Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1341 Simple Settlement

Zhu Ping'an was led by Chu Xiong and walked along the boulevard. Not far after passing the archives building, he saw a five-bay, two-veranda horizontal hall. The main hall is a standard old-style official building, with a tall and steady structure. It consists of a front hall and a back hall, connected by a patio and a corridor in the middle, just like the word "work".

Chuxiong was too fat. After walking this distance, Zhu Pingan deliberately slowed down and he started to pant.

Perhaps, he was not only fat, but also a little weak. Zhu Pingan silently put another label on Chu Xiong.

"Ahem. Little brother Zhu, this is where our official office is. This is the front hall, which is five rooms wide. It is mainly used for foreign affairs. Our daily official business is in the back hall. Behind it is the inner residence, which is for little brother Zhu. An independent hall has been reserved so that little brother Zhu can accommodate his family members through the side door later. Come on, I will take you inside to meet Mr. Nedai first."

The two of them walked to the main hall. Chu Xiong supported his waist with his hands and gasped twice, and then said to Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Ping'an naturally followed the good and followed the flow.

"Where are we, Mr. Tai?" Chu Xiong thought about his words on the way and reminded him intentionally.

"Brother Chu, please give me some advice." Zhu Pingan said with cupped hands.

"Our Lord Nie Tai is the most simple person. When we meet Lord Nie Tai later, little brother Zhu, don't be too surprised." Chu Xiong reminded.

"Thank you, Brother Chu, for reminding me." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him, feeling a little strange in his heart. Can Mr. Tai Tai be so simple as to be surprising? !

When he met the Jiangsu and Zhejiang prosecutors, Zhu Pingan understood why Chu Xiong specifically reminded him.

The prosecutor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province was a thin old man, who even felt a little frail. His figure was at the opposite end of the spectrum from that of Chu Xiong. Sure enough, it was as Chu Xiong said, simple, too simple. Not only was the official uniform he wore starched and faded, but even the cuffs had two patches.

When Zhu Ping'an came in to pay his respects, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Inspector was having lunch. He must have been busy with official duties and missed the meal, because he was browsing the file in one hand and enjoying lunch in the other.

Lunch is also extremely simple, just a stack of steamed buns, a stack of pickled vegetables, and a bowl of boiled water.

Although it was simple, the inspector ate with gusto while reading the files. Even Zhu Ping'an and the others did not notice that they had come in. Even when the crumbs of steamed bread were scattered on the table, the inspector was extremely skillful and reached out to pick them up from the table. I put it in my mouth without feeling disgusted, and the whole set of movements was done smoothly and smoothly. You can tell by looking at it that you often do this.

No wonder Chu Xiong reminded himself not to be surprised.

It's no wonder that as a third-rank official who is responsible for punishment, he lives such a simple life.

"In Taiwan, the new Chief Minister Zhu Pingan is here to report." After Chu Xiong led Zhu Pingan in, he stepped forward and said.

"Oh, our No. 1 Scholar has finally arrived. Yes, yes, our government office is short of young people." The inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang came to his senses from the files and lunch, put down the files with one hand, put down the steamed buns from his sleeves, He took out a handkerchief with a sense of age and vicissitudes and wiped his mouth. He looked up at Zhu Pingan with a smile and said with a kind face.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Pingan, pays homage to Mr. Nitai." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands and bowed. After the ceremony, he presented a name card and official documents with both hands, and then stood aside respectfully like a junior student meeting his teacher.

"No gifts, no gifts, please sit down if you are safe. Wan Cheng, please sit down as well. Why are you so polite to me?"

The Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspector pointed to the chair opposite and said to Zhu Pingan and Zhu Pingan with a smile.

"Late Bloom" is Chu Xiong's word, taken from the word "late bloomer". Chu Xiong was born in a family of officials. He was given high hopes by his family since childhood, but he never excelled until he was over 30 years old, and he relied on his family's favor to enter his career. In order to improve his luck, his family changed his surname to "Late Bloom", hoping that he would be a late bloomer. It's a coincidence that after Chu Xiong entered his official career, he was taken care of by his family and relatives. He really lived up to the word "late bloomer". When he was approaching fifty, he was promoted to the status of a fifth-rank official.

"Hey, let's chat with Ping'an in Taiwan, and I won't bother you anymore. I'll come back to bother you some other time."

Chu Xiong smiled and excused himself.

"That's fine. Oh, by the way, Wan Cheng, please remember to inform the public kitchen to cook two more dishes tonight. Let's work together for safety." Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors nodded with a smile and ordered Chu Xiong.

"Your Majesty, take your orders." Chu Xiong accepted his orders, said goodbye and left.

"Where is Ping An from? How many people are in his family? What is his cousin's name? Have you ever been married?"

The Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors asked about Zhu Ping'an's basic situation as if they were chatting.

"Returning to the report, Ping'an is a surname from Xiahe Village, Huaining County, Anqing Prefecture. There are two brothers in the family, and the elder brother is married. Ping'an's surname is 'Zihou'. He was a matchmaker at the order of his parents, and he is also married."

Zhu Pingan reported back one by one.

After learning that Zhu Ping'an was married, the Inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang said with some pity, "I have a niece who is 28 years old. She is beautiful and intelligent, gentle and virtuous, and she is waiting for her husband. Zihou is young and promising. A good match. I originally wanted to be a month-old man, but I never thought it would be too late. Time is also destiny."

"Thank you very much for showing me your love. A mediocre and rural person should not be 'promising at a young age' and not a 'good match'. It is also my niece's blessing that I am not destined to be with you. My niece is beautiful, intelligent, gentle and virtuous. I will definitely You can find a good match.”

Zhu Ping'an replied humbly, expressing his gratitude for Nie Tai's appreciation.

"Zihou doesn't need to be modest. He's already a fifth-grade minister before he's old enough. If he can't be called a young man, we'll just hang ourselves on the southeastern branch. Fate can't be forced, so Zihou doesn't need to care. "The Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors waved their hands, and the matchmaking was over.

"You are as open-minded as you are in Taiwan." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and said.

"Zihou has made great achievements at a young age. He should be full of vigor and vitality, and there is no need for these stale officialdom."

The inspector of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you for your teachings." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him.

"It's not a lesson, it's just some feelings from people who have been here." The Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors smiled, and then continued, "Zi Hou, you came at the right time. During this reception banquet, you can get to know your colleagues in the government one by one. If you had come a month earlier, you would have only Only the old man and Deputy Envoy Jiang could be seen. The rest, such as Chu Xiong and others, all went to Zhejiang, Haiyou, Zhejiang, Jinhua and other roads in February to treat them separately. It was not until October that they were separated from their respective roads. Return to the official office. They have only come back not long ago. We, the official office people, have only gathered together in the past two or three months. If we miss it, we can only wait until next year."

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