Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1358 Greasy Fatty

"Also, his private school has been open for more than half a month, and so far, he hasn't recruited a single child."

The old man had a good impression of Zhu Pingan, and he reminded him repeatedly for fear that Zhu Pingan would be deceived.

"Thank you, old man, for reminding me. I understand later." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and thanked the old man with his hands.

"This is worth thanking, as long as you know it in your mind." The old man waved his hand, bowed and left.

"Sir, this guy named Xu Wei doesn't seem to be very good," Liu Dadao said with a flat mouth.

"Haha, a unique genius cannot be measured by ordinary people's standards." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang are well-deserved wizards, and of course they are also a strange person. Wizards on the left, madmen on the right. There is only a wall between wizards and madmen, and Xu Wei is riding on this wall, swinging left and right.

"Is there anyone who can be called a genius in front of the young master?" Liu Dadao shook his head and expressed disbelief.

"Naturally. As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there are mountains outside the mountains. Moreover, I am not a genius. I am an ordinary person, and there are many people better than me." Zhu Pingan nodded seriously, without hesitation. said.

Zhu Pingan not only said this, but also thought so in his heart. Zhu Ping'an knew that he only had hundreds of years more historical experience than the ancients. In terms of wisdom, talent, learning, etc., there were many ancients who were better than him, such as Xu Wei. Xu Wei was a great talent in the Ming Dynasty and the famous Writers, military strategists, and dramatists, Zheng Banqiao and Qi Baishi all wanted to be their lackeys. For example, Xu Jie, Zhang Juzheng, Yan Shifan, Gao Gong, Zhang Siwei, Wang Shizhen, Li Chunfang and other outstanding figures of the period.

It is precisely because of his self-awareness that Zhu Ping'an never lets go of his papers, studies diligently, and makes up for his weakness with diligence.

"Young Master is so humble." After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Liu Dadao couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

The young master is the number one scholar, with excellent talent, learning and character, and he is like a divine help in solving cases; he loves the people like a son, and can save hundreds of thousands of people from floods; he is civilized and military, he drives out the Japanese pirates, protects the country and the people, and surrenders to bandits and Miao barbarians by himself. He is already a fifth-grade official even before he reaches the top of his grade. There may be those who are smarter than the young master, but there are definitely only a handful of them.

This guy named Xu Wei is just a scholar. According to what the old man said just now, he cries like a ghost at night and can't recruit anyone when he opens a private school. How can he be worthy of being called a genius in front of the young master? !

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, I, Liu Dadao, do not believe it.

"Dong dong dong. Is Mr. Xu at home?"

A tree with a crooked neck, a simple courtyard, the door was closed, Zhu Pingan knocked on the door, but no one responded.

"Dong dong dong. Is Mr. Xu at home?"

Zhu Pingan knocked again and waited outside the door for a moment, but there was still no response from anyone in the yard.

No one?

It shouldn't be. The courtyard door is not locked on the outside. It's obviously closed on the inside. There shouldn't be anyone there.

"Dong dong dong"

Zhu Ping'an stepped forward and knocked again, but there was still no response.

"Sir, this door is bolted from the inside. It's obvious that someone has asked me to remove his door to see if he responds."

Liu Dadao was like Zhang Fei when he visited the thatched cottage three times. As he spoke, he wanted to open the door and rolled up his sleeves.

"Da Dao, don't be rude." Zhu Pingan quickly stopped Liu Da Dao.

"Who is it? Who is it? It's banging and banging in the morning, disturbing people's dreams. Do you still have a sense of public morality?"

At this moment, I heard a man's cursing voice coming from the yard. The voice was magnetic, like the roar of a crane.

Then I heard a burst of footsteps, and then the door was opened, and a fat man with disheveled hair and unkempt appearance was revealed from the door, wrapped in a sheet. The sheet covered most of his body, revealing a thick and fat calf. Mao swaggered in the wind, his bare feet stepping on wooden clogs.

This kind of behavior is obviously that he just got out of bed and was quite angry when he got up.

A fat, unshaven, unshaven, and greasy face looked at Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao outside the door with an unkind expression.

One finger was still clasping his nostril, and after tacking it, he casually wiped the boogers on the door.

A strong aura of decadence hit my face.

The fat man was quite tall. Standing at the door, he was half a head taller than Zhu Pingan. Zhu Pingan had to raise his face slightly to look at him.

At one glance, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Do you still remember the pair of intestines in Stephen Chow's "Tang Bo Hu Spots the Fragrance of Autumn"? If this fat man had done a good job, he would have been seven times more elegant.

Is this greasy fat man Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang, one of the legendary three great talents of the Ming Dynasty? !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth again.

"Hey, what are you two doing? Do you still have a sense of public morality by disturbing people's dreams so early in the morning?" The greasy fat man casually wiped a handful of boogers on the door and said angrily to Zhu Ping'an and Liu Dadao.

"Sorry to bother you, we are here." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands and bowed to him to apologize.

"I know I'm sorry for disturbing you, but you still knock on the door so early in the morning to disturb people's sleep. Young man, you are knowingly breaking the law!"

The greasy fat man pressed one hand on the door frame, rolled his eyes, and said to Zhu Pingan in an angry tone.

"Damn fat man, be careful what you say. Do you know who you are talking to?" Liu Dadao had long been unhappy with the greasy fat man. Now he even condescended to apologize when he saw the young master. The fat man was still chattering, and he suddenly had the urge to give him a slap in the face.

"Dadao." Zhu Pingan reached out and patted Liu Dadao on the shoulder, stopping the rest of his words and movements.

Zhu Pingan stopped Liu Dadao, and the greasy fat man opposite him laughed like a drake, "Haha, who am I talking to? Of course I am talking to people, could it be that I am still talking to pigs and dogs? ?”


If Zhu Ping'an hadn't been pressing Liu Dadao's shoulders, Liu Dadao would have stepped forward and given the greasy fat man a good beating!

"My dear friend, I'm sorry to disturb your sweet dream. We are here to visit Mr. Xu Weixu."

While Zhu Pingan apologized again, he carefully observed the fat man's expression, trying to determine whether he was Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang.

"Are you here to find that damn fat guy next door?! Damn it, I haven't had a good night's sleep since I became a neighbor with him! The howling of ghosts and wolves at night makes it impossible to sleep! I want to catch up so early in the morning Let's get some sleep. I met you two soulless people again, banging, banging, banging! I'm really in my eighth lifetime. I wanted to go out and make a living, but now it seems that I might as well go back to my hometown."

When the greasy fat man heard this, he immediately twisted his fat face, like a resentful woman, foaming at the mouth, and started complaining endlessly.

The foam was flying even more than Ma Jingtao. Zhu Ping'an seriously suspected that the fat man did it on purpose. He turned his body sideways without leaving any trace to avoid the fat man's droplet attack.

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