Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1322 Kid, do you have a lot of question marks?

"What does the word 'coward' and the word 'you' mean? What kind of riddle are these two playing?!"

In the backyard of the Jingnan County Government Office, the witch Ruonan was sweeping the floor with a broom in her arms, racking her brains and thinking hard.

However, I am puzzled.

"What on earth do you mean?!"

The witch Ruonan was going crazy thinking about it, and the traces left by the broom on the ground were like ghost drawings.

Cowardly, doesn't it mean that Zhu Ping'an is cowardly? ! The woman asked the dowry girl Hua'er to come with her to serve and warm the bed. The nerd actually lived like a monk and slept alone. If Hua'er hadn't said that the nerd had gotten the woman pregnant, he would have even doubted whether the nerd was inhumane.

You, could it be that Zhu Ping'an barged in and had no status in front of the woman to say the honorific "you" to her? ! However, nerds are all fifth-grade officials, so their status cannot be so low, right? ! impossible! The nerd is so proud at heart, how could he be so humble?

However, if this is not the case, then what do the words "coward" and "you" mean? !

The demon girl Ruonan racked her brains and scratched her head subconsciously when she couldn't figure it out. In the end, she was almost stunned by her thoughts. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her face was wrinkled, and her hair was as messy as a chicken coop.

"Kid, do you have a lot of questions?"

Zhu Ping'an came out of the study and saw the appearance of the demon girl Ruonan. He couldn't help being surprised. When he heard the demon girl Ruonan saying to herself, "coward, what do you mean, what do you mean?", he couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth and said with the lyrics of "Xiao Gongju" He teased Ruonan, a demon girl who was racking her brains and thinking hard.

"Tell me, what does your wife mean when she writes 'coward'? And what does the 'you' in your reply mean? Tell me quickly."

The demon girl Ruonan came up and grabbed Zhu Pingan's sleeve, raised her battered face, and asked in a daze.

"Want to know?" Zhu Ping'an gently pulled out his sleeve from the demon Ruo Nan's hand and smiled brightly.

"Yeah." The demon Ruonan nodded repeatedly.

"The answers others tell you are not yours. Only the answers you think up are yours."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" The demon Ruonan asked in confusion.

"I won't tell you, you can think for yourself. I'm doing this for your sake, to train your habit and ability of independent thinking." Zhu Ping'an smiled brightly at the demon Ruonan.

Of course, this is not the case in the eyes of the demon girl Ruonan. In her eyes, Zhu Pingan has the word "deserve a beating" written all over his face. The brighter Zhu Pingan's smile is, the higher the level of "deserting a beating" in her eyes. At this moment, in her eyes, Zhu Ping'an's level of need for beatings had reached the full level.

"Zhu Pingan!" The demon Ruonan gritted her teeth.

"Don't thank me so excitedly. My name is Lei Feng. I never leave my name when I do good deeds. I still have something to do with the county government. I have to handle official business. Please forgive me for not being able to accompany you." Zhu Pingan turned away and left, his voice drifting over. .

"Bah! Who's thanking you?! Stop being so sentimental! Also, you call yourself a ** and you still don't leave your name?! Wait, what kind of **?! You are the nerd Zhu Ping'an, and you turned into ashes like me I recognize you too!”

The demon girl vented her anger at Zhu Pingan's back, but Zhu Pingan didn't even look back.

As a result, the demon girl Ruonan herself was very angry.

Don't you like to peek at other people's letters? ! This time I want you to watch it happily, let’s see if you still want to watch it secretly.

Zhu Ping'an's mouth curled up slightly with satisfaction when he heard what the enchantress Ruonan behind him was saying.

Zhu Ping'an deliberately punished the demon girl Ruonan so that she could remember it well and serve as a warning to others.

At the county government office, Zhu Ping'an received a letter from Wang Zhi, copied from Taizhou Fucheng, requesting the opening of Hong Kong for trade. The first time he saw this letter, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh heavily. What was supposed to come was still coming.

Japanese waves are coming! The Japanese pirates are going to wreak havoc! After more than ten years, there will never be peace in Jiangnan.

"In the 31st year of Jiajing's reign, Wang Zhi plundered the coast of eastern Zhejiang because his request for trade with the government was rejected. From then on, the Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River became more and more serious, and the Japanese invaders attacked cities and plundered territory with great arrogance."

Zhu Ping'an paced back and forth in the room alone with his hands behind his back, quietly reciting this historical record.

Zhu Pingan remembers this time very clearly.

Walking to the window, Zhu Pingan opened the copy of Wang Zhi's letters in his hand and read it carefully.

Open Zhoushan Port to facilitate trade and convert private traders into public traders.

Wang Zhi is really whimsical!

Zhu Ping'an closed the letter copy and shook his head speechlessly, unable to distinguish the situation or himself.

The moment such a letter was sent from Wang Zhi's hand, its outcome was already determined!


Otherwise, there is no other possibility!

The same is true in history. It is estimated that in a few days, the court's stern reply will come down. Zhu Pingan knew this well.

Next, Wang Zhi would become angry. In order to achieve his goal and vent his anger, Wang Zhi would let the Japanese pirates plunder the south of the Yangtze River, hoping to blackmail the government and achieve the goal of opening up the port and opening up the city.

Taking this as a trigger, the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan exploded, became more and more severe, and became out of control.

"I received a manuscript from the Taizhou government office. The Japanese pirate Wang Zhi sent an envoy to request the imperial court to open a port for trade and convert private traders into public traders. Such a request was absolutely not accepted by the imperial court. I am worried that Wang Zhi is ambitious and may make a desperate move to allow the Japanese pirates to rob him. We, Jingnan, are located on the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, not too far from Ligang, Zhoushan, where Wang Zhi’s followers are entrenched. If they allow Japanese pirates to plunder, our Jingnan will be the first to bear the brunt. Nip it in the bud, starting today.”

Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't stop for a moment, so he summoned Liu Dianli and other county officials to arrange and deploy the Japanese prevention work, requiring that from today on, Jingnan's work to prevent and control Japanese invaders should be the top priority.

Zhu Pingan's prestige in the county government is growing day by day, and Liu Dianli and other subordinate officials immediately execute an order.

Jingnan was quickly mobilized, and the newly built anti-Japanese sentry towers were immediately put into use.

In addition, Zhu Ping'an also ordered subordinate officials to notify the villages from village to village, informing the people of the risk of Japanese pirates' invasion.

Although this move will cause a certain amount of social panic and affect the people's livelihood and contentment, these effects are nothing compared to the lives of the people, and the Japanese pirates are really coming!

The common people have the right to know, and should have the right to know.

Informing the people of the risk of Japanese pirates recidivating in advance will allow the common people to take precautions in advance and reduce the harm of Japanese pirates.

Zhu Ping'an also sent people to notify Wuxi Miao and asked them to be prepared to guard against Japanese pirates.

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