Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1343 How about exchanging positions?

In the evening, Zhu Ping'an arranged for Hua'er and others and set off to attend the reception banquet organized by Mr. Zhang in Taitai. Hua'er and Yaonv Ruonan lived in the independent pavilion assigned to Zhu Ping'an in the inner building of the government office. Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others lived with the six-room officials. Since Liu Mu and the others were military attachés, each of them They all have private rooms, and the living environment is many times better than that of Jingnan County Government Office.

"Ahem, little brother Zhu, we are the most simple-minded people in Taiwan. The reception banquet may seem shabby, but little brother Zhu, don't mind it. After the banquet, we will welcome you again at the Xiyao Building." Chu Xiong specially made a special effort on the way. Waiting for Zhu Pingan, he said to Zhu Pingan, and winked when he mentioned Slim Waist Tower.

"Brother Chu is overly worried. He was born in a rural area in Ping'an and has no pursuit or care about food and drink."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile that this is the truth. Although he likes food, he is not picky about food.

The King of Chu had such a thin waist that many people died of starvation in the palace.

The thin waist building that Chu Xiong mentioned? ! Why doesn't the name sound like a good place? ! Zhu Pingan cursed in his heart.

And who do we deserve, as Chu Xiong said? Anyone else besides Mr. Nedai?

At Youshi, the official kitchen was set up, and the banquet started on time. Only the official officials of the government office attended the reception banquet, and there were no staff members. Zhu Ping'an consciously sat at the last table.

Braised fried tofu, tofu mixed with shallots, fried peanuts, scrambled eggs with leeks, cold folded ear root, dry-fried small yellow croaker, sour bamboo shoots and pork chowder, spinach and egg soup, six dishes and one soup plus two large jars of wine.

After the dishes were served, Chu Xiong gave Zhu Pingan a very shabby look, and sincerely felt that he was wise for having prepared a backup plan in advance. Then he winked at Zhu Pingan and mouthed "Slim Waist Tower".

Shabby? !

No, that's not the case. Although the six dishes and one soup are not delicacies, they can't be called shabby either. Perhaps for officials, such a banquet is simple and homely, but for most ordinary people, such six dishes and one soup are already the standard for New Year's Eve dinner, which is very sumptuous.

Zhu Ping'an was born in the countryside and knows that life is not easy for ordinary people. Officials are living off the people's salary. If officials were simpler, the burden on the people would be relatively lighter. Not only did Zhu Pingan not mind the banquet, but he also supported it from the bottom of his heart.

If today's Jie Feng Banquet was a table full of abalone and sea cucumbers, Zhu Pingan would probably be uneasy and find it hard to swallow. However, with such a homely Jie Feng Banquet, Zhu Pingan felt at ease and ate with gusto. Even Chu Xiong who was eating behind him looked at Zhu Pingan. Ping An's eyes were full of sympathy. Alas, little brother Zhu has worked really hard for you in order to leave a good impression on Mr. Zhitai. Brother Zhu will definitely make it up to you in the Xiyao Building later.

"Haha, today is the day when Zi Hou takes office. He made an exception and served a few extra dishes that exceeded the standard. The kitchen owner put the account on my head and deducted it from my salary later." After the food was served, Mr. Taitai picked up the food. The wine glass said, "Come, let's drink this cup together. Welcome Zihou to join the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Criminal Investigation Department, and work with us to move forward."

"Thank you for coming to the stage." Zhu Pingan held up the wine glass with both hands and thanked him.

"Haha, today we are also following Zi Hou's example. Not only did we eat a few more dishes, but the most important thing is that we finally drank the rice wine brewed by Master Nitai." Chu Xiong and others raised their glasses together and said with a smile.

Only then did Zhu Ping'an know that the two jars of wine at the banquet were rice wine brewed by Mr. Tai's family.

"Zi Hou, don't you know that this rice wine was brewed by Mrs. Jitai herself? It is the only one in the world, and there is no other. As soon as the wine is opened, the entire government office can smell the strong aroma of the wine. It’s not an exaggeration. It can be said that ‘Yaochi rice wine has left the fragrance to all generations, and will be enjoyed by all generations.’ We have asked many times before, but Mr. Nitai was not willing to take it out. As soon as you came, Zihou, Mr. Nedai took the initiative to take it out. Come out, this face is not ordinary, Zihou, you need to drink a few more drinks."

