Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1321 A beautiful woman has faith and knows every word

When Wang Zhi sent an envoy to ask the government to open Hong Kong to the city with a personal letter, Zhu Ping'an also received a letter.

This is a letter sent by Li Shu.

Wang Xiaoer, with ten guards, was ordered by Li Shu to bring two carriages of things to Zhu Ping'an, ranging from food, clothing, and supplies to precious military art books, pens, inks, paper, inkstones, etc. foot.

Of course, the most important thing is this letter.

This letter was kept in a fat duck brocade bag. Of course, Zhu Ping'an knew that it was a mandarin duck embroidered by Li Shu herself.

The ruler is like residual snow, formed into two carps.

The letter was folded into the shape of a pair of carps, and there was a faint fragrance on it. When I smelled it, I felt as if Li Shu was by my side.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but trance while holding the letter. His thoughts drifted to the capital, to that person who was as bright as spring flowers and as bright as the autumn moon. He looked at her arrogant look and listened to her coquettish smile.

"Uncle, there is a letter from the lady. Did the lady mention me in the letter?" When Hua'er saw Li Shu's letter, she was so excited that tears almost flowed out. Her little heart felt like it was being scratched by several cats.

"Oh, oh, let me take a look." Zhu Pingan came back to his senses.

Under Hua'er's unblinking eyes, Zhu Ping'an gently unfolded the letter with double carps and looked around.


A voice sounded from behind, startling Zhu Pingan.

"When did you come here? You're a cat, and you walk silently! Do you understand if you don't see anything inappropriate?!" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but turn his head, and the demon Ruo Nan who suddenly appeared behind him to peek at the letter said through gritted teeth.

"I came here fair and square. You just had your own wild imagination and didn't notice me. Also, I didn't peek, I saw it accidentally. Who asked you to hold the letter in front of my eyes?"

The demon girl Ruonan raised her face, and argued irrationally, just like a husky who refuses to admit his mistake.

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an stared at the face of the demon girl Ruonan.

"What are you looking at?! See no evil, do you understand?!" The demon girl Ruonan blushed a little when Zhu Pingan looked at her.

"Am I looking at your face?!" Zhu Ping'an said leisurely.

"Dengtuzi! Auntie knows that I have a pretty face, but it's not for you to see!"

The witch Ruonan glared hard at Zhu Pingan.

"No, you didn't understand me." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"Get out! Don't tease me! Auntie, I don't want to follow your tricks." The demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes.

"I was looking at your face?! Why didn't I find it?! You are not shameless, are you?!"

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Hua'er on the side couldn't help covering her small mouth and giggling coquettishly.

next second.


A dagger was brushed against Zhu Pingan's cheek, and it was stuck on the pillar behind Zhu Pingan, trembling.

On the opposite side, the enchantress Ruonan stared at Zhu Pingan with gritted teeth, as if she wished she could swallow Zhu Pingan alive. Bastard, you actually called me shameless! It made me so embarrassed.

Baozi’s little maid, Hua’er, stopped her nervous laughter for Zhu Ping’an’s sake, and even hiccupped because it stopped too abruptly.

However, the person involved, Zhu Pingan, was really calm and had no disturbance in his heart. When the silver dagger passed across his cheek, Zhu Pingan didn't even blink an eyelid. He even commented leisurely, "The speed is acceptable and the strength is good." It’s okay, but the angle is flawed, it’s still two fingers away from my cheek, the deterrent effect is greatly reduced, I hope the girl can improve next time.”

"Zhu Ping'an!" the demon girl gritted her teeth angrily, "Do you really think I dare not poke you?!"

"It's up to you." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and didn't care.

The demon girl Ruonan snorted, then thought of the content of the letter she had just read, and couldn't help laughing, "Gee, Zhu Ping'an, just be tough with your words. I don't know why you are so scared. The person who knows you best is pillow I'm a stranger, your wife's letter to you only contains the word 'coward' in the whole letter."

"Ah?! Uncle, is it really true that there is only one word 'coward' in the whole letter?"

When Hua'er heard this, she opened her mouth in surprise.

Why is there only one word "coward" in the lady's letter? ! Are you saying that my uncle is "cowardly"? ! Why? !

"Well, there is only one word for 'coward'." Zhu Pingan nodded and showed the letter to Hua'er.

Sure enough, there is only one word on the top and bottom of the letter of cooperation, the word "coward" that is simple, elegant and refined.

"Ah?! Miss, what do you mean?" Hua'er was as confused as the two-foot-tall monk.

"Giggle. Of course, I mean that your uncle is a coward." The demon Ruo Nan rolled her eyes and never missed the opportunity to belittle Zhu Pingan, "Think about it, you are the girl with the same relationship, and your young lady will want to I made you my aunt, and before I came, I told you to warm the bed and feed your uncle. But in the end, your uncle didn’t even eat the meat that was brought to his mouth. What else is he to be a coward? Your young lady is a gift. This letter with the word 'coward' is just to make fun of your uncle for being 'coward'."

"Ah?! Is the lady talking about this?" Hua'er's face suddenly turned red when she heard this.

Does the young lady know that my uncle sleeps alone every day and does not come to my warm bed, so she urges my uncle to consummate the marriage with me?

Thinking of this, Baozi's little maid Hua'er looked up shyly at her uncle, and then lowered her head instantly, her face was red and her face was as hot as a quail.


Quite the opposite!

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an glanced at the demon Ruo Nan with a caring look, a standard dog-headed military advisor.

You know, when Li Shu returned to Linhuaihou Mansion from Xiahe Village, when the little girl from Yuxuan came to say hello, she jokingly asked her which one she liked, but she just casually pointed to the little girl and said that her hands were beautiful. As a result, Li Shu served herself a plate of "Bloody Beauty Hands" that was fake and real... You said, Li Shu wrote a letter specifically to urge herself to consummate her marriage with Hua'er? !

Others don't understand Li Shu, but I am a childhood sweetheart who fell in love with Li Shu. How can I not understand Li Shu's feelings? How can I not understand the meaning of this "coward" letter sent by Li Shu?


Zhu Ping'an looked at the word "coward" and thought of Li Shu's expression when he was writing. Even thousands of miles away, he could smell a strong sour smell. He couldn't help but smile, and reached out to get the pen and ink.

Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, had been looking at Zhu Pingan. When she saw Zhu Pingan reaching out, she knew that her uncle was going to reply to the miss. She immediately took the pen and ink quickly and brought it to Zhu Pingan. She stood aside and diligently studied the ink.

When the demon girl Ruonan saw this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Just spoil him!"

"No, I like to serve the young lady and my uncle. I am very happy." Hua'er squinted her eyes and defended softly.

"It's hopeless." The demon girl Ruonan put her hand on her forehead.

When Zhu Ping'an raised the pen, the demon girl Ruonan stared at her with gossiping eyes, full of curiosity.

Zhu Ping'an didn't shy away from the enchantress Ruo Nan. He picked up his pen and wrote the word "you" in Li Shu's letter.

The witch Ruonan was dumbfounded

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