Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1351 The Horse Eater

It was already dark, and the moon and stars arrived as expected. The Marquis of Linhuai also kept his promise and came to test the naughty boy's homework again. In fact, testing the naughty boy's homework was not the purpose. He just wanted to beat the naughty boy. This brat has no control over his mouth and always yells about everything. Fortunately, it was Zihou this time. What if it was someone else? If he yelled at me again about marrying my aunt, wouldn't this be a lie? !

Give him a lesson, give him a good beating and give him a lesson, so that he can remember what he can and can't say.

This time he changed the props. Instead of a cane, he brought a board, a spanking board.

The naughty boy had been prepared for a long time. When he saw his father coming, he was not at all disappointed and even looked forward to it.

The Marquis of Linhuai didn't waste much time and started to check his homework directly, "I'm here to check your homework. As we say, start well and end well. I tested the beginning of your "Chen Qing Biao" this morning, so this time I will test the ending sentence. 'When I am born, my head will fall, and when I die, I will weave grass. I am overwhelmed by the fear of dogs and horses, so I would like to pay homage to you.' How do you understand it?"

Hearing what the Marquis of Linhuai said, the naughty kid's fat face suddenly became excited. At the same time, he was full of admiration for the fifth brother-in-law. The fifth brother-in-law was so awesome that he actually won the bet. He said that my father might be able to start and finish the test well. sentence, I didn’t expect that my father was really good at beginning and ending. The final sentence is really amazing.

Huh, I've already been prepared.

"Dad, listen carefully. 'When I am alive, my head will be lost, and when I die, I will be weeded. I am overwhelmed by the fear of dogs and horses, and I would like to express my gratitude to you.' This sentence means, 'I should lose my head when I am alive, and when I die, I will lose my head. I should go bundle the straw. With an expression of fear worse than that of a dog or a horse, I carefully wrote a note for you to hear."

The naughty kid raised his fat face confidently, held his head high, put his little chubby hands behind his back, and walked around on his short legs. While pacing, he spoke back, and he was very energetic. It was like Cao Zijian of the Three Kingdoms who wrote a poem in seven steps. a feeling of.

At first, the Marquis of Linhuai was overwhelmed by the naughty boy's aura, thinking that this brat was really good at it. But when he heard it later, he immediately laughed angrily. What this ignorant brat translated was bullshit. .

"I asked you to bundle the straw! I asked you to bundle the straw. It's just like a straw bale."

The Marquis of Linhuai immediately pushed the naughty boy down on the chair and hit him with two sticks. Of course, he held back his efforts. After all, he was his own son, so he would not be willing to do anything harsh.


The naughty boy was hit with a stick, and he immediately started to scream, his throat bubbling with snot.

"Dad, you just want to beat me, right?" After the naughty boy received two sticks, he raised his fat face with snot bubbled in his nose, and his little eyes were full of questions.

Damn it!

Was he discovered by the brat? ! Is this brat enlightened? ! I actually found out that I had ulterior motives.

When the Marquis of Linhuai heard this, his whole body trembled. It was not enough. After all, he had eaten more salt than the naughty child had eaten. His face did not change at all, "What are you talking about? I hope that my son will become a dragon, and I hate that iron cannot become steel!"

"Hmph, the fifth brother-in-law taught me the translation of this sentence. The fifth brother-in-law is the number one scholar, how could I be wrong? I did the right thing and you still beat me up, so you just want to beat me up, right?!" The naughty boy said It's like being possessed by Zhuge Liang.

"You are ignorant and incompetent, and you blame it on your brother-in-law! Your brother-in-law is a top scholar, how can he translate it like this?! You can make up excuses so perfunctorily without any care at all. I am really angry to death."

With that said, Marquis Linhuai pressed the naughty child on the chair again and gave him a lesson.

"Oh, it's really what my brother-in-law taught me," the naughty child's voice sounded on the chair.

"Oh, you kid still doesn't admit it."


After finishing this round of lessons, Marquis Linhuai pulled the naughty child up and said with a serious face, "You have been in Yingtian Mansion for such a long time, and you have learned a lot from several teachers. Today I will teach you again." I’ll draw a few to test you. If it’s like this again, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

"You take the test." Even though he was taught a lesson, the naughty boy's confidence remained unabated.

"Good boy! You've got the guts! It's up to your father! Then tell me about this "Teacher's Statement", what does the phrase 'sage impermanent teacher' mean?" Linhuai Marquis laughed angrily and casually Open the naughty kid's book, turn to the "Teacher's Statement", point to one of the sentences, and ask the naughty kid.

Um? ! Dad doesn’t test my opening sentence like before? ! My brother-in-law never taught me this sentence.

Moreover, I didn’t listen carefully to the homework, and I really didn’t know how to do it.

The naughty boy was stunned, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead. However, the naughty boy regained his confidence in the next second.

He remembered that his brother-in-law had taught him not to panic when encountering problems, but to believe in himself and follow his feelings.

Think about what my brother-in-law taught me, to take apart the words one by one and then combine them again. When I encounter a word I don’t know, I will think of related vocabulary.

So, after a few seconds, the naughty boy raised his fat face. His fat face was full of confidence, and he answered confidently, "'Sage Impermanence Master' said, 'No sage has a normal teacher.'"

"How did you explain just now?" The Marquis of Linhuai was startled when he heard this, and stared at the naughty boy in disbelief and asked.

‘Sage Impermanence Master’ means that sages don’t have normal teachers.” The naughty child repeated.

"No sage has a normal teacher?! I leave you without a normal teacher. I leave you without a normal teacher. How about I find you an abnormal, crazy teacher to satisfy you?"

The Marquis of Linhuai was stunned and angrily pressed the naughty child on the chair again and raised the stick in his hand.


When the naughty boy was suppressed on the chair again, he felt that his father just wanted to beat him even more intensely.

"What's the meaning of 'Those who eat horses don't know that they can eat thousands of miles' in "The Theory of Horses"?" Marquis Linhuai continued his examination.

My brother-in-law has never taught me anything, but don’t panic, trust yourself, and just follow your feelings.

“‘The person who eats a horse does not know that it can run a thousand miles and eats it’ means: the person who eats a horse does not know that it can run a thousand miles and eats it.”

After thinking for a moment, the naughty kid raised his head and explained.

"I tell you to eat, eat, eat, eat. Just eat!" Linhuai Marquis once again suppressed the naughty child on the chair and waved the stick.


The naughty boy's voice, like his confidence, is never false.

After the Marquis of Linhuai once again taught the naughty child a lesson, he felt a lot more relieved, and the anger in his stomach was almost gone. "I will take the last test for you as a father. I hope you will not disappoint me again."

"You still want to beat me up again?" The naughty boy raised his fat face and asked.

When the Marquis of Linhuai saw the naughty boy's appearance, he couldn't help but tighten his stick, feeling that it was necessary to give him one more question.

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