Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1361 Nonsense

There was a table full of delicacies, and the greasy fat man spread his hands from side to side with a smile on his face. He felt satisfied after eating.

After the storm was over, the greasy fat man comforted the Five Zang Temple, looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and said in a magnetic voice: "Eating like this is too boring, why don't we do something interesting."

Do something interesting? !

What you said is so easy to make people think wrong. This sentence is paired with your slightly obscene expression! If the person sitting across from you is a girl, they can sue you for harassment!

"What do you think, dear friend?" Zhu Ping'an asked with a smile.

"Why don't we do the drinking order? We each tell an allusion related to the dish before we can eat the dish. Otherwise, we can't eat the dish. How about it? I wonder if my little brother is interested?"

The greasy fat man reached out and touched the mustache at the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and said with interest.

"Fat man, what are you so worried about? I'm a rough guy who can't even read a few Chinese characters. How can I order drinks?!" Liu Dadao felt that the greasy fat man was targeting him and couldn't help but glared at the fat man.

"Haha, it's easy. You and your young master will both prosper and suffer. Your young master can make the drinking orders for you. As long as your young master makes the drinking orders, you two can eat them."

The greasy fat man said with a smile.

"Aren't you cheating? If you make one drinking order, my young master will have to make two." Liu Dadao said dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The guest is welcome, and it's rare that my dear friend is in such a good mood. Of course I will accompany you." Zhu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Okay. Come on, let's start with me and give my little brother some time to think." As soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, the greasy fat man finalized the drinking order and started first on the pretext of giving Zhu Pingan time to think.

"Haha, Mr. Jiang is fishing."

As the greasy fat man spoke, he moved the plate of steamed mandarin fish on the table in front of him, held a large pair of chopsticks with a smile, and deliberately pointed it at Liu Dao, eating with exaggeration, making the corners of his mouth dripping with oil.

"If you eat such a big mouthful, I won't worry about the fish bones getting stuck to you," Liu Dadao said with a dark face.

"The mandarin fish has less bones and more meat, so you don't have to worry about it." The greasy fat man chirped and said with a smile.

"Little brother, please." After the greasy fat man finished stimulating Liu Dadao, he said to Zhu Ping'an with a smile.

"Then you're welcome." Zhu Ping'an nodded with a smile, used chopsticks to tap the pickled pork with pickled vegetables, and said softly, "Zhang Fei sells meat," and then said to Liu Dadao, "Dadao, you are practicing martial arts. People, eat more meat."

"Thank you, sir."

After Liu Dadao thanked Zhu Pingan, he stretched out his chopsticks and picked up five large meat slices at once, shook them at the greasy fat man, and then stuffed them into his mouth. Oil and water were visibly flowing from the corners of his mouth.

These five large meat slices took up a third of the plate. When Liu Da Dao moved his chopsticks down, the plate was completely empty.

When the greasy fat man saw this, he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The braised pork with pickles and vegetables was also one of his favorites.

"Time moves to steal chickens."

Zhu Ping'an then ordered Drunken Chicken again and told the story about Shi Qian's stolen chicken. He then picked up a chicken wing, put it in his mouth, and said to Liu Dadao, "Da Dao, you should try it too, it tastes good."

So, Liu DaDao repeated his old trick, picking up even the chicken thighs and chunks of meat with one chopstick, and deliberately feasted on the greasy fat man.

"You're not afraid of choking." The greasy fat man couldn't help but say.

"Haha, no need to worry, this chicken is rich in oil and water, you won't choke at all when you eat it." Liu Dadao said proudly.

The greasy fat man was a little anxious. If he continued like this, the fool opposite him would be able to clean up a whole plate in a few mouthfuls. So he blinked his eyes, stretched out his hands and drew a circle on the table, and said with a smile, "Qin Shihuang After annexing the six countries and encroaching on the world, all these dishes belong to me, hahaha."

Liu Dadao was stunned.

"Haha, I admire it, I admire it." Zhu Pingan said with a smile and cupped his hands.

"What the hell." The greasy fat man smiled like a flower and winked at Liu Dadao, "I'm sorry, all these dishes belong to me. No matter how big your mouth is, you won't be able to enjoy it."

"Young Master, he..." Liu Dadao looked confused.

The greasy fat man smiled in front of Liu Da Dao. He first took a bite of the braised pork with pickled vegetables that he had longed for, then took away a large chicken drumstick, and then a drunken shrimp, making a squeaking noise on purpose.

"In this case, I have no choice but to wear Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe - steal the country and become emperor. These dishes are all ours."

Zhu Pingan looked at the greasy fat man with a smile.

The greasy fat man was startled for a moment, then smiled and extended his thumb to Zhu Pingan, "Not bad, little brother. Not bad."

"Fat man, do these dishes belong to me and the young master? You can't eat even one bite!" Liu Dadao looked at the greasy fat man.

"Ahem." The greasy fat man couldn't help coughing.

"Haha, Dadao, the drinking order is just to add to the fun. My dear friend, please." Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dadao with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to make an invitation gesture to the greasy fat man.

"Hey, my shortcoming is that I'm too soft-hearted and won't refuse people. My little brother is so kind, so I can only be disrespectful." The greasy fat man said with a sigh on his face, and then he stretched out his chopsticks and started eating without ceremony.

"Oh, a tree will definitely die if it doesn't have its bark, but a shameless person is invincible," Liu Dadao couldn't help but sarcastically said.

The greasy fat man had a great attitude and turned a deaf ear to Liu Dadao's sarcasm. He seemed to be enjoying his food even more.

After pushing cups and changing cups, Zhu Ping'an asked the greasy fat man with a smile, "I haven't asked you your name yet."

"A mere nickname is not worth mentioning." The greasy fat man was chewing chicken. Hearing this, he shook the chicken bones and said.

"Haha, my dear friend, you are just joking. There is no distinction between high and low names." Zhu Pingan smiled and shook his head.

"Why, fat man, after eating a big meal from my young master, you don't even want to tell me your name?"

Liu Dadao glared.

"How come, it's just a name, it's not a big deal. My surname is Hu, and my name only contains the character 'yan'."

The fat man raised his head from the plate, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said his name.


When Liu Dadao heard the fat man's name, he shook his head in disappointment. It wasn't Xu Wei. Seeing the young master inviting him to dinner, Liu Dadao was still thinking that maybe this fat man was the Xu Wei that the young master was looking for. However, after hearing the fat man's name, he realized that he had overthought it. This fat man was not Xu Wei at all.

"Nonsense" Zhu Ping'an read softly, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, showing a smile, "Brother Hu, what a good name."

Nonsense, nonsense, the speaker is talking about it. Isn’t that what nonsense means? This name sounds fake at first glance.

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