Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1330 Everything is in Hehe

Zhu Ping'an sent away Ruonan, a demon girl who kept asking questions. As soon as he returned to Jingnan County Yamen, he received a copy of the newspaper from Taizhou Prefecture. A small paragraph in Di Bao records Wang Zhi's request to open Hong Kong for trade. Three days ago, Wang Zhi submitted a letter to the court requesting the opening of Hong Kong to the city. Today the court responded. Not only did it not agree to Wang Zhi's request to open the port to the city, it also sternly reprimanded Wang Zhi and asked him to change his mind. Attack the pirates who burned, killed and plundered to apologize for their sins

The great Japanese invasion of Jiajing has begun!

As soon as Zhu Pingan saw this record, he immediately realized this and quickly ordered to closely monitor the coasts of Jingnan, especially the coasts suitable for landing, to guard against Japanese pirates invading Jingnan. At the same time, an order was issued to inform the people in various places to fortify their walls and clear the fields, and to retreat to the nearest county towns, outposts, and mountains to avoid Japanese invasion. Officers with anti-Japanese experience were assigned to the county walls and various Japanese outposts, and nearby young and strong people were asked to assist in the defense of the county town and outposts. fort

After fighting against Japanese invaders and disasters, Zhu Pingan's prestige was at its peak in Jingnan. No common people questioned Zhu Pingan's words, and they all acted according to Zhu Pingan's orders. For a time, the entire Jingnan was mobilized. The people loaded their food and belongings into trucks, drove pigs, cattle, sheep and horses, and took the old and the young into the county town and sentry forts to avoid the Japanese pirates.

After people retreated to the county town and the Japanese anti-Japanese sentry fort, the city gate and fort gate were closed. Not only that, but layers of heavy objects were piled behind the city gate to prevent Japanese pirates from breaking in.

The golden juice feast, which made great contributions to the fight against the Japanese invaders last time, was also arranged in advance for the Japanese pirates. On the city walls and inside the forts, there are large iron pots filled with golden juice, ready to give the Japanese pirates a pound of food.

If we use current words to describe it, it means that Jingnan has entered a first-level anti-Japanese state.

On the first day, people were highly nervous and on guard all the time, especially the people on guard at the coast. They were even more nervous. They didn't even dare to blink, lest the Japanese pirates would appear in their sights in the next second. However, it was a calm day in Jingnan. Not to mention the shadow of the Japanese pirates, the entire sea was very quiet, with no strong winds and no big waves. Even the evening tides were much gentler, making it clear that humans and animals were harmless.

On the second day, Jingnan was also calm and the Japanese pirates did not attack.

On the third day, Jingnan was also calm, and no trace of Japanese pirates was seen until the sunset. Some people who had fled to Jingnan during the flood felt that the county magistrate was making a fuss, and began to complain one after another. Complained.

"Tell me, the flood has just passed. It didn't take long for us to settle down. We moved into a new home, planted vegetable seedlings, and raised two pigs. Now we have hope for this day. The county magistrate said, 'The Japanese pirates are coming' and we started to live again." Let's abandon our homes and land. Look, it's only the third day, and there's no sign of any Japanese pirates. Don't you think the county magistrate is torturing people?"

A man who had escaped from the disaster and moved to Jingnan took his family and two pigs with him and hid in the nearby Jingnan County. Looking at the messy temporary residence, he couldn't help but complain to others.

"It's not that bad. If nothing else, our hearts are almost sick from the fright of the county magistrate's words, 'The Japanese pirates are coming.' Big brother, you must have escaped from other places. By coincidence, so am I." . I have to say, this flood is terrible, but no matter how terrible it is, it can’t compare to the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates are crossing the border. They are raping, killing, and looting. They commit all kinds of evil and are extremely heartbroken. Alas, our village experienced a Japanese pirate ten years ago. It was so miserable. , I’m not afraid of your jokes. I still have nightmares at night. The county official said that the Japanese pirates were coming. Half of my soul was scared out of my mind at that time, and I haven’t come back until now. Let me tell you, I For three days, I was so scared that I didn’t even have a bite to eat. But look, there’s no trace of Japanese pirates here. I’m afraid my suffering these days has been in vain.”

This man was also a person who fled to Jingnan during the flood. What the man said just now resonated with him. After the man finished complaining, he couldn't help but join in the complaint.

"What are you talking about? Do you have any conscience when you say this? They were all eaten by dogs. Without the county magistrate, your family would have starved to death long ago. You still want a house to live in?! You still want a wife and children? Pithead?! Do you still want to have land to farm and raise pigs and lambs?! If I were three or five years younger, you would have to bear my cane."

An old man with a white beard who was also a refugee from other places couldn't help walking up to them on crutches when he heard what they said. He blew their beard and stared at them and slapped them in the face.

"Old man, this number is the same. We are not the kind of people who repay kindness with enmity. The county has saved us. We are grateful to the county from the bottom of our hearts. We still have the county's longevity tablet at home. We burn a stick of incense every morning and evening. , I have never forgotten it. However, no one can make mistakes without being a sage, and the county magistrate is also a human being, and the county magistrate also makes mistakes sometimes. It is out of gratitude to the county magistrate that we cannot bear to see the county magistrate make mistakes. "

When the old man said something to him, the man's face suddenly turned red as if it was congested, and he hurriedly defended himself.

"That's right, tigers still have time to take a nap. What's wrong with our county minister taking a nap? This is so normal. We point out the problem because we want our county minister to do better. If we all open our eyes and pretend to be blind, what will happen if we all open our eyes and pretend to be blind? This is the one who is harming the county magistrate. Master, do you deserve to be so excited?!"

Another person also defended.

"Ahem, cough, cough, you are ungrateful, you are shameless, you are white-eyed wolves."

They refused to explain, and this explanation made the old man cough in anger. He hit the ground hard with his crutch, stretched out his wrinkled hand, pointed at their noses and cursed.

"Come on, old man, you have gone crazy. We can't afford to offend you, why can't we hide?!"

The man waved his hand, turned around, and ignored the old man with the white beard.

"that is."

The other man also turned around.

"Haha, you foreigners are so self-righteous. Let me tell you, our county magistrate has never made a mistake. Every time we are wrong, it is self-righteous people like you. The success of the last anti-Japanese war was all due to The county magistrate was aware of everything, and judged in advance the city gate where the Japanese pirates would attack, and took precautions. This allowed us in Jingnan to successfully resist the Japanese pirates. The county magistrate said that the Japanese pirates were coming, so the Japanese pirates must be coming soon."

A local heard their conversation and couldn't help but chuckled and said sarcastically.

"Just brag, you really know how to add fuel to the fire, how awesome is the county magistrate?!" The two said unconvinced.

"I don't know about small things. But we have never seen a county official miss such a big thing."

The locals nodded seriously.


The two of them didn't say anything else, but they said everything because everything was in harmony.

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