Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1332 It’s time to get rich again

The news of the Japanese pirates' re-invasion inevitably plunged Jingnan County into panic. Especially the people who were newly naturalized in Jingnan after the floods, their panic was even more serious. The local people in Jingnan had the experience of winning the last war against the Japanese, and they had relatively confidence in Zhu Ping'an and the Japanese. However, the newly naturalized people in Jingnan did not have this experience. They lacked confidence, feared the Japanese pirates like tigers, and were as frightened as tigers in a deserted field. Weeds grow wildly.

"The Japanese pirates are coming to kill them soon. Each of these Japanese pirates are like ghosts, with green faces and fangs. They kill like crazy and do all kinds of evil. I heard they like to drink with people's hearts and livers."

"There are more Japanese pirates this time than last time?!"

"This time the pirates were sent by Wang Zhi. Wang Zhi is the uncrowned king of the sea. The pirates he sent are stronger than last time, right?!"

Fear spread far faster than confidence. In just a short time, fear spread rapidly in Jingnan like the plague, and many locals in Jingnan also began to panic.

Just when the panic spread rapidly, I suddenly heard a shout of surprise from the people: "Look, the county lord, the county lord is here."

Hearing this shout of surprise, people turned their gazes to the direction of the avenue in the city.

Zhu Ping'an is easy to identify, wearing the magistrate's official uniform and official hat, he is the only one in the family, and there is no other semicolon.

Immediately, more pleasant shouts of "the county lord is here" rang out one after another.

The four words "The county lord is here" are like a panacea, and half of the plague of fear dissipates in an instant.

"Hey, why is the county lord carrying the bedroll on his back? Doesn't this county lord want to run away?!"

A citizen who was naturalized after the flood suddenly noticed that Zhu Pingan was carrying a roll of bedroll behind him, looking like he was fleeing. His face suddenly turned pale, and he felt that Zhu Pingan was trying to run away.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter around him.

"Hahaha, you idiot, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. You are running away. Is our County Lord such a person?! The County Lord wants to settle down on the city wall and swear to live and die with the county."

"That's right, the last time the Japanese pirates came over, the county magistrate also carried such a bed roll and spread it directly on the city wall. From the moment the county magistrate went up to the city wall until the Japanese pirates were driven away, the county magistrate had to eat, live and sleep. It was on the city wall. I had never gone even half a step down the city wall. Moreover, the county magistrate posted a notice saying that as long as the Japanese pirates did not retreat for a day, if he did not go down the city wall even half a step, anyone could chop off his head. ."

The people who had experienced the last battle against the Japanese siege laughed at a few newly naturalized citizens from other places.

"What?! The county lord lives and dies with the county?!"

"The county magistrate actually has such courage?!"

Several naturalized citizens from other places were shocked and dumbfounded when they heard the words, and couldn't believe their ears. In their view, officials put their own safety in the highest position. What kind of cities and people are nothing in front of their own safety.

Can our current county magistrate really be able to swear to the death to live and die with the county? !

They have doubts about this.

However, reality dispelled their doubts. Zhu Ping'an really went straight to the city wall, laid out a bedroll, and posted a notice with the magistrate's seal like last time: The Japanese pirates will not retreat for one day. The official does not go down the city wall for a day. If he goes down the city wall for half a step, please behead me.

Zhu Ping'an's words and deeds gave everyone a shot in the arm. The county magistrate is not afraid of death, but the common people like us are afraid of a ball!

"Fellow fellow villagers, as you have heard and seen, the Japanese pirates have invaded Jingnan again. There are more than 300 eight-banner boats and about 5,000 to 6,000 Japanese pirates. Jingnan is once again at a critical stage of life and death." Zhu Ping'an stood at the station On the city wall, he picked up a special amplified loudspeaker and shouted to the people. He did not hide the number of Japanese pirates, but told them truthfully.

Because Zhu Pingan knew that this could not be hidden. Zhang Erniu and the others had already told everyone the number of Yawat boats before reporting to him. It was easy to calculate the number of Japanese pirates based on the number of Yawat boats. In this case, it is better to tell the truth and be honest with each other.

When the common people heard the number of Japanese pirates, they couldn't help but feel panic. Last time, only 3,000 Japanese pirates came, but this time, more than 5,000 came.

Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone's expressions, and he expected everyone's worries. Then he twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled, and said to everyone with a smile, "Of course, this is a time of life and death, and it is also a day of getting rich. The last three More than a thousand Japanese pirates attacked the city, and we received a reward of 63,960 taels of silver. Each citizen who participated in the defense received an average reward of nearly 20 taels. This time, the Japanese pirates came with five to six thousand people, more than If the number of times is nearly doubled, doesn’t that mean the silver reward will also be doubled? Hahaha, do you think this is a day to get rich?!”

"Hahaha, it's really a day to get rich."

"Hahaha, this is not a Japanese pirate. This is clearly a mountain of gold and silver coming over."

"My mother gave me a wife for the last silver reward. This time I want a big house."

"If you don't defend the city, you will die. If you defend the city, you will make money. All fools know how to choose."

The people present couldn't help but burst into laughter when they heard this, especially the young and strong people who had received the silver reward last time. They laughed even more excitedly. Not only that, they also showed their own experience and described the silver reward they received vividly, which immediately made the people around them laugh. People are extremely envious and jealous.

Zhu Pingan issued the "Heavy Reward Order" at the right time, promising to be the same as last time. Those who bravely defend the city will be rewarded with ten taels of silver; . After this battle, priority will be given to those who are interested in serving in the county government or serving as errands.

All of a sudden, people's attention shifted from the fear of Japanese pirates to rewarding silver, their enthusiasm was mobilized, and most of the panic atmosphere over Jingnan dissipated.

"In addition, this Japanese invasion is different from the last time. The last time the Japanese invaded the city, they wanted to destroy the city and plunder; The purpose is to build momentum, to expand its influence, to deter the imperial court, and to force the imperial court to agree to his request to open Hong Kong for trade, so the Japanese pirates will not fight us to the death in Jingnan. If they are tough, they will retreat and change the next target. The difficulty of defending the city this time will be many times easier than the last time."

Zhu Pingan went on to further reduce people's fears and enhance people's confidence.

People are inspired.

"Fathers and folks, put out the torches, put down the flags, hold your breath, and don't make any noise! ​​The archers and crossbow guards are all transferred to the side of the city gate. We will wait for the Japanese pirates to come later, and we will give them an unforgettable surprise! Let them learn the lesson and let them see how powerful our Jingnan is."

After everyone's emotions stabilized and their enthusiasm was mobilized, Zhu Pingan gave the order to everyone.

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