Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1317 Worthy of Emperor Jiajing

Evening mist. Liu Mu and two yamen servants returned to the Jingnan County Yamen in the afterglow of the setting sun. The first thing Liu Mu did when he came back was to take out the secret box from his arms and hand it to Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Ping'an returned to the study, sent away Hua'er who wanted to follow him and the curious witch Ruonan. After closing the door, he took out the key from his waist, opened the secret folder box, and took out the secret folder.

Be cautious!

The reason why Zhu Ping'an is so careful is because of the word "shendu". Secret folding is the most important thing, no matter writing or reading, we must attach great importance to secrecy. If a single word is leaked, it is a felony of killing without pardon. The proponents of Zhu Ping'an's Secret Book must lead by example.

In addition, factory guards in the Ming Dynasty were pervasive. Now it is the initial stage of the secret book, and there are not many courtiers who have the right to grant the secret book. Zhu Ping'an was also worried that with Emperor Jiajing's harsh shrewdness and imperial skills, Bao Buqi would secretly order the factory guards to secretly monitor all ministers who were authorized to secretly report.

Be careful when sailing a thousand-year-old ship. It is always right to be cautious, especially on the official journey. The sea may seem calm, but in fact there are undercurrents. Every seemingly ordinary move may lead to unpredictable consequences!

Zhu Ping'an took out the secret fold and unfolded it gently. Emperor Jiajing's personal reply appeared on the paper: "Your memorial is commendable and I am very relieved. In the recent troubled autumn in the south, there have been Japanese pirates, floods, corruption and misuse of legal services." , even gossiping about small and big things, don’t stick to the big and small matters. Although I have factory guards to inquire about it, you have been deeply favored, but if you hear something, it would be better if you can write it down in your own hand."

After Zhu Ping'an read the comments, he understood what Emperor Jiajing meant. He wanted to serve as his eyes and ears in Jiangnan, monitoring the disturbances in Jiangnan for him. Zhu Ping'an was not surprised at all by this. After all, this was one of the functions of Mi Zhe itself. Through the eyes of Mi Zhe's ministers, the emperor gathered all the troubles in the empire into his eyes, took charge of the overall situation, and controlled everything. In this way, the emperor adopted the secret zhe system, and the emperor developed the autocracy and centralization of power to the peak.

After reading it, Zhu Ping'an put the secret folder back into the folding box, locked it and put it in a secret drawer in the study.

"Hmph, be stingy, who cares, even if you bring it in front of my aunt, I won't even take a look."

Outside the study, the enchantress Ruonan was cleaning the courtyard with a broom. When she saw Zhu Pingan walking out of the study, she glanced at Zhu Pingan with her nose, not her nose, or her eyes, and said in a strange way.

"Don't look at evil! A girl is a gentleman, and Ping'an is ashamed." Zhu Ping'an smiled and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Yin-yang weirdness" the demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes.

"Hehe, each other..." Zhu Pingan smiled lightly and shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Sweeping the floor! A good dog stays out of the way!"

The demon girl Ruonan was so annoyed by Zhu Pingan's smile that she deliberately swept the floor vigorously, and even deliberately swept it at Zhu Pingan's feet.

"Then you're still blocking the way." Zhu Ping'an smiled.

The witch Ruonan paused for two seconds. She probably wanted to fight back against Zhu Ping'an but couldn't find the words. She smiled softly and said: "The nerd has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, but I don't know which one is more powerful than my fish dagger!"

As she spoke, the enchantress Ruo Man performed magic, and a sharp dagger appeared in her hand.

The dagger flew in her palm like a butterfly piercing a flower, and she just looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile.

Zhu Ping'an shrugged his shoulders slightly, stepped aside, and walked past the demon Ruo Nan.

Seeing Zhu Ping'an hiding away, the demon girl Ruonan suddenly showed a victorious smile on her face.

But before her smile was finished, she heard Zhu Ping'an's voice coming from behind, "Girl, you are so skilled, reward me!"

Then, the demon Ruonan saw a small object falling from the sky and subconsciously caught it with one hand.

Spread your palms.

A copper coin lay quietly in her hand.

hateful! This nerd thinks he's a street juggler! Am I worth just one copper coin? !

