Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1326 A bad start

Although it is already winter, Jingnan is located in the south of the Yangtze River after all, and the woods outside the city are still lush and green. If it weren't for the maple leaves that stain the sky red in the woods, it would give people the illusion of being in midsummer.

Zhu Ping'an followed the enchantress Ruonan into the woods. He was not nervous or worried at all. Instead, he was admiring the early winter woods with a contented look on his face. His eyes wandered around the woods and he made one or two comments from time to time.

"Yam mushrooms, and bamboo shoots, yes, you can pick some to take back when you go back. Mountain mushrooms can be stewed in soup, and bamboo shoots can be fried in bacon. I miss the taste of my childhood."

Zhu Pingan was pleasantly surprised to find a lot of fungi and bamboo shoots in the woods, and he couldn't help turning his head and said to the witch Ruonan.

"Food." The demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes and let out a contemptuous snort.

"Don't worry, young master, we have left the task of collecting mushrooms and bamboo shoots to us." Liu Dadao slapped his chest loudly from behind. They were hunters, and they were very familiar with collecting mushrooms, digging bamboo shoots, and catching fish to trap rabbits.

After entering the woods and walking for several hundred meters, we arrived at the meeting place, where about 80 masked bandits were waiting.

All of them had bare arms and were holding various things, such as butcher knives, spears, and axes, probably to show their fierceness and ferocity. There were even a few bandits holding short blades to their lips. Stick out your tongue and lick it a few times.

Zhu Pingan concluded from this scene that the weapons in their hands were not poisoned, otherwise they would not dare to lick them.

"I've met you heroes." Zhu Pingan smiled and greeted them first.

"Humph, son of the county magistrate, what do you want to see us for?!" Hu Laosan patted the grass clippings on his buttocks, arrogantly stretched out his finger and tapped Zhu Pingan, and asked in a dirty voice.

"Presumptuous! You are the one who can direct the arrangement of the county venerable?! When you see the county lord, why don't you kneel down?!" Liu Mu shouted loudly.

Liu Mu has been following Zhu Ping'an for a long time. He has killed Japanese pirates in the city and worked as a head catcher in the county government. He has dozens of government officials under his command. Now he is a small flag officer. Not long ago, he went to the capital to deliver secret documents and saw the world. This sound Drinking loudly, naturally there was a sense of momentum, and Hu Laosan was dumbfounded by Liu Mu on the spot.

"It's okay, no need to be polite." Zhu Ping'an smiled and waved his hand.

"I didn't say I wanted to salute you." Hu Laosan muttered while holding his neck, trying to save the situation that Liu Mu had just been stunned by.

"Hu Lao San, are you itchy?!" The demon Ruo Nan glared at Hu Lao San hard.

"It's really a bad choice for a girl to stay in college. How long has it been since the young master's family went to the dog official's house? His elbows are bent outwards." Hu Laosan was scolded by the demon Ruonan and couldn't help but shrink his neck and muttered softly, Although he lowered his voice, almost everyone present heard it.

"Hu Laosan, what are you talking about?! If you talk nonsense again, I will cut out your tongue and feed it to the dogs!"

The demon girl Ruonan suddenly blushed and became angry. The fish dagger suddenly appeared in her hand, and the tip of the knife was pointed at Hu Laosan.

"Shut up, shut up." Under the threat of the demon Ruo Nan, Hu Laosan suddenly withered like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Young Master?!"

Zhu Ping'an caught this information from Hu Laosan's words and couldn't help but look at the demon Ruonan. He didn't expect that the demon girl turned out to be the young master of the village. It was really surprising. No wonder the efficiency of transmitting messages is so high. No wonder on the way here, you dared to risk your life to ensure that my trip was safe.

"Why, it's not possible?" The demon girl Ruonan raised her head and did not deny the fact about the young master's family.

"How dare you, young master, that's disrespectful." Zhu Ping'an smiled and bowed his hand to the demon Ruonan.

The enchantress Ruonan snorted, then twisted her waist and walked up to a strong man. She pointed at Zhu Pingan and introduced the strong man, "Dad, here, he is the Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Pingan I told you." . Oh, I’m going to be appointed as the fifth-level minister of punishment and inspection, Si Qianshi.”

"You're so young and you're already in the fifth grade?!" The bandits who heard the introduction from the demon girl Ruonan were all shocked. They originally thought that Zhu Ping'an was just a seventh-grade county magistrate, but they didn't expect that he was actually a fifth-grade punishment official. Fifth rank, what an official this must be, and he’s still so young!

Of course, Zhu Pingan was also shocked. Zhu Ping'an looked at the strong man in front of the demon Ruonan and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. Such a rough man with a big body, a heavy back, a slovenly beard, and an average appearance could actually give birth to a daughter as delicate and beautiful as the demon Ruonan? !

This contrast is a bit big. If a witch is a male, she will grow taller. It perfectly offsets his father's inheritance. The mother of Demon Girl Ruonan must be very beautiful. With such a rough man, she can give birth to a daughter as beautiful as Demon Girl Ruonan.

"Bookworm, this is my father, and he is also the head of our cottage." The demon girl Ruonan took the strong man's arm and introduced to Zhu Ping'an.

"I've met the boss." Zhu Pingan said with a smile and cupped his hands.

"Well. I heard Ruonan said that you want to see me and recruit us to surrender?! I met you today just for the sake of Ruonan, my family. As for recruiting people, I advise you not to waste your efforts."

The strong man responded by hugging Zhu Pingan and said in a very cold tone, with an attitude of rejecting others.

"The boss is so straightforward, so I won't hide it anymore. Yes, I am indeed here to recruit Angui Village. Since I've already come, it's nothing to put in a little effort. I have to give it a try, just in case. It was successful." Upon hearing this, Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said without any discouragement.

"What if it succeeds?! Oh, there is no such thing as a chance! We in the whistling mountains are used to being unorganized and unaccustomed to restraint. We have stood for a long time and cannot bend down. We would rather eat glutinous rice while standing than Kneeling to eat meat and drink! I advise you, stop wasting everyone's time and go back."

The burly man snorted, looked up at Zhu Pingan impatiently, and said in disgust.

"That's it, hurry up and get out! For the sake of the young master's family, we will let you go! If you dare to complain again, even if we give the young master's family face, the guy in our hands may not even agree."

"Go back! What my old boss said is right. It's great for us to be bandits. We are free in the whistling mountains. We eat meat, drink wine, and divide the gold. Even the king of heaven can't compare with us. Why should we accept you? Zhaoan, go to be a court eagle dog. Isn't this innocent looking for guilt?!"

"You can still go now, but if you don't go, you won't be able to go."

The burly man fell behind, and a group of thieves waved the things in their hands and coaxed.

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