Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1342 Reorganizing the Army

"Currently, our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Division has jurisdiction over four sub-inspection routes: East Zhejiang, Haiyou, Zhejiang and Jinhua. Due to the special status of Southern Zhili, it does not have a Prosecution and Prosecution Division and a Chief Envoy Division. Each sub-inspection route within the territory is managed by the adjacent Chief Envoys' Department and the Provincial Envoys' Department. Our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Envoys and Procurators' Envoys are in charge of one of them. Our two deputy envoys and three ministers each receive one sub-inspection route. , with just the right manpower, it was originally the responsibility of Nan Zihou, but now there is no need to worry. Currently, the Japanese invaders in the south of the Yangtze River are infested with Japanese invaders, and the responsibility for preventing Japanese invaders is heavy. Judging from the reality of these years, the Weisuo army has long been unable to be used. Facing the raging The Japanese pirates had almost no success to speak of. The imperial court was extremely disappointed with the guards, so it specially appointed deputy envoys or ministers who originally had the ability to "concurrently supervise the prefectural guards" to lead the militia to help prevent Japanese pirates. Zihou, you will have The imperial edict specially issued by the imperial court to "rectify the military preparations" has the power to command the troops. In the future, Zihou will be responsible for the military preparations of our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Tiexingbucha Divisions. I hope Zihou will carry forward Jingnan's achievements and make persistent efforts to prepare for this preparation. Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which are bullied by Japanese pirates, do their part.”

In the end, Nie Tai made arrangements for Zhu Pingan's responsibilities and handed over the military equipment in Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Zhu Pingan.

This was within Zhu Pingan's expectations and what Zhu Pingan hoped for, so Zhu Pingan happily accepted the position.

"I will do my best to live up to the expectations of the official." Zhu Pingan accepted the order and expressed his stance.

"Good!" Zeng Tai nodded with satisfaction, then picked up the teacup on the side and took a sip.

The ancients had an implicit rule of serving tea to see off guests, and besides, the visit had just interrupted Zhentai's lunch, and they had been chatting for so long. If we didn't eat, Zhentai's lunch would probably be cold, so Zhu Ping'an wisely said goodbye and left.

Next, Zhu Pingan was led by Chu Xiong to visit the two deputy envoys of the government office and two other ministers.

After going around, Zhu Pingan had a brief understanding of the leadership of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Criminal Investigation Department.

Mr. Jitai is also the envoy to the inspection. His surname is Zhang, his given name is Zijing, and his courtesy name is Jugang. He is fifty-eight this year and his ancestral home is Hunan. Zhu Pingan's first impression of him was that he was simple, kind and responsible for his work.

The two deputy envoys, one named Hu Jin, also named Tongda, is fifty-five years old this year and his ancestral home is Henan; the other is named Bai Jinhu, also named Jincheng, he is 61 years old this year and his ancestral home is Lingnan. Due to the short visit time, Zhu Ping'an did not have a deep impression on them. Hu Jin was more indifferent, and Bai Jinhu was more worldly.

Apart from Chu Xiong, the other two ministers are Zhang Chufeng who is forty-five and Zhuo Yan who is forty-eight. Zhang Chufeng is somewhat similar to Zhang Juzheng, with spotless clothes and elegant and handsome appearance; Zhuo Yan is the opposite. Zhuo Yan is of medium build, not only has his face a bit paralyzed, but also has a somewhat fierce look.

This is Zhu Pingan's impression of his colleagues in the future.

"Brother Zhu, let's go. Big brother will take you around our official office to familiarize yourself with the environment." Chu Xiong said with enthusiasm after leading Zhu Ping'an around, drinking a cup of tea, and taking a short rest.

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask my ears." Zhu Ping'an nodded.

Next, Chu Xiong took Zhu Pingan to browse and introduce the government office, while briefly introducing the people and things in the government office to Zhu Pingan. Of course, all the introductions are superficial and superficial, and the deeper aspects are not covered.

The four official offices of Jiangsu and Zhejiang inspectors really exceeded Zhu Ping'an's expectations. They not only had the majesty of official uniforms, but also were comfortable. The outer hall was built full of high official majesty, while the inside, especially the back house, was built like a garden, or in other words It is built according to the standards of a garden, with wonderful winding paths, beautiful landscape pavilions and corridors, artificial lakes and rockery pavilions, and so on. The independent hall where Zhu Ping'an was divided was actually a small garden. In the courtyard, there was a small pool of clear water, a small bridge and flowing water, a small pavilion with flying eaves, green bamboos and green trees, and a corridor with beauties connecting it. It was used as the official's inner residence. Zhu Ping'an all It feels luxurious.

