Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1350 Believe in yourself and follow your feelings

"Come, brother Rui, time is precious. My brother-in-law will start tutoring you now. Brother-in-law will give you a question first. The so-called good beginning and good ending. My uncle tested the opening sentence of your "Chen Qing Biao" this morning. So tonight It is very likely that my uncle will test the final sentence of your "Chen Qing Biao", which is the sentence: 'I will die when I am alive, and I will weave grass when I die. I am overwhelmed by the fear of dogs and horses, and I would like to pay my respects to listen to it.'"

At the desk, Zhu Ping'an sat next to the naughty boy Rui Geer, opened the book, and said with a gentle and elegant look.

"Well, there's a good beginning and a good end. My brother-in-law is right. My dad likes to pick the beginning and the end to test me."

The naughty kid couldn't help but nodded vigorously when he thought that his father had done this before, agreeing with Zhu Pingan's words.

"'If you are born, your head will fall, and if you die, you will be weeded. I cannot bear the fear of dogs and horses, so I would like to pay homage to you.' What is the meaning of this sentence?"

Zhu Ping'an looked at the naughty boy with a smile and asked.

The naughty boy shook his head and replied sincerely, "Brother-in-law, I didn't listen carefully in class, so I don't know what it means."

"No, you know." Zhu Ping'an put a hand on the naughty child's head and touched it gently, seductively.

"I know?" The naughty boy was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, you know." Zhu Pingan nodded, then looked at the naughty boy seriously and said, "Brother Rui, you are very smart. These sentences are not difficult. You have to believe in yourself and follow your feelings boldly."

"Well, brother-in-law, you are really right. I also think I am very smart." The naughty boy nodded without blushing.

"So, you have to believe in yourself and just follow your feelings." Zhu Pingan said seductively.

"Believe in yourself and follow your feelings." The naughty boy repeated it, deeply convinced.

"Come, let's read this sentence again. Sir, what do you mean?" Zhu Pingan asked encouragingly.

"Me." The naughty boy replied.

"Correct, Brother Rui is really smart." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly.

"Haha, you're not that good." The naughty boy raised his head at a 45-degree angle and smiled like a bulldog.

"Sheng, what do you mean?" Zhu Pingan asked next.

"Alive." The naughty boy replied without hesitation.

"That's right, what about 'dang'?" Zhu Ping'an encouraged the naughty boy and then asked.

"It should be." The naughty boy blurted out with a confident face, very proud of his quick answer.

"Where is 'Mei'?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"Meteor? What does 'meteor' mean?" The naughty kid was stuck, and couldn't remember what "meteor" meant.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand the meaning. Think of words related to death, such as fall."

Zhu Ping'an is earnest and good at tempting.

"Falling." The naughty kid slapped the seeds on his head, "Falling means falling."

"That's right, Brother Rui is awesome." Zhu Ping'an encouraged with a smile, praising him so much that the naughty boy couldn't find his answer.

In this way, Zhu Pingan took this sentence apart word by word and guided the naughty child to translate.

"Then, let's connect all the words together, 'When I am born, I will be killed, and when I die, I will be weeded. I am overwhelmed by the fear of dogs and horses, and I would like to pay homage to you.' What does it mean?" Zhu Ping'an looked at the bear encouragingly. the child asked.

"I should lose my head when I am alive, and I should bale straw when I die. I have a fearful expression that is worse than that of a dog or a horse. I carefully wrote a statement for you to hear," the naughty boy translated with Zhu Pingan's encouragement.

"That's right, Brother Rui, you did it." Zhu Ping'an gave the naughty boy a thumbs up with satisfaction.

"It's not difficult at all." The naughty kid was so stinky.

"Remember the key points, believe in yourself, and follow your feelings. Let's continue. Uncle will definitely not just test your homework by asking one question, but will definitely test several questions in succession. Brother Rui, you have learned all this period. What kind of homework are you doing? Brother-in-law and you will have some urgent tutoring." Zhu Ping'an said to the naughty boy gently.

