Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1325 Bullying goes too far

The demon girl Ruonan was very efficient. Zhu Pingan only told the demon girl Ruonan in the evening that she wanted to meet the boss of their cottage. When she got up and washed up the next morning, the demon girl Ruonan replied to Zhu Pingan and said that their boss agreed and made an appointment with Zhu Pingan in the morning. Meet in the southwest grove outside the county seat.

"There are many small woods outside the southwest, which one is it specifically?" Zhu Pingan asked while brushing his teeth with tooth powder.

"Brother, I'll take you there. I'll make sure you don't get lost." The demon girl Ruonan giggled and handed Zhu Pingan a cup for him to rinse his mouth.

"Okay." Zhu Pingan nodded, took the water glass handed over by the demon girl Ruonan, and began to rinse his mouth.

"The copycat said that you can only bring two people at most to this meeting." The demon Ruonan then added.

"No problem." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Giggles, bratty brother, aren't you afraid that I'll sell you out? We can have a good year if we tie up a dog like you in our village." The enchantress Ruonan winked at Zhu Pingan and chuckled.

"There are 70,000 Wuxi seedlings, but they still dare not touch a hair on my head. How many people can you have in your village?!"

Zhu Pingan gargled and spit out the mouthwash, glanced at the demon Ruonan with a smile, and asked leisurely.

"Arrogant!" The demon Ruonan rolled her eyes.

After breakfast, Zhu Pingan went to the county government to arrange work, took Liu Mu and Liu Dadao with him, and left the city with the demon Ruonan. On the way, Zhu Pingan briefly told Liu Mu and Liu Dadao about the true identity of the demon girl Ruonan, and also briefly told them the purpose of the trip.

"Ah? Ruonan is actually a copycat?"

After Liu Dadao learned the identity of the demon Ruo Nan, he was so surprised that his mouth opened as wide as a bellows.

Although Liu Mu was also surprised, he was not as surprised as Liu Dadao. In fact, he had long suspected the identity of the demon Ruonan. He felt that the demon Ruonan was not that simple, and secretly stared at the demon Ruonan for a long time. However, the enchantress Ruo Men has profound skills and strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, so she has never shown any signs of weakness.

"Young Master, it is said that a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. They have long been plotting evil against you. This trip will undoubtedly put a sheep in the tiger's mouth. Please think twice, Young Master." After Liu Mu learned the whole story, he stepped forward to stop Zhu Pingan and admonished him. Watch the demon Ruonan warily to prevent the demon Ruonan from misbehaving with Zhu Ping'an.

"That's right, young master. Why go to such trouble? Just mobilize the troops and go there. We're not afraid that they won't surrender."

Liu Dadao also echoed.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. In fact, Miss Ruonan and I have known each other since the imperial examination." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and said softly to Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, "This time Miss Ruonan fabricated her identity to sneak into the government office. They also mistakenly thought that I was a corrupt official. After the misunderstanding was resolved, it was nothing. If they wanted to do something wrong with me, they would not have waited until today, let alone risked going to the Wuxi Miao camp with us to recruit surrender. Nowadays, Japanese pirates have repeatedly violated the territory , is the time to hire people. If we can recruit and secure their cottages, buy horse bones with thousands of gold, and drive the cottages around Jingnan to recruit and surrender, it will not only solve the serious problem of mountain bandits harming the people, but also get a group of new troops to fight against Japanese pirates. Kill two birds with one stone, Why not do it."

"Sir, even if the boy and girl can be trusted, what about the other people in the village? The bandits are only interested in profit, short-sighted, and prone to act recklessly and impulsively. Please think twice, sir." Liu Mu advised again.

"Don't worry, I am a member of the fifth rank of the imperial court. I represent the dignity and face of the imperial court. If you do anything against me, it will be provoking the imperial court and slapping the imperial court in the face, which will only lead to death. The 70,000 Wuxi seedlings dare not touch me. They don't even dare to harm me. Besides, with the two of you here, can't you protect me?" Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said to the two of them.

"Don't worry, young master, as long as we are here, no one can hurt the young master." Liu Dadao promised, patting his chest.

Liu Mu glared at Liu Dadao, who scratched his head, wondering what he had done wrong.

"Nothing in the world is 100% safe. You may choke when eating, or choke when drinking water. You can't stop eating because of choking. As the parent officer of Jingnan, it is my duty to protect the country and the people, and I will take up my post again. Si Qianshi, the envoy of Zhejiang’s Procuratorate, is responsible for organizing team training, and this trip is my responsibility.”

Zhu Pingan said to Liu Mu, his eyes full of determination.

"What the young master taught me is that Dadao and I will swear to the death to protect the young master." Liu Mu said firmly.

"I swear to protect the young master to the death." Liu Dadao also said.

Zhu Ping'an was deeply moved when he heard this.

However, just when it was moving, something terrible came. The demon girl Ruonan spat and said, "Bah, bah, bah, what are you talking about if we are not dead? It's as if we are a group of insidious villains. Don't worry, I guarantee with my life that the nerd will never be in any danger during this trip."

"This is the best." Liu Mu and Liu Dadao snorted.

"What's your attitude? You're obviously a nerd asking me to meet you." The demon girl Ruonan snarled in displeasure.

"Okay, if you are a boy or girl, please lead the way." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

"It's not far ahead. Have you seen that forest? It's inside." The demon Ruonan snorted, twisted Liu Yao, and continued to lead the way. She pointed to a forest not far ahead and said to Zhu Ping'an. said.

Just as Zhu Pingan and his party were walking towards the grove, Wang Zhi, who was far away in Ligang, Zhoushan, received an official reply from the court.

Before receiving a reply from the court, Wang Zhi was always looking forward to it. He had great expectations for the court. He hoped that the court would agree to his request to open a port and connect the city, and that he could travel across the world and develop his ambitions.

However, things were not as wishful thinking as Wang Zhi thought.

Wang Zhi excitedly welcomed his returning confidant, opened the court's reply, and was greeted by a basin of cold water. The imperial court's reply not only did not agree to his request to open the port and open the city, but also sternly rebuked him for going to the sea in violation of the official prohibition, forgetting the righteousness of China, entering the foreign country as a traitor, seducing the Japanese barbarians, and causing trouble to the southeast. He had something to do with the national policy, and he had left poison to all living beings. His crimes were extremely heinous and his crimes were overwhelming. He was asked to change his mind and attack the pirates who burned, killed, and plundered to apologize, and then see the consequences.


Wang directly read the letter and became furious. He slapped the letter on the table, pulled out the Japanese sword from his waist and struck it with one blow.

"It's too much!"

"It's too much!"

"It's too much!"

Wang Zhi was chopping and roaring angrily, and soon the imperial court's reply letter was chopped into pieces.

For a moment, the surrounding maids and guards were afraid to breathe, and watched with trepidation as Wang Zhi chopped up the letter to vent his anger.

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