Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1329 The talks collapsed? !

When he heard that Ruonan's father used the example of Shui Po Liangshan to oppose Zhao'an, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch his lips. They were indeed a father and daughter. Even the examples given were exactly the same, and even the expressions when speaking were similar.

Ruonan's father's opposition was completely expected by Zhu Ping'an. He hates scholars and officials, so it would be strange if he doesn't object.

"Master, can you lend me a moment to speak?" Zhu Pingan took a step forward and whispered to Ruonan's father.

"Just say it right here." Ruonan's father said in a deep voice.

"This kid has no power to restrain a chicken, so the boss is still afraid that I will harm him?" Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and said excitedly.

"Am I afraid of you?!" Ruonan's father snorted and was successfully provoked by Zhu Ping'an. The two of them walked aside.

My father is an old ox, and he will never look back even if he hits the wall. Your persuasion will be of no use to what he has decided.

The witch Ruonan has no hope for Zhu Ping'an.

The bandits also have the same idea. They are too familiar with the old master's bad temper. It is useless for anyone to persuade him to do what the old master believes. It's just a pity that this opportunity to go ashore was washed away. Although they didn't admit it, they were really moved. This opportunity is really rare. As long as they nod, they can transform from bandits who are precarious and street rats into officers and soldiers who hold their heads high and are respected by everyone. They eat royal rations and receive military pay. In addition, this boy is a high-ranking official of the fifth rank, and coming to Zhao'an in person shows his sincerity. It is estimated that this boy was knocked unconscious by the young master, so he went into danger alone in Zhao'an. It's a pity that if I miss this village, I'm afraid there will never be this shop again.

Just when a group of people gave up hope, they saw two people talking not far away who seemed to have a result.

I saw that in the eyes of everyone, the old boss stretched out his arms and stretched towards Zhu Pingan's neck.

Is this because the talks have collapsed and the old boss is going to kill him? !

There was no room for maneuver, and the melon-eating bandits could not help but open their mouths in surprise.

"Dad, don't." The demon girl Ruonan's face turned pale and she shouted in shock.

"Master, be careful!"

"Thief, don't hurt my young master!"

When Liu Mu and Liu Dadao saw this scene, their blood suddenly surged and they roared at the top of their lungs.

Because Zhu Ping'an and the old boss were five meters away from them because of the chance to speak, and the old boss's black move was too sudden, both the demon girl Ruonan, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others were caught off guard, and they were absolutely unprepared. Thinking that the old boss would suddenly act without warning.

When they saw this scene, their bodies had no time to stop or rescue them. They only had time to shout in panic.

He watched helplessly as the old boss put his arm around Zhu Pingan's neck, and then pulled hard.


"Young master!"

The demon Ruonan, Liu Mu and others shouted sadly.

next second.

Their grief stopped abruptly, their mouths opened as if they had lost their voice, and their eyes were so round that they almost popped out of their sockets, as if they had seen the most terrifying scene in the world.

"I am not wrong, right."

The enchantress Ruonan murmured to herself, stretched out her slender hands in disbelief and rubbed her eyes, and then confirmed again.

The scene in front of me still hasn’t changed at all!

In her sight, her father hugged Zhu Pingan's neck affectionately, and the two turned to look at them while talking and laughing.

what happened? !

The demon Ruonan and others looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, as if they were seeing the sun rising in the west.

"What's wrong with you? What are you shouting about? What a fuss! I'm just chatting with little brother Zhu." Ruonan's father put his arm around Zhu Pingan's shoulders, looked back at them, and said with a dark face. Look at his enthusiasm for Zhu Pingan, as if he has met his biological brother who has been missing for many years.

"Haha, Brother Mu, Dadao, Brother Ruo and I hit it off right away. How could Brother Ruo do anything bad to me? You are overthinking it." Zhu Pingan also smiled at Liu Mu and Liu Dadao and explained.

"Brother Zhu, don't worry about them, let's continue."

"Brother Ruo, please."

As they spoke, the two turned around and continued chatting and laughing, arm in arm.

Brother Zhu? ! Brother Ruo? ! Is this the case with titles? !

What kind of ecstasy did the nerd and his dad drink? ! Or did you say that Dad took the wrong medicine? !

How is this going? !

The witch Ruo's outlook on men was completely ruined. She simply couldn't believe her eyes and the corners of her mouth twitched.

After about a cup of tea, Zhu Ping'an and the old boss finally finished chatting, and the two returned to the crowd with their arms around each other.

"You bastards, Little Brother Zhu is a kind and honest person. You are just out of luck when you meet Little Brother Zhu like me. I have already decided to accept Little Brother Zhu's proposal. Of course, if you have any questions, If you are willing, I will not force you." The old boss put his arm around Zhu Pingan's shoulders and said to the bandits.

From firm opposition to endorsement and support, the old boss's attitude has made a 180-degree turn.

The witch Ruo Man opened his mouth like a boss and couldn't believe it.

"Old boss, we all listen to you."

"Our Shanzhai is a family and will never be separated. Wherever the old boss goes, we will go too."

A group of bandits spoke one after another, expressing their determination to obey the old leader's wise decision. After listening to Zhu Pingan's analysis, they had long wanted to recruit people. Now that the old leader has expressed his intention to recruit people, how could they object.

So, the recruitment was completed naturally.

Since Zhu Ping'an has not yet been sent to Zhejiang Province to serve as the procuratorial envoy and secretary, and has no right to group training, he left them a letter of proof that he has accepted the recruitment and fifty taels of silver, strictly enforced discipline, and ordered them to stay in the flood shelter temporarily At the same time, I also gave them a task, asking them to show their experiences, get in touch with other cottages, and give them a credit for pulling a cottage, and appreciate it when the time comes.

"Hey, nerd, how did you convince that old stubborn dad of mine?"

On the way back, the demon girl Ruonan couldn't help her curiosity and asked Zhu Pingan.

"It's very simple." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

"How could it be so simple? My father has a bullish temper. Ten cows can't bring back what he has decided. Tell me quickly, how did you convince my father?" the enchantress Ruonan asked curiously.

Zhu Pingan looked narrowly at the witch Ruonan, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "I'll just say, old master, what do you think of me? I'm already a fifth rank at a young age, so I can be called young and fulfilling, don't you?" If you are not at ease, I will take your daughter as my concubine, and we will become friends of Qin and Jin, so you can rest assured."

The witch Ruonan blushed, and then spat at Zhu Pingan angrily, "Bah, you're talking nonsense. If you dare to tell my father like that, my father will blow your ass off right away!"

After Zhu Pingan's lie was exposed, he laughed without blushing at all.

"Dirty brother! Are you going to tell me or not?!" The demon Ruonan glared at Zhu Ping'an angrily.

"No matter how old or young you are, your father calls me brother. According to seniority, you should call me uncle. Come on, good niece, call me uncle and listen."

Zhu Pingan joked.

"Hehehe, are you sure you want to listen?"

The witch Ruonan chuckled, and the dagger appeared in her palm again at some point, shining coldly in the sun.

"Ahem, you're kidding, let's talk about our own things," Zhu Pingan was timid.

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