The Marquis of Linhuai was so angry at the naughty kid at the dinner table today that he almost vomited blood. He will definitely try to beat the naughty kid tonight to vent his anger. Zhu Pingan estimated that there will be no end to his anger without seven or eight questions.

Of course, although the naughty kid will get a beating, it will allow your father to vent his anger smoothly. Besides, I am doing this for your own good. I believe that after today, the naughty kid will never make these mistakes again.

"Brother-in-law, you see, since I was brought to this poor place by my father, I have been forced to learn this "Meng" in the Book of Songs, this "Shi Shuo", and this "Horse Shuo", and also There is this article "Harmony between Generals and Prime Ministers"."

The naughty boy opened the book and said to Zhu Ping'an while flipping through it. His words were full of accusations against the Marquis of Linhuai.

"Okay, then let's start with the chapter "Meng" in the Book of Songs. Let's start from the first sentence, 'The gangsters are holding cloth and trading silk. When bandits come to trade silk, they come to seek my help.'"

Zhu Ping'an was very serious and responsible. He didn't even take a sip of tea and raced against time to help the naughty child with tutoring.

"Brother-in-law, you are so kind." The naughty boy raised his fat face in feeling, "I won't call you a country bumpkin anymore."

"Be good, you will thank me even more in the future." Zhu Pingan rubbed the naughty child's head and said meaningfully.

What a scene of deep affection between brother-in-law and brother-in-law.

"Let's continue. What does 'gang' mean?" Zhu Ping'an continued to tutor the naughty child.

"I don't know what it means." The naughty boy shook his fat face.

"Remember what my brother-in-law just taught you, believe in yourself and follow your feelings." Zhu Ping'an said seductively.

"Rogue?" The naughty boy touched the back of his head.

"Correct." Zhu Pingan reluctantly nodded, and then continued, "What does 'zhi' mean?"

"Yes." The naughty boy replied.

"Well, what about 'Chi'?" Zhu Pingan continued to ask.

The naughty kid shook his fat face.

"Remember what I just said," Zhu Pingan said.

"Believe in yourself and follow your feelings." Even the naughty children learned to answer quickly.

Zhu Ping'an was greatly relieved, then looked at the naughty child, and once again said seductively, "I have said before, it doesn't matter if you don't understand the meaning, just think of the words related to it, and you can feel it right."

After being reminded by Zhu Pingan, the naughty child seemed to have suddenly opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, "'Chi'. Hmm?"

"Of course." Zhu Ping'an nodded, the naughty child's feeling was beyond his due date.

"Come on, let's continue." Like the previous sentence, Zhu Pingan opened it word by word and guided the naughty child.

"To put it all together, what does the phrase 'The gangsters come to trade silk with cloth in their arms. The bandits come to trade silk, and when they come, they come to me for help.' What does this sentence mean?"

Zhu Ping'an looked at the naughty kid expectantly, believing that the naughty kid would definitely give him a surprise.

"A gangster squeaked and held a piece of cloth in exchange for my silk. It turned out that the bandit not only wanted the silk, but also robbed me." Sure enough, the naughty boy lived up to Zhu Pingan's expectations and successfully translated it.

"Brother Purui, you did a great job." Zhu Pingan almost suffered internal injuries from the naughty boy's translation. He endured it, reached out and touched the naughty boy's head, and nodded approvingly.

In this way, Zhu Ping'an unexpectedly gave the naughty child some tutoring, and deeply poured "believe in yourself and follow your feelings" into the naughty child's mind, opening a new door for the naughty child.

"Brother-in-law, you will come to visit me often in the future."

When leaving, the naughty kid waved his fat paws wrapped in bandages, just like Mr. Fan Wei who bought a crutch.

"Remember the two principles my brother-in-law taught you today." Zhu Pingan turned around with a smile.

"'If you don't investigate, you have no right to speak.' 'Believe in yourself and follow your feelings.'" The naughty kid remembers it clearly.

Zhu Pingan nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left, hiding his merit and fame.

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