Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1316 Come out, Tomorrow Song

Everything in Jingnan has been restored, and everything is on the right track. The 120,000 people who fled have settled in Jingnan, and the Wuxi seedlings have also come down to settle down. In just two months, the population of Jingnan has Nearly tripled.

In terms of population alone, Jingnan County is already the largest county in Taizhou Prefecture.

Well-planned villages sprouted from the ground, and reclaimed fields crisscrossed the area.

Projects that benefit the country and the people are playing a role in Jingnan, including water conservancy projects and Japanese anti-Japanese projects.

Jingnan is full of vitality.

Crackling, a burst of firecrackers sounded in Xixi Village, followed by a burst of cheers from adults and children.

After the firecrackers burned out and a puff of smoke rose up, there was a private school with three rooms. The plaque of the private school was covered with red cloth.

The private school was crowded with people, and those in the middle were Zhu Ping'an and Liu Dianli from the county government's ceremony room.

After the work-for-relief project was completed and the people were settled, Zhu Pingan began to encourage students to study.

Education is the foundation.

In this feudal hierarchical society, education is almost the fundamental way for children from poor families to rise!

During Zhu Ping'an's work-for-relief project to rebuild his home, he built a hundred such private schools according to the distribution of the villages. After the work-for-relief program came to an end, Zhu Ping'an visited Jingnan and respectfully invited some children and scholars in Jingnan to come out and take up the post of private school teachers to take on the important task of enlightenment in eight villages and towns.

"Your Majesty, please unveil a plaque for our Xixi private school."

After the firecrackers were lit, a vigorous old man with a white beard stepped forward and bowed his hand to Zhu Pingan.

This old man with a white beard is the teacher of Xixi private school whom Zhu Pingan respectfully invites. His name is Wang Gaogen, and he is an old scholar who has failed. He fled to Jingnan with his son's family, and now he has settled in Xixi Village. After failing repeatedly, he had given up on the imperial examination and readily accepted Zhu Ping'an's invitation.

"Master Wang, as Mr. Xixi Private School, please join me in unveiling the plaque." Zhu Pingan nodded, and then extended his hand to greet Master Wang.

"That old man is so shameless." Master Wang said with a smile. He was both salty and honored that Zhu Ping'an invited him to unveil the plaque together.

"Please, old master."

"The county respectfully invites you."

After the two exchanged courtesies, one person pulled one end of the red silk and together they unveiled the plaque of Xixi Private School.

The people around him cheered and cheered. Looking at the private school in front of them, they were extremely excited. They have been participating in the work-for-relief program for the past two months, and they have saved a lot of money. The county magistrate sympathized with us and applied for tax deductions and exemptions for us, and our lives suddenly became a lot richer. Now, the county magistrate has built a private school for us. He really thinks about us in every aspect. When you get back, you must take the kid at home and send him to a private school. My ancestors said it well, everything is inferior, only studying is superior! If you can read and write, even if you can't keep up with our county officials, at least you won't be blind like us. As long as you can read and write, you can easily find a good job in the town or county in the future.

After the unveiling of the plaque, under the auspices of Mr. Liu in the ceremonial room, Zhu Pingan led a group of subordinate officials and common people to worship Confucius, offered sacrifices, and performed a series of opening ceremonies before officially announcing the opening of Xixi Private School.

"Your Majesty, I am an old and shameless man, and I have a merciless request." After the Xixi private school opened, Master Wang said to Zhu Ping'an.

"Master Wang, please speak." Zhu Pingan said warmly.

"The private school in Xixi is open, but the foundation is not enough, so I asked the county magistrate to give me a calligraphy treasure to enhance the private school's foundation. Moreover, when you see a good person, you will think about it. With the county magistrate's calligraphy treasure here, it can also inspire the children to make progress in the future." Wang The master bowed and said, "Please, the county magistrate, agree to the old man's unkind request, otherwise the old man will not get up."

"Mr. Wang's words are serious, please get up quickly. I'm doing this for the growth of future generations. It's reasonable and reasonable. How can I not respond?" Zhu Ping'an stepped forward to help Master Wang up and agreed.

Seeing this, several discerning people in Xixi Village hurriedly set up the table and brought them pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

Suddenly, all the people looked at Zhu Ping'an eagerly, waiting to see the magistrate give them the calligraphy treasure.

"Your Majesty, please have some tea." Li Zhengyue from Xixi Village stepped forward and offered a cup of tea to Zhu Ping'an with both hands.

He was thinking about Zhu Ping'an. He was also educated and knew that writing poems and articles was not like a farmer doing farm work.

The reason why Cao Zhi's seven-step poem during the Three Kingdoms period is famous in history is because he wrote the poem in seven steps.

This has gone down in history, and it took seven steps. The county magistrate can't think of it carefully.

Therefore, Li Zheng from Wuxi Village offered Zhu Ping'an a cup of tea with both hands. The purpose of serving the hot tea was to give Zhu Ping'an more time to conceive and finish writing. The county magistrate always thinks of the people, and we also know that kindness is repaid.

"Thank you Li Zheng. This tea is a little hot, and it will be suitable to drink after I finish the inscription." Zhu Pingan thanked Li Zheng, took the hot tea with both hands, and felt that the tea was relatively hot, so he put it aside.


Inscription first and then drinking tea? !

Li Zheng couldn't help being stunned and swallowed. Doesn't the county magistrate need time to think about it? ! In ancient times, it was related that Yu warmed the wine and fried Hua Xiong, no, killed Hua Xiong. Is the county honor today a calligraphy treasure inscribed with warm tea? !

Mrs. Wang on the side was also stunned.

After Zhu Pingan put the tea aside, he picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and put pen to paper.

Zhu Pingan really doesn’t need to conceive! Because he has hundreds of years of historical accumulation. From the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty to the modern era, there are countless excellent poems to encourage learning, such as the sands of the Ganges. Zhu Pingan needs no more ideas.

Speaking of poems to encourage students to learn, Zhu Pingan had a song called "Tomorrow's Song" that came to mind. Tomorrow comes tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows. Zhu Pingan has memorized this poem to encourage students to learn by heart since he was in elementary school.

It has a profound impact on my academic career. It is like a vaccination to prevent and cure procrastination.

Therefore, as soon as Master Wang opened his mouth, Zhu Pingan wanted this "Tomorrow's Song" to be released in advance.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhu Pingan wrote the song "Tomorrow's Song" without any extra words, and finished it in one go.

"Song of Tomorrow"

Tomorrow comes tomorrow, and there are so many tomorrows.

If I wait for tomorrow, everything will be wasted.

If the world is tired of tomorrow, spring will pass and autumn will come, and old age will come.

In the morning, you can see the water flowing eastward, and in the evening, you can see the sun setting in the west.

How many tomorrows can there be in a hundred years? Please listen to my song of tomorrow.

"Good! Great kindness! The county magistrate deserves to be the number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty! He wrote it without any extra points! The county magistrate's work is not only catchy and suitable for recitation, but also has far-reaching educational significance. It warns and exhorts people to seize today and today's events. Finish it today, otherwise tomorrow will be wasted! This work of the county will be spread throughout the Ming Dynasty within a few years. It will be a great achievement, far better than building tens of millions of private schools! On behalf of the thousands of children who are educated, I would like to thank the county. !"

When Mr. Wang saw this song "Tomorrow's Song", he read it again, burst into tears with excitement, and bowed long to Zhu Ping'an.

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