Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1346 The arrangements are clear

"Brother-in-law Tuwu, please save me quickly. My father wants to wash me. If you hadn't come just now, he would have continued to beat me. Oooh, it hurts all the time. Look at my hands, they are all covered My dad is so whipped that he can’t even hold my favorite chicken drumstick."

When the naughty boy Rui Geer saw Zhu Pingan, his chubby face suddenly looked like he had discovered a savior. He excitedly asked Zhu Pingan for help. While asking for help, he also showed Zhu Pingan his chubby hands that were red with canes.

Well, it's true that the naughty boy's chubby hands were severely beaten, and there were even some blood stains on them.

Next to the naughty child is a desk with a set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone, a piece of rice paper with dry ink, three volumes of books and a plate, with a braised chicken leg rolled out of the plate. The naughty boy said just now that he couldn't even hold his favorite chicken drumstick. He probably reached out to pick up the drumstick just now, but because the palm of his hand was drawn red, he couldn't hold it because of the pain and dropped it on the table.

This naughty kid is really big-hearted, and his focus is really weird. At this time, what he is thinking about is chicken legs. Aren't you looking for trouble? ! When Zhu Pingan heard this, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Sure enough, the naughty boy had just finished speaking, and before Zhu Ping'an had time to plead for him, he heard the roar of the Marquis of Linhuai.

"Chicken legs, chicken drumsticks, you just know how to eat and eat every day without learning anything. Look how fat you have become?!"

Although Zhu Ping'an was present, Linhuai Marquis could not control his emotions because of the naughty boy's chicken legs. He couldn't help but roar, sharpen his knife, no, he held a cane at the naughty boy.

"Fifth brother-in-law, help!" The naughty boy had a strong desire to survive. He shouted for help while hiding behind Zhu Pingan.

Although Brother Rui, the naughty boy, sometimes makes people want to rub him with their hands and feet, rulers, rattans, etc., but this time Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu rubbed him a little too hard.

Therefore, while Zhu Pingan stretched out his arms to protect the naughty child, he pleaded with Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu for the naughty child, "Uncle, please be merciful. Brother Rui is still young, and sometimes he is not sensible. A small punishment is enough. I think he I know I was wrong, uncle, just let Brother Rui go this time."

It is estimated that the naughty kid made a big mistake. Although Zhu Pingan begged for mercy, Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu had no intention of putting down the cane. He stood in front of Zhu Pingan, wrapped the cane around his palm, and said breathlessly, " Zihou, you don’t know that this kid is uneducated and has no skills all day long. He only knows how to eat, sleep, and play all day long. Three teachers who were hired with a lot of money were pissed off. Look at him, he is more knowledgeable. I’m not getting any better, my weight keeps going up.”

"Ahem, uncle." Zhu Ping'an was about to persuade Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu again when he heard the naughty child muttering behind him, "Dad, how fat have I become? I'm far behind you, dad."

The naughty boy's words once again succeeded in making Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu so angry that he lost control and ran away. If Zhu Ping'an hadn't protected him in that posture, the Linhuai Marquis would have been able to hang the naughty boy up and beat him.

"Ahem, uncle, Brother Rui is still young. Although he is a bit playful, Brother Rui is smart and can be educated slowly. He is still a pillar of talent." Zhu Pingan changed his perspective and comforted Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu.

"Smart?! Good nephew."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu's face suddenly became constipated, as if he had a deep secret.

Zhu Ping'an was startled when he saw this. Although he said that the naughty kid was smart, it was a bit contrary to his own wishes, but it wasn't like that, right? !

"Smart?! Alas, my dear nephew, you don't know something. That's why I taught this scoundrel today."

Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu became emotional as he spoke, pointing at the naughty boy Rui Geer with trembling fingers.

Ah ha, it’s time to get to the point. Zhu Ping’an is all ears.

At this moment, the naughty boy in question had a fat face and looked innocent. This look made the Marquis of Linhuai angry again.

"It's precisely because this scoundrel is a rotten tree that cannot be carved into stone." Linhuai Marquis Wu Zi said angrily.

"Uncle, isn't it true?! I have taught Brother Rui a lesson, but he is not as unbearable as uncle said."

Zhu Pingan said softly.

"That's right, the fifth brother-in-law is right, I am not Kuchiki." Brother Rui said with a smile on his face.

"Shut up! If you say you're fat, you'll be out of breath!" Marquis Linhuai said angrily.

Although the naughty kid shut up obediently, his little fat face was tilted up at a 45-degree angle.

"My dear nephew, you still call him smart?! The teacher has already started to explain "Chen Qing Biao" to him ten days ago. Today I tested his homework. The first few sentences made me so angry that I almost wanted to vomit blood."

As soon as Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, mentioned the difficult homework for children, he couldn't help complaining about Zhu Ping'an.

As a graduate student in ancient Chinese literature, Zhu Ping'an is very familiar with "Chen Qing Biao". This is a memorial written by Li Mi, a litterateur during the Three Kingdoms and Jin Dynasties, to Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty. The words are sincere, full of true feelings, and the filial piety can be seen in every word. This article has been recognized It is one of the representative works of lyrical prose in the history of Chinese literature. Just as "The Deer and the Cauldron" has the praise "If you have never seen Chen Jinnan in your life, it would be in vain to call him a hero", "Chen Qing Biao" also has the praise "If you don't shed tears when reading Zhuge Liang's "Chen Qing Biao", you will be unfaithful, and if you don't shed tears when reading Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao", you will be unfilial." praise. Teaching "Chen Qing Biao" to cultivate children's filial piety is really the best choice.

It is estimated that the Marquis of Linhuai compared the homework of the naughty boy in the examination, on the one hand, to see how well he mastered the subjects, and on the other hand, to see if the naughty boy had improved in filial piety after learning "Chen Qing Biao".

It seemed that the Marquis of Linhuai was not just disappointed, Zhu Pingan understood something in his heart when he saw this.

"I tried to reconcile with him, 'It's six months since the baby was born, and the loving father betrayed him'? Nephew, do you know how he responded?!"

Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu said to Zhu Ping'an with some emotion. It is estimated that what the naughty boy explained at that time was so outrageous that he still has difficulty controlling his emotions when he mentions this sentence now.

Zhu Ping'an looked up at the naughty kid.

"This sentence says, 'My kind father passed away six months after I was born.' I even wrote it out."

The naughty kid raised his fat face and replied, the confidence on his face was beyond words.

This sentence is not difficult at all. There is nothing wrong with the naughty boy's translation. It is quite accurate.

Zhu Ping'an looked at Linhuai Marquis in confusion upon hearing this.

"You still have the nerve to say that! Zihou, look at what he wrote."

Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu excitedly picked up the rice paper on the table, pointed to the words on it and said to Zhu Pingan.

So angry, what did the naughty kid write? !

Zhu Ping'an looked at the rice paper curiously, and almost choked to death on the spot without a mouthful of saliva.

On the rice paper, it was written in black and white: "My kind father was castrated six months after I was born."

Get rid of "power"? !

You are such a talented mother-in-law. You directly arranged for your father to be a eunuch in the palace.

Only then did Zhu Pingan understand that no wonder the Marquis of Linhuai was so excited, so angry, and so out of control.

Originally, I wanted to see how you were with your homework and filial piety, but it turned out that not only did you make a typo, but you also made it clear that your father had arranged for you to be castrated and entered the palace. How can the Marquis of Linhuai not be angry!

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