Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1367 You pack the food, I pack the paintings

Although it was a pity that Jin Shengtan was no longer alive, the greasy fat man still got tipsy with Jin Shengtan's allusions and wine.

Although he was tipsy and his steps were sloppy, the greasy fat man still insisted on packing leftovers for his dog.

The fat man had a poor appetite today, and there were a lot of leftovers. Plus half a jar of wine, it was impossible for one person to handle it, not to mention that the fat man was still tipsy and sluggish. As a result, Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao became the fat man's labor force. Liu Dadao carried two food boxes and Zhu Pingan carried a jar of wine to send the fat man home.

"Thank you, leave it here, you can go back." As soon as they reached home, the greasy fat man was leaning on the door frame, waving his arms to see off the guests.

"Fat man, do you have any conscience? Our young master invited you to dinner, sent