Believe it or not, my aunt, I will throw the dagger at you! The demon girl Ruonan turned her head, looked at Zhu Pingan's back, gritted her teeth angrily, took a dagger and pointed at Zhu Pingan's back, pointed it at Zhu Pingan's head, shook her head, forget it, nerds rely on their heads. Aim at Zhu Pingan Pingan's arm shook his head again, forget it, the nerd still has to hold the pen with his hands. He pointed at Zhu Pingan's leg and shook his head, forget it, if the nerd was lame, Hua'er wouldn't know how he would cry.


Count you running fast! Otherwise, my aunt will definitely give you a bad mouth and see if you can still be sharp-tongued.

The demon Ruonan snorted and put away the dagger.

After Zhu Ping'an received the secret message brought back by Liu Mu, three days later, the Jingnan County Government welcomed three distinguished guests from the capital - a young eunuch and two accompanying Dongchang fans.

Zhu Ping'an led a group of subordinate officials from the county government to greet him at the county government office.

"Master Zhu, there's no need to be polite. You all should step aside. It's not his business. The Miscellaneous Family has been ordered to retrieve the secret documents."

The little eunuch said to Zhu Ping'an with a smile, and waved his hand to dismiss the subordinate officials of the county government.

Recycling the original secret folder!

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he couldn't help but admire Emperor Jiajing's admiration! Emperor Jiajing is worthy of being Emperor Jiajing. His political acumen and wisdom are truly unparalleled in the world! In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi invented Mi Zhe and then Emperor Yongzheng. After Mi Zhe was implemented for decades, Emperor Yongzheng ordered the original Mi Zhe to be recovered. The Mi Zhe approved by Zhu was sent back to the Mi Zhe ministers. After a period of time, the Mi Zhe was collected again and kept secretly in the palace. Officials are not allowed to copy, retain or conceal the information, otherwise they will be severely punished. At this point, the secret document has formed a closed process from reporting, forwarding, reviewing, sending back, and collecting.

After decades of practice, the Qing Dynasty remembered to recycle the original secret folds to ensure the secrets of the secret folds! As for Emperor Jiajing, he had only tried the secret trade for dozens of days, but Emperor Jiajing had already thought of confiscating it!

Emperor Jiajing was truly the greatest emperor of all time. Zhu Ping'an admired Emperor Jiajing and thought that if Emperor Jiajing hadn't been distracted by cultivating immortals and refining elixirs for most of his energy, the Ming Dynasty would surely usher in a renaissance in his hands!

pity! Nothing is perfect in the world.

Zhu Pingan sighed deeply in his heart, and with a calm expression on his face, he led the young eunuch and two Dongchang fans to the study room in the backyard of the county government office. In front of the young eunuch and two Dongchang fans, Zhu Pingan opened the lock of the hidden drawer in the study, took out the secret folding box, and then paused.

"I'm sorry, father-in-law, can you tell me how to recycle the secret fold?!" Zhu Ping'an held the secret fold box firmly and asked with a serious face, confirming whether the little eunuch could ensure that no secrets were leaked during the recycling process.

"Haha, Lord Zhu, please don't worry. I brought a recycling box. Lord Zhu put the secret fold into the box with his own hands, and then I locked it in front of Lord Zhu. There is only one key to this lock, which is in the hands of the Holy Master. I will never leak the secret." The little eunuch replied with a smile, and then showed the secret folding box and a lock that had been opened in advance.

After carefully sailing the Wannian ship, Zhu Ping'an confirmed the recycling box and lock, and asked the little eunuch to sign a receipt. Then he opened the secret folding box and put the secret folding box into the little eunuch's recycling box with his own hands. The little eunuch locked the recycling box in front of Zhu Pingan and put it away carefully.

"Master Zhu is offended. The Zajia family also wants to check Master Xiao Zhu's study. The Zajia family is also acting under orders to confirm whether there are any transcripts." The young eunuch complained to Zhu Ping'an.

"Father-in-law, please." Zhu Ping'an naturally had no objection.

The young eunuch and two Dongchang fans checked Zhu Ping'an's study and confirmed that no transcripts had been retained.

The little eunuch nodded with satisfaction, bid farewell to Zhu Ping'an, and returned to Beijing without stopping for a moment.

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