Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1333 Do your best, no taboos

As the night fell, more than 300 ships on the sea with tall white flags of the Eight Banners and the Great Bodhisattva were like ghosts, cutting through the waves in the dark sea, and rushing towards the Jingnan coast like hungry wolves.

These are the Hachiman boats of the Japanese pirates. They are named because they use the "Hachiman Bodhisattva" as their flag.

The Great Bodhisattva Hachiman is the product of the cross between the local Hachiman God of the island country and Buddhism. It can be regarded as the talent of the island country. It has produced such a unique monk-shaped statue of Hachiman God. It is in the shape of a monk, wearing a monk's robe, holding a six-wheeled tin staff in the right hand and a rosary in the left hand. The samurai of the island country worshiped him as their patron saint. The Japanese pirates hung statues of eight flags on their ships, hoping that their evil life would be protected.

Under the moonlight, the white statue of Hachiman hanging on the mast of the Hachiman ship is very eerie.

It is more like a ghost statue than a statue of a god.

This group of Japanese pirates has more than 6,000 people. They are the main subordinates of Ye Zongman, the captain of Wang Zhi. Most of them are powerful ronin warriors recruited by Ye Zongman in the island country to fight fiercely with the barbarians of the thirty-six islands and the Ming Dynasty. of scoundrels and vagrants.

These people are all full of evil, and almost everyone's hands are stained with the blood of the people of the Ming Dynasty.

"The Ming court is unethical, and the emperor is blind and cannot see the situation clearly. Today's world is dominated by sea trade, and all the barbarians in small boats are making a lot of money, but the Ming court still insists on the sea ban! Everyone in the court , they are all a bunch of idiots. Our King Hui kindly reminded the Ming Dynasty to let them open the port for trade, but he didn’t expect that the emperor was so shameless. Not only did he not adopt our King Hui’s insights, but he humiliated our King Hui! The king is our heaven and our reborn parent. Our heaven has been humiliated! Our parents have been humiliated! Do you think we can bear it?!"

Ye Zongman had a moon hair, wore a red Japanese costume, held a samurai sword in his hand, looked around at the Japanese pirate leaders with falcon-like eyes, and said with foaming at the mouth.

"I can't bear to humiliate my King Hui, especially my parents!" All the pirate leaders were filled with righteous indignation.

"You said, should we endure?!" Ye Zongman asked again.

"Don't bear it!" All the Japanese pirates said in unison.

"That's right! It's tolerable, but it's unbearable! As expected of me, Ye Zongman's son!" Ye Zongman grinned sinisterly, pulled out his Japanese sword, swung it hard towards the coast, and said with murderous intent, "Ming Ting is so embarrassed." Shameless, King Hui is very angry, and the consequences are very serious. King Hui has an order: Do your best, no taboos! Sons, go loot and kill as much as you like, the more the better! The more villages and towns you plunder, the more people you kill, the better. , we want the Ming Court to feel our anger, we want the Ming Court to plunder and kill to tremble, we want the Ming Court to cry and beg us to open Hong Kong for trade."

"Hahaha, don't worry, ship owner. Half a year ago, King Hui didn't allow us to go ashore to plunder, and we were already frustrated. This time, King Hui has relaxed the ban, and we must plunder and kill to our heart's content!"

"Snatch! Snatch! Snatch! Kill! Slaughter! Snatch! Snatch him until the sky is dark, kill him until his blood flows like a river!"

A group of Japanese pirates were like wolves, howling at the top of the sea, miserable and penetrating.

"Aso Saburo, leave Ninghai and Tiantai counties to you! Barefoot Lao Wen, leave Linhai and Xianju counties to you! The rest are with me, I will take you all the way from Jingnan and Taiping counties to Taizhou capital! Remember, the more the merrier , don’t spend too long in one place, it must be within a limited time, looting more places, the greater the impact, the better.”

Not far from the coast, Ye Zongman divided the team into three. His subordinates Aso Saburo and Barefoot Lao Wen each led a thousand Japanese pirates to log in from Ninghai and Linhai counties respectively, and plundered the four counties of Ninghai, Tiantai, Linhai and Xianju. Lead the remaining 4,000 Japanese pirates to land from Jingnan, planning to plunder from Jingnan County to Taiping County, and then all the way to Taizhou Prefecture.

The Hachiman fleet of Ye Zongman's group was divided into three, two small groups headed south and north, and most of them headed straight for the waters of Jingnan County.

Hachiman boats cut through the waves, like poisonous snakes, and rushed towards the coast.

"My sons, don't say that I don't take care of you! Taizhou Prefecture was plundered by Jiang Clan Master, Tie Jingang and Heibachi Lang a few months ago. In the entire Taizhou Prefecture, only a few counties such as Jingnan County were spared. I will lead you You guys first plunder Jingnan County and have a good time!"

After stepping on the shore, Ye Zong turned his head sadly and said to the Japanese pirates beside him.

"Hahaha, thank you, the captain, we are the sons of the captain"

"The fat sheep that has not been robbed, thank the owner for taking care of him, this time we will rob him hard!"

All the Japanese pirates burst out laughing, looking at the pitch-black Jingnan area in front of them, it was like seeing a fat sheep.

"My sons, each boat has a team, search for villages, and enjoy the bloody feast to your heart's content!"

Ye Zong smiled sadly, waved his hand and gave the order.

Immediately, a group of Japanese pirates took the Hachiman boat as a unit, and the Japanese pirates on each boat rushed towards the established village in groups. Ye Zongman led 800 Japanese pirates from his direct lineage, and he also found a town and rushed towards them.

There was a Japanese pirate who had a skinny monkey and was a local scoundrel in Jingnan. He was familiar with the situation in Jingnan and led a group of Japanese pirates to rush towards Yulin Village, not far from the seaside. He ran very fast and Zhu suddenly It's like advancing forward, lest other Japanese pirates will take the lead.

"Tell you, this Yulin Village is one of the few wealthy villages in the vicinity. Most of the people in this village are engaged in business, all of them are rich, and the young wives don't go to the fields. They are all white and tender. All the butts, like peaches, have already made me jealous. This time, I don’t need any money. You just need to let me pick a few young wives and have a good time holding the asses. Especially the young lady from Zhang Lizheng’s family in the north of the village, she makes me happy and I’m willing to die.”

The skinny monkey couldn't help but drool as he spoke, his expression extremely vulgar.

"Hahaha, you skinny monkey, you have a big appetite. You have to pick a few young wives for your skinny body. Can your body bear it?!"

"That's right, I need a few more. I guess you can't bear even one, and it won't be of any use."

The Japanese pirates around burst into laughter.

"It's none of your business. Even if I squeeze it out, it doesn't matter. I still want to have a good time."

The thin monkey took a hard sip of the saliva and said with a shameless smile.

"Hey, you pick first, you pick first. When the time comes, you won't be able to do anything anymore, so ask your brothers to help you."


A group of Japanese pirates roared with impure laughter and charged towards Yulin Village, their eyes scarlet red.

Gold, silver and jewelry, little lady!

Grandpas are here!

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