Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1336: Hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening

When Ye Zongman led the Japanese pirates under his command to change their route and attack Taiping County without hesitation, there were still many Japanese pirates under his command that they did not understand, especially the confidant Japanese pirates who had just raised questions, and still muttered unwillingly, "Captain, are we just leaving like this?" ? Why do I still feel that Jingnan is unprepared?"

"Idiot, look back and you will understand." Ye Zongman cursed.

The Japanese pirates turned their heads one after another, and were surprised to see that Jingnan County, which had been dark just now, was now filled with flames. There were as many torches on the city wall as there were stars in the sky. The naked eye could see the longing figures on the city wall, as if there were many people.

"Ah?!" When the confidant Japanese pirates saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed, with cold sweat pouring down their backs.

"Idiot, do you understand now?" Ye Zong's falcon-like eyes looked coldly at his trusted Japanese pirates and asked coldly.

"Understood." The confidant Japanese pirate nodded with fear on his face, thinking that he had asked Ying to attack the city, but luckily he was stopped by the captain. If he really attacked the city, he would probably be shot into a hedgehog.

"Just understand."

Ye Zongman smiled and nodded, but unexpectedly, his face suddenly changed in the next second. With lightning speed, he pulled out his samurai sword and stabbed it into the chest of his trusted Japanese pirate. blood.

"Ship owner."

The confidant Japanese pirate's mouth was bleeding. When he was dying, he looked at Ye Zongman with a puzzled face, wondering why the captain suddenly killed him.

All the pirates were also stunned by this scene.

"As the saying goes, if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening! Now that you understand, you can die!"

After Ye Zongman finished speaking, he drew out his samurai sword, and his trusted Japanese pirate fell to the ground.

"From now on, I don't want to hear anyone questioning my orders again!" Ye Zongman held up the blood-stained samurai sword, glanced at the Japanese pirates with his falcon-like eyes, and said sullenly, "No matter what I do, You only need to obey the order! If anyone disobeys it again, he will be punished!"

All the Japanese pirates were as silent as cicadas, nodding like pounding garlic!

"Very good!" Ye Zongman nodded and pointed at Taiping County with his sword, "Go and enjoy burning, killing and looting!"

A group of Japanese pirates roared and rushed toward Taiping County.

After Ye Zongman and a group of Japanese pirates moved to Taiping County, the young and strong people on the wall of Jingnan City were still a little pity.

"Hey, why did these Japanese pirates turn around and run away?! It's a pity that we have been waiting for so long."

"That's right, our more than 300 bows are so hungry that they can't bear it. Why did they turn around and run away? It's a pity that our county chief arranged the arrangement, otherwise at least dozens of Japanese pirate heads would be recorded."

After the Japanese pirates turned around, the people on the city wall were happy and couldn't help but said with pity.

While the people in Jingnan were laughing and laughing, Zhu Ping'an was looking into the distance with solemn eyes.

"Your Majesty, it's a pity that the Japanese pirates ran away and lost a great contribution?" Liu Dianli asked softly when he saw this.

"No. The Japanese pirates retreated without a fight. We, the people of Jingnan, did not have to shed blood and sacrifice themselves. We were safe and sound from this Japanese invasion. This is the best result. There is no reason to regret it." Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly.

"Since this is the best result, why is the county magistrate so unhappy?" Liu Dianli asked in confusion.

"Our people in Jingnan are safe, but people in Taiping County and other places will suffer."

Zhu Ping'an looked far away in the direction of Taiping County, where he could vaguely see the light of fire rising, and couldn't help but sigh.

The Japanese pirates just avoided the hard nut of Jingnan. The people in Jingnan were spared, but the people in Taiping County and other places still had to suffer the ravages of the Japanese pirates. However, I was powerless to do anything about it. I could only watch the Japanese pirates ruin and ravage the people. This is why Zhu Ping'an sighs and feels depressed.

"The short-sightedness of a humble official is not as far-sighted as that of a county magistrate." Hearing this, Liu Dianli couldn't help but said with a look of shame.

Although the Japanese pirates bypassed Jingnan, Zhu Ping'an still did not relieve Jingnan's defenses and remained alert.

The night was very long, so long that Zhu Pingan stayed up all night, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

That night, Zhu Pingan kept looking north towards Taiping County and other places. He saw vague fires one after another in Taiping County in the distance. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but sigh one after another. Each fire meant the destruction of a home. It means that a family of ordinary people was ravaged and poisoned by Japanese pirates

At dawn, last night's news was gradually collected into Zhu Ping'an's hands. More than 6,000 Japanese pirates passed through Jingnan last night, but did not cause much damage to Jingnan. More than 100 houses were burned down in Jingnan County. Half of the Japanese anti-Japanese outposts were attacked by Japanese pirates, but none of the outposts were breached. . During the defense of the fort, 18 civilians were killed and 31 civilians were injured. They were all killed and injured by Japanese pirates' bows, arrows and firecrackers. Of course, the Japanese pirates also paid the price of more than ten casualties. However, due to the situation last night, all the dead and injured Japanese pirates were taken away by the Japanese pirates, and no gains were made.

Not long after, Zhu Pingan also received news from Taiping County and other places.

Taiping County was seriously damaged last night. The Taiping County town was once again invaded by Japanese pirates. Even the Taiping County government office was burned down by the Japanese pirates. Most of the county government officials were killed or injured. The Taiping magistrate hid in a well and was lucky enough to escape. Tribulation. Taiping County was like this, not to mention the towns. The Japanese pirates were like locusts passing through, looting all the towns they passed through. The people suffered heavy casualties, and only those remote towns escaped.

In addition to Taiping County, Ninghai County and Tiantai County were also captured by Japanese pirates. Tiantai County survived a group of Japanese pirates from Jiangmen Master last time, but this time it was taken care of by the Japanese pirates, and the damage was even worse than that of Taiping County. The temple-protecting monks from Wolong Temple and Wuzutan Temple received the news and rushed to rescue Tiantai County. They were ambushed by Japanese pirates on the way. More than half of the monks died on the spot. Only a small half of the capable monks fought their way back to the temple in defeat. .

Although the remaining counties such as Linhai County and Huangyan County were not invaded by Japanese pirates, the towns and villages within their borders were also severely harmed by Japanese pirates. These counties were unable to protect themselves and were unable to drive away Japanese pirates. They could only watch helplessly as Japanese pirates killed people and set fires in Jingnan. The territory was filled with flames, and the miserable cries of the people could be heard endlessly.

In addition, Taizhou Fucheng was also attacked by Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates seized an iron cannon from somewhere and pulled it down outside the south gate of Taizhou Fucheng. In a show of force, they fired two cannons at the south gate, which destroyed a corner of the city gate tower and killed and injured sixty-seven people. , if the iron cannon hadn't exploded when the third shot was fired, I'm afraid the south gate of Taizhou Fucheng would have been in some danger.

It can be said that last night, the entire Taizhou Prefecture was devastated by Japanese pirates. Only Jingnan County was spared.

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