Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1359 Sincerity and Mercy

The greasy fat man complained endlessly, conveying a message that he was not Xu Wei, but a tenant who shared the house with Xu Wei.

Just a shared tenant? !

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes and looked at the greasy fat man again without any trace.

"I slept until midnight! Do you still have the nerve to speak out and make a living?! Fatty, are you embarrassed? At this time every day, my young master has been up for more than two hours!" Liu Dadao had long been unhappy with Fatty, and now he heard After hearing the fat man's complaints, he couldn't help but sneer at him.

"What's the matter? Is it illegal for me to sleep?! What's wrong with me sleeping? I'm lying on your bed?! What's wrong with me being fat? I'm paying for your family's cloth? Which section of the "Da Ming Law" prohibits people from sleeping and preventing people from getting fat? ?! Could you please point it out to me?! Also, don’t be fat, please show some respect to my flesh and don’t speak to them in that tone. Every inch of flesh on my body is a result of my hard work. Raised!"

The fat man was not ashamed, but proud. He grabbed the fat on his face and beat Liu Da Dao into silence.

"My dear friend, I'm really sorry for disturbing your sweet dream. Please forgive me." Zhu Pingan apologized again.

The greasy fat man pressed his nostrils with his hands while looking at Zhu Ping'an, "I'm sorry for disturbing my sweet dream? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? In my dream, I was about to eat the meal, drunk Chicken, drunken crab, drunken shrimp, fermented bean curd, fennel beans, steamed three odors, three delicacies, soy sauce duck, steamed mandarin fish, Xishi tofu, dried vegetable pork, moldy amaranth stems, and the jar of rice wine."

Zhu Ping'an's narrowed eyes couldn't help but blink when he heard the greasy fat man pinching his nostrils to announce the name of the dish.

Zhu Ping'an has a special interest in eating. In modern times, because of "A Bite of China", he has done a lot of research on delicacies from various parts of China. Drunken crab, fennel beans, steamed three-scented odor, Shao Sanxian, and moldy amaranth stems, these are all It’s Shaoxing’s famous food, especially the rice wine that Fatty mentioned last. Shaoxing rice wine is famous.

This fat man talks about Shaoxing cuisine, so he must be from Shaoxing. It is normal for wanderers to leave their hometown and miss the food in their hometown. It is reasonable for a Shaoxing person to come to Yingtian and find himself stuck in Yingtian and miss the delicious food of his hometown in Shaoxing.

Haha, Shaoxing people are interesting.

Zhu Ping'an looked at the fat man again and couldn't help but smile.

"Fat man, you haven't woken up yet?! Can you take your dream seriously?! It's none of our business if you eat on the mat in your dream! If you act like a mother-in-law, believe it or not, I'll knock you out with a punch and let you go on eating on the mat in your dream. ?!”

Liu Dadao couldn't help but laugh angrily after hearing the fat man's unreasonable insistence. He raised his fist with a sandbag and said to the fat man.

"Haha, Dadao, don't get excited." Zhu Ping'an first patted Liu Dadao's shoulder to calm his excitement, then looked at the greasy fat man with a smile, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Haha, I'm telling you what I said. I'm hungry. If you don't mind, why don't you go to the Kuaiji Restaurant at the corner of the street to have a drink? Kuaiji Restaurant is also known as Shaoxing. Judging from its name, I guess it must be a Shaoxing Restaurant. My dear friend, I just mentioned it. If you want to list Shaoxing’s famous foods, they must be found in all the restaurants in Kuaiji.”

"Haha, go up to the road, go up to the road. Since you have invited me sincerely, then I will show mercy and reward you."

The greasy fat man's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that Zhu Pingan was going to make something. He couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He wanted to do something in his heart, but he said it with reluctance.

"You are so kind." Liu Dadao couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"It's just that your young master is too kind, and I'm not very good at rejecting people. My shortcoming is that I'm too soft-hearted. Whenever others ask for something from me, I'm always soft-hearted and can't help but agree. I won't refuse."

The greasy fat man folded his hands and sighed.

"Bah!" Liu Dadao couldn't help but spit, and then stared at the greasy fat man and said, "Didn't you say that you are too soft-hearted, and you always promise not to refuse when others ask you? Then I beg you, go hit me. Hit that wall”

"Haha, I'm too soft-hearted, but I'm not short-sighted." The greasy fat man rolled his eyes at Liu Dadao with disdain.

"Thank you for the compliment, my dear friend." Zhu Ping'an smiled and handed over his hand.

"Easy to say, easy to say." The greasy fat man chuckled, his eyes narrowed to a slit, "Wait while I change clothes."

"Please, dear friend, I'll be waiting outside the door." Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.


The fat man couldn't wait to turn around and change his clothes. Because he was walking too fast and his clogs were not very stable, he almost fell down while squatting.

"Young master, why should you treat such a lazy and slanderous person with courtesy? I think this kind of person can't stand up to the wall. He depends on us for the table in his dream. I think he is slanderous and crazy. Young master, take advantage of him. Let’s go back to the house and change clothes. Let’s just apply oil on the soles of our feet and leave immediately, so as not to let him take advantage of us.”

Liu Dadao didn't like the greasy fat man at all. Seeing Zhu Pingan treat the greasy fat man so politely, he looked puzzled. Finally, he suggested that Zhu Pingan take advantage of the fat man to go back to the house to change clothes and smear oil on the soles of his feet to escape.

"Dadao, don't just look at people by their appearance. This person is not simple. In addition, a gentleman promises a thousand pieces of gold, but once a word is broken, it is hard to keep it back. How can you break the promise?" Zhu Pingan slowly shook his head and smiled.

"Young master, he is not simple. I think he is not simple because of his weight. We are not breaking our promises. He is a fat man who is unkind and wants to blackmail us. We just can't fall for his trick."

Liu Dadao couldn't help curling his lips when he heard Zhu Pingan said that the fat man was not simple. Except for his weight, he couldn't see anything about the fat man who was not simple. He couldn't bear Zhu Pingan being blackmailed by the fat man and tried to persuade him again and again.

"Da Dao, don't be impatient for a moment. I'll talk to you in detail later." Zhu Pingan said meaningfully.

"Sir." Liu Dadao tried to persuade him again, but it was too late. The fat man had already changed his clothes and came out.

Everyone had come out, and it was useless to persuade him, so Liu Dadao had no choice but to give up.

The fat man hurriedly walked out of the house, fastening his clothes and trousers, wearing wooden clogs with bare feet. He didn't wash his face or comb his hair. He still had the same slovenly and decadent image as before.

"Haha" Liu Dadao couldn't help but hehe when he saw this.

This fat man came out in a hurry without even putting on his clothes. He couldn't wait to eat. He was really worthless.

"Haha, you haven't left yet. Not bad, not bad. I thought you ran away while I was changing my clothes."

When the fat man went out and saw that Zhu Ping'an and Liu Dadao were still there, he breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed, and his hurried movements to tie his belt slowed down.

"When you make friends, you keep your word. Since I have made an appointment with my dear friend, I will naturally not break my promise."

Zhu Pingan stood outside the door and replied with a smile.


The greasy fat man smiled happily and praised.

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