"How is our official office, Zi Houjue?" Chu Xiong asked with a smile after leading Zhu Ping'an to browse the official offices of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorates.

"High, big, up" Zhu Pingan replied

When Chu Xiong heard this, he couldn't help but be startled. What do you mean by being tall? ! Zhu Ping'an realized that he was not a modern person and could not understand these three words, so he explained, "high-end, grand, and upscale."

"Haha, high-end, classy, ​​classy, ​​seconds!" After hearing Zhu Ping'an's explanation, Chu Xiong couldn't help but smile and extend his thumb, "Brother Zhu deserves to be the number one scholar, these three words are brilliant!"

"Brother Chu, thank you very much." Zhu Pingan said modestly.

"As far as the environment is concerned, there are few yamen in Jiangnan that are better than our Jiangsu and Zhejiang Public Security Bureau."

Chu Xiong said confidently.

Zhu Ping'an nodded, not doubting Chu Xiong's words, because the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Anchasi Yamen was indeed the first among the yamen he had seen. Generally speaking, yamen are more dated, or shabby, like the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Anchasi Yamen. Luxurious yamen are rare among yamen.

"Brother Zhu, in fact, we all should be grateful to the person who took office - Mr. Wang Sixiao Wang. The Yamen we live in now was built by Mr. Wang after he took office." Chu Xiong said with emotion.

"Where is Mr. Wang now?" Zhu Pingan nodded and asked.

"Ahem, Master Wang is in the capital now." Chu Xiong coughed and pointed to the north.

"Master Wang has been promoted to the capital? When I was in the capital."

Zhu Ping'an said slowly while thinking about the person named Wang who could correspond to the number in the capital.

The Inspector is a third-rank official. If he is promoted to the capital, he must be at least a third-rank official of the same level. Capital officials are half a rank higher than local officials. The ministers of the six departments are of the third rank, and the deputy imperial envoys of the Inspectorate are also of the third rank. The highest rank of the six subjects is the seventh rank, which is too low. The rank of the principals of the five temples is also the third rank, which is too low. The most likely ones are the Six Ministries and the Inspectorate. When Zhu Ping'an was in the capital, he had more dealings with the Six Ministries and the Inspectorate when he was on duty at the Hanlin Academy and Wuyi Palace. The adults really have no impression at all, which is a bit inappropriate.

"Ahem, I'm not going to Beijing for a high promotion, but I'm squatting in a prison in the capital." Chu Xiong coughed again.

ha? !

Squatting in the sky jail? !

Zhu Ping'an was startled when he heard this, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. No wonder he had no impression of him. He was squatting in the sky prison.

"Why?" Zhu Ping'an was about to ask why, when he suddenly looked at Chu Xiong with a clear understanding and asked tentatively, "Master Wang, is he good at repairing official offices?"

Since ancient times, there has been a folk proverb that "officials do not repair the yamen, and guests do not repair the shops." First, because he is an official for only a few years and is just a passerby, he naturally does not need to bother to repair the yamen for the next official; second, because of clean government, in the old days To build a government office, it is inevitable to waste people and money. Recruiting or recruiting people's power can easily lead to criticism; the third is authority, which is also the most important. You can't build a government office if you want. First, the court has strict regulations on all levels of government offices and does not allow it. Transgression means that local officials have no right to use financial funds to build yamen without permission. They must report to the court for instructions. Only after obtaining permission can they build yamen within the permitted scope.

Those who are good at repairing the yamen will be demoted in the light case and sent to jail in the serious case.

Therefore, in ancient times, it was rare to see such super-standard office buildings as in modern places.

That's why Zhu Ping'an believed that Mr. Wang was thrown into the sky prison most likely because he was good at repairing official offices.

"Ahem, it's not considered good at repair. Lord Wang reported to the court before repairing the official office, and repaired it only after getting approval." Chu Xiong coughed and said, seeing Zhu Ping'an's burning eyes, he continued, "But Lord Wang The application was for 50,000 guan, but the court only approved 6,000 guan.”

Zhu Pingan suddenly understood.

6,000 guan can't build such a high-end official office. This amount of money is only enough to repair one door at most. Not even 50,000 guan can build such a grand official office.

This is no different from being good at repairing an official office. It is even more guilty of deceiving the superiors and bullying the subordinates. In addition, Mr. Wang, as the sentencing inspector who is responsible for checking and supervising, is even more guilty of knowing the law and breaking the law. He is punished by one level. It’s not surprising to go to Tianjian.

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