Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1335 Changing to a peaceful diet

After the Japanese pirates where the thin monkey was located rushed to the sentry fort, four groups of Japanese pirates merged into one group, adopting the tactic of encircling three and missing one, deliberately leaving the northern fort wall open and attacking the fort from the three fort walls in the south, east and west. It can break through one fort wall, and on the other hand, it is hoped that the people of the fort will flee from the northern fort wall out of panic. As long as the people leave the tortoise shell of the outpost, they will become lambs to be slaughtered.

However, the people in the fort were obviously not stupid. No matter how the Japanese pirates threatened them, they still insisted on defending the fort.

"Baga! These damn two-legged sheep are defending the castle, and we haven't prepared siege equipment in advance. If we want to smash this tortoise shell, I'm afraid we have to invite more than a hundred brothers to cut down trees and build siege ladders." And a battering ram will do.”

"No, cutting down trees to build siege ladders and battering rams will take at least an hour, and attacking the fort will take another hour. Then we spend too much time in this small fort, so how can we have time to loot?" Other villages and towns may have missed the important event of King Hui. When the time comes, the ship owner will be blamed, and we cannot afford to bear the blame."

"Then let's consider these two-legged sheep lucky. Let's bypass this fort and plunder other villages and towns instead."

After several small Japanese pirate leaders failed to attack the fort, they discussed among themselves for a while and decided to let the outpost go and plunder other villages separately.

"Isn't it the same in other villages?" A Japanese pirate said to the Japanese pirate leader with some worry.

"Shut your crow's mouth. They don't know how to predict, how could they avoid it in advance?! This is just a coincidence. Besides, a building like Wubao is easy to build there. There is such a Wubao in Jingnan County. It’s already rare, and I don’t know which landlord Lao Cai built it! If this happens in other villages and towns, I will turn my head off and kick it for you.”

The little leader of the Japanese pirates cursed and kicked the worried Japanese pirate, thinking that this would never happen again.

The Japanese pirates, led by their respective little leaders, bypassed the outpost and pounced in other directions like hungry wolves.

After a cup of tea, they arrived at another village further inland and found it equally empty.

I rushed to another village, but it was also empty.

After evacuating five villages in a row, they once again encountered a heavily defended outpost.

The worried Japanese pirate looked at the little leader.

"Rough! Why are you looking at me like this? You really want me to turn my head off and kick you like a ball?" .

The Japanese pirates on other ships also encountered the same situation. All the villages along the coast of Jingnan were deserted and they all hid in nearby outposts. The Japanese pirates came in a hurry and had no siege equipment. There was nothing they could do to attack these outposts for a while.

The Japanese pirates felt that something was wrong, and sent people one after another to inform the captain Ye Zongman of the situation. Of course, Ye Zongman had known about it for a long time. He led hundreds of direct Japanese pirates to evacuate several villages and also encountered a sentry fort.

After tentatively attacking the fort once and injuring two Japanese pirates, Ye Zongman withdrew his team and stopped attacking the fort.

"The exterior wall has long been dry. Judging from the color, texture, etc., this fort has been built for at least a month. It should have been built during the great flood. Jingnan has been guarding us for a long time. Judging from the posture, it is nearby Villages within a radius of five or six miles have taken refuge in the outposts, and their things have been moved so cleanly that Jingnan has predicted at least one or two days in advance that we will land and loot in the near future."

Ye Zongman looked at the outpost in front of him, frowned slightly, and said unwillingly.

"Did Jingnan plant spies among our brothers?!" A confidant of the Japanese pirates said uncertainly.

"What a damn spy! This morning I got King Hui's instruction to 'do your best, without any taboos.' It was only confirmed at noon today that Taizhou Mansion would be sacked. Could the spies have predicted the news and informed Jingnan in advance?!"

When Ye Zongman heard this, he slapped his confidant on the back of the head, stared at him and cursed.

Yes, the confidant Japanese pirates shrank their necks.

"Last time, Jiang Clan Master, Tiejingang, and Ping Hachilang invaded Taizhou and invaded five counties. Jingnan was the only one who escaped death. When I heard the news before, I thought Jingnan was lucky, but now it seems that Jingnan survived. , It’s not as simple as good luck, Jingnan County Magistrate Zhu Ping’an is not simple, he actually guessed that King Hui would order to plunder Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the near future, and took precautions in advance.”

Ye Zongman looked away from the fort and sighed softly.

"Shipmaster, since the people in Jingnan have all taken refuge in the forts, instead of wasting time and effort to attack each fort one by one, we might as well just gather the army and attack Jingnan County without stopping. There are more than 6,000 of our brothers. I don’t believe that we can’t destroy a small county town.” A close friend of the Japanese pirates suggested.

"These villages and towns have prepared their defenses in advance. Do you think Jingnan County will be unprepared?! Of course, even if Jingnan is prepared, I am absolutely sure to attack Jingnan County, but it will definitely take time and I'm afraid it will also be compromised. Many brothers, this is not the result I want, nor is it what King Hui wants to achieve. We must create the greatest fear for Mingting in the shortest possible time!"

Ye Zongman shook his head slightly and rejected his subordinate's proposal.

However, Ye Zongman was unwilling to give it a try. Anyway, he was on his way to Taiping County and Taizhou Prefecture. He gathered his Japanese pirates and went straight to Jingnan County. About half an hour later, we arrived in front of Jingnan County.

I saw Jingnan County in total darkness, a county town lying on the ground like a sleeping ox.

"Ship owner, look, Jingnan County is completely dark. It seems that Jingnan County didn't take any precautions."

The confidant Japanese pirates couldn't help but said excitedly when they saw the darkness in Jingnan County.

"Alas! It seems that Jingnan has no chance with us. Let's go and live in Taiping County instead, and let go of this suffocating feeling in your chest!"

Compared to the excitement of his confidants, Ye Zongman sighed reluctantly.

"Boss, Jingnan County is pitch black, obviously unprepared, isn't it such a pity to leave like this?! Please order the captain, I will bring my son under my command to take down Jingnan County for the captain and dedicate it to the captain."

The confidant Japanese pirates were puzzled and asked for help, holding their necks.

"Idiot! There must be a reason for the abnormality! There is no light in Jingnan County, don't you think it is abnormal?! It is obviously waiting for you to bring people over, believe it or not, I will shoot you into a hedgehog?!"

When Ye Zongman heard this, he reached out and slapped his confidant on the back of the head, and cursed him with foam at the mouth.

"Stop wasting time and eat in Taiping County instead!" Ye Zongman scolded him before waving his hand and giving the order decisively.

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