

The witch Ruonan could not help but curse.

When Mrs. Yilan saw Zhu Pingan's admission, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, but Your Excellency stopped it.

"Toast, do you know why such statements appear so many times in historical records?!" Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"Please give me some advice, Lord Zhu." Mrs. Yilan twitched her lips.

"Because history always repeats itself, and some people always die without knowing it."

Zhu Pingan looked at Mrs. Yilan with burning eyes and said lightly.

Mrs. Yi Lan was startled for a moment, and then chuckled, "Master Zhu said that the disaster of annihilation of our Wuxi Miao clan is imminent. It is really alarmist. I wonder what evidence Master Zhu has?!"

"That's right! The dog officer is alarmist!" Butterfly immediately agreed.

"Scaremongering?! Haha, my 50,000-strong army has been deployed in the surrounding mountains and fields, surrounding your camp. It's hard for you to fly. With just one order, your entire clan will be wiped out."

Zhu Ping'an sneered and said confidently, stretched out his right hand and made a fist, then slowly stretched his palm, opened his mouth and blew into the palm, which felt like the gun and oar were turned into ashes while talking and laughing.

"Fifty thousand troops?! No wonder there are bright dogs in all directions."

"Fifty thousand"

The Wuxi seedlings around them couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard this, and looked nervously at the surrounding mountains and fields.

There are only over 38,000 of our clan, including the old, young, women and children. The real fighting youths are only over 10,000. How can we defeat Ming Gou's 50,000 army?

"Fifty thousand?! Mr. Zhu is really good at joking. I know exactly how many guards and soldiers you have in Jingnan, but they are only more than a hundred! I also know exactly how many people there are in Jingnan. Last time The Japanese pirates are invading and Jingnan County is in danger. Mr. Zhu can only mobilize two to three thousand people, right!? Come to think of it, Mr. Zhu can only organize 2,300 people today, right?! How dare Mr. Zhu boast about Haikou? Fifty thousand troops! Haha, Mr. Zhu is not afraid of blowing his teeth out if he speaks too loudly!"

Mrs. Yilan sneered.

Hearing this, the face of the demon girl Ruonan, who lowered his head, couldn't help but change. This old lady is really powerful. She guessed that our side was false and true at once. Now we are in trouble. I don't know how the nerd will deal with it? !

"The chieftain asked how many people there are in Jingnan. I tell you that there are originally one hundred thousand people in Jingnan. Recently, due to floods, another 180,000 refugees have fled to our Jingnan. Our Jingnan has a total of 280,000 people! If To recruit young people, I can easily recruit 180,000 young people!"

"However, since I am called a great army officer, I am naturally not an ordinary citizen. Since the chieftain knows so much about Jingnan, he should also know that I am the magistrate of Jingnan County only on a temporary basis. My actual duty is to be the Inspector-General of Zhejiang Province. Responsibility is in charge of military training throughout Zhejiang. There are few soldiers in Jingnan, how many soldiers are there in Zhejiang?! Do you know the chieftain?! A mere 50,000 is just a drop in the bucket."

"I have reached the rank of fifth official at a young age, and I have been blessed by the Holy Spirit with the right to secretly submit memorials. My future is limitless. If I am not absolutely sure, how can I put myself in danger?!"

Zhu Ping'an leaned back on the seat comfortably, tapped Erlang's legs, and said to Mrs. Yilan with a look of contempt.

Mrs. Yilan's body couldn't help but tremble! She looked at Zhu Ping'an with fear in her eyes.

forget! ! Zhu Ping'an, as the chief prosecutor of Zhejiang Province, is indeed responsible for training troops!

It is not difficult to organize an army of fifty thousand!

As he said, without the backing of fifty thousand troops, how could he dare to risk his life and enter my camp? ! Also, the fact that he felt confident as soon as he arrived, as if he were out on a spring outing, is further evidence.

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