Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1362 Familiar routines

After having a full meal and wine, the greasy fat man happily picked his teeth with a toothpick and burped more than once.

"Brother Hu, are you ready?" Zhu Pingan asked enthusiastically, "Do you need to order more dishes?"

"It's so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so point to, the greasy man. He couldn"t help but belch. If he hadn"t really been unable to eat any more, he would have wanted to order a few more dishes.

"Pull him down, you are like a starving ghost reincarnated on the table, and you are so careless. I think you are like a wolf and a tiger." Liu Dadao couldn't help but sarcastically said after hearing the fat man's unkind words. Then he said to Zhu Pingan, "Sir, there are so many dishes left on the table, so we need to order more."

"I can't eat the food, but I can have another jar of wine. I can use it to rinse my mouth and get rid of the greasiness." After hearing Liu Dadao's words, the greasy fat man smiled brightly at Liu Dadao with eight big white teeth. , shook his head and said, with a look of unstinting virtue, which made Liu Da Dao very angry.

"Waiter, here's another jar of Shaoxing rice wine." Zhu Pingan happily called the waiter and added another jar of Shaoxing rice wine.

The greasy fat man did as he said. He rinsed his mouth with wine and then swallowed it into his stomach.

Liu Dadao was completely speechless at the greasy fat man, and didn't understand why the young master treated this loser so warmly and courteously.

After the greasy fat man was completely satiated, Zhu Pingan called the waiter to pay the bill.

"Master, there is still money left over from the money you gave me. This is what's left." The waiter gave the remaining money to Zhu Ping'an. After finding the money, the waiter couldn't bear to look at the many dishes left on the table. He stopped and said, "Master, as I said, the food in this shop is large, you can order less. Look, there is still a lot of food left."

"It doesn't matter, it can't be wasted. We can pack it up and take it away. Please pack these plates of leftovers."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

Zhu Ping'an was born into a poor family. He knew very well the truth that "everything on the plate is hard work." He had always been frugal and would not waste leftovers. In modern times, we are accustomed to packing, but in ancient times, we also brought this habit with us. As for the opinions of others, Zhu Pingan doesn't care.

"Ahem, Brother Yu still has a guard dog at home. Why don't you let Brother Yu take these leftovers back to him?"

At this time, the greasy fat man spoke, stretched out his greasy paws, stroked his mustache, looked at Zhu Pingan and said.

The dog you are talking about is 1.8 meters tall, weighs 180 meters, and has a greasy mustache.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and nodded, "Good."

"Do you have a guard dog at home? Why didn't we hear the dog barking when we knocked on the door?" Liu Dadao questioned.

"Oh, my dog ​​is playful and wild. He went out to play at that time, so you didn't meet him."

After being questioned by Liu Dadao, the greasy fat man still didn't blush or breathed, and casually gave a reason.

Then, the greasy fat man began to instruct the waiter to pack up the leftovers, including the jar of Shaoxing rice wine that had just been opened.

"Hey, didn't you bring food to the guard dog? Why did you also pack wine? Does your dog drink too?"

Upon seeing this, Liu Dadao couldn't help but call out to the fat man and questioned again.

"Oh, think about it, why do I raise a guard dog? Of course I raise it to guard the house and protect the courtyard. There is no way I can provide it to my father. You said it is so playful and goes out in the wild without being at home, right? Isn’t it appropriate?! Of course I will give it a good education when I get back, break its legs, and let it have a long memory.”

The greasy fat man explained casually.

"What does that have to do with you packing rice wine?" Liu Dadao shook his head and asked after hearing the fat man's explanation.

"I broke its dog legs. Of course I had to disinfect and bandage its wounds with rice wine. After all, I am a caring dog lover. I will beat and scold, and I still have to take care of what should be taken care of."

The greasy fat man talks about everything.

"You still call yourself a dog lover?" Liu Dadao was successfully diverted by the fat man.

"Of course, beating means kissing and scolding means loving. I love dogs like sons, so of course I have to educate them like a filial son from under a stick." The greasy fat man talked again, making Liu Dadao dizzy with his talk.

"Brother Hu, do you know what Mr. Xu Weixu, who we rent with you, did today? Why is he not at home?"

When leaving, Zhu Pingan asked with squinted eyes.

"Oh, you said that damn fat guy next door. He went out for something today. As for what he was going to do, I don't know, and he didn't tell me either." The greasy fat man replied without blinking.

"Oh, Brother Hu, does he know when he will return?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"Maybe I'll be back today, maybe tomorrow, maybe three or five days ago, or maybe I don't know about this." The greasy fat man shrugged and spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know about it.

Zhu Ping'an and Liu Dadao followed the greasy fat man back to the house he rented. The house was empty and there was no one else.

Zhu Pingan made an appointment to visit Xu Wei again tomorrow.

The rest of the day was over, and Zhu Ping'an took advantage of the noon time to bring Liu Dadao to the house rented by Xu Wei again. Just like yesterday, the door to the mansion was still closed, and it was still bolted from the inside.

"Dong dong dong" Zhu Ping'an stepped forward and knocked on the door, "Is Mr. Xu at home? Is Brother Hu at home?"

The house was very quiet, no cocks or dogs barked, and no one responded, as if no one lived there.

"Dong dong dong" Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to knock on the door again.

This time someone finally responded, and there was a burst of grumpy and squeaking complaints from the yard, "Who is it? The banging on the door so early in the morning disturbs people's dreams. Do you still have a sense of public morality?"

Well, this sounds a bit familiar. Is this what the greasy fat man complained about yesterday when he knocked on the door?

This time he was also complaining, but Zhu Pingan seemed to be excited when he heard it. Well, yes, he was excited.

"Damn it, fat man, it's still early in the morning, it's already noon, and you're still having sweet dreams. You're a pig, you can sleep so well." Hearing the greasy fat man's complaint, Liu Dadao couldn't help but get angry.

"Oh, it's you. The fat guy next door is here again, ah. I'm having a sweet dream. In the dream, I was a high school student and enjoying the Deer Ming Banquet. The wine and food were really delicious."

After the door opened with a creak, the greasy fat man appeared at the door with his legs bare, wrapped in a sheet, and holding a chicken coop on his head. His appearance was almost the same as yesterday.

While the greasy fat man was complaining, he squinted his eyes at Zhu Pingan, his eyes shining with excitement.

"You're still in high school. You're the only one who slept until noon. You can only dream about it."

Liu Dadao couldn't stand the greasy fat man's decadent look. Hearing his words, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Haha, I'm sorry for disturbing Brother Hu's dream again. It just so happens that we haven't eaten either, if Brother Hu doesn't mind."

Zhu Pingan smiled and cupped his hands.

After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, the greasy fat man's squinted eyes suddenly brightened up. He excitedly interrupted Zhu Pingan's words and said, "No, no, I'm just too soft-hearted and won't reject people."

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