Chu Xiong raised his wine glass and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

"No, the new generation is really better than the old ones. We are all yesterday's flowers."

Deputy envoy Bai Jin joked with a smile.

The rest of the people followed suit, and the banquet suddenly became harmonious.

"You guys, you are so eccentric. You usually go to the Yamen, so you can't be greedy for drinks. Today is Zihou's reception banquet, so we will make an exception. There are enough bottles of wine, so you can drink freely. Later, I will ask my wife to brew a few more jars until the end of the year. Each of you will receive an altar."

Master Nie Tai pointed at Chu Xiong and others, shook his head in confusion, and made a promise to everyone.

"Thank you, Lord Nitai." Chu Xiong and others were overjoyed.

After speaking, everyone raised their glasses together and drank it all in one gulp. After Zhu Pingan drank it, he thought about it for a while. Although this rice wine was not as exaggerated as Chu Xiong and others said, it did taste good. There was a sweet taste lingering on the tip of his tongue when he drank it.

Mr. Tai put down his wine glass, and the two deputy envoys each brought another glass of wine to express their welcome to Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Pingan expressed his gratitude one by one.

Next, everyone came and went, and soon the jar of rice wine was empty.

"The origins of our punishment and punishment department can be traced back to the old system of the previous dynasty. After the Pseudo-Yuan Dynasty established the "Jianchasi Patrol Prefecture and County Law", the system of inspections and inspections by officials was first formed. When our dynasty was first established, only in each province The Division of Punishment and Punishment was established, but there was no sub-division of Punishment and Punishment. It was not until the 14th year of Hongwu that the "Juncha Branch" was established. At that time, in addition to Zhili, our dynasty had 12 bureaus for Punishment and Punishment, with a total of There were fifty-three branches. At that time, the branches did not cover all prefectures. For example, we in Jiangsu and Zhejiang had four branches: Ningshao, Wentai, Jinchu, and Yanqu, all of which belonged to the eastern Zhejiang region. Hangzhou, West Zhejiang, and The three prefectures of Huzhou and Jiaxing did not set up branch divisions. Later, in view of the inadequacy of many places visited by the inspection divisions, adjustments were made. Now we have four roads in Zhejiang and Zhejiang: East Zhejiang, Haiyou, Zhejiang and Jinhua, and three in west Zhejiang. This includes all the prefectures. In addition to a sub-inspection road in South Zhili, our official office is responsible for a total of five sub-inspection roads.

In the afternoon, I told Zihou that now our official office has two deputy envoys and three ministers, each with a patrol. After Zihou arrived, he took charge of the military preparations of our official office, led the militia, and helped prevent Japanese pirates. The issue of military preparation is of great importance, and everyone here must give your full support to Zihou. "

Mr. Nian Tai announced Zhu Pingan's appointment to everyone at the banquet and urged everyone to support Zhu Pingan.

"Natural." Everyone said unanimously.

"Actually, Zihou's full-time military equipment is quite good. We are assigned to patrol the roads, but there are actually quite a few constraints. Originally, the local rectification of official corruption, criminal charges, and litigation were all handled by the prosecutor's office. We have the power of the prosecutor's office to independently exercise supervision, etc. Functions and powers. The patrol censorship is not permanent, and even if it is established, it is only the same as the duties of our sub-inspection road. However, the current patrol censorship is normalized, coupled with the "Constitution" promulgated by our court, our sub-inspection road is not only The power of supervision has been greatly weakened. In fact, the inspection censor has become the immediate superior of our sub-inspection department. Our sub-inspection department has become the accompanying officer of the inspection censor. Matters concerning the inspection department must be reported directly to the inspection department. The censor will make a detailed report and wait for the approval of the inspector. Nowadays, many people are laughing at us, and we should simply remove the word "jiancha" and just call it "the punishment department"."

Zhang Chufeng complained bitterly to Zhu Pingan.

"Haha, why don't Brother Zhang and Brother Zhu exchange positions?" Chu Xiong said with a smile.

"Ahem, Fatty Chu, why don't you swap with Zi Hou?!" Zhang Chufeng choked on his drink.

"Haha, do you think I can manage troops with my body?" Chu Xiong asked with a smile.

"You might as well say you're afraid of death." Zhang Chufeng retorted.

"Well, the matter of responsibilities is of great importance and will be decided by the court. You can't just change it at your request."

Lord Nedai glanced at them and stopped the two of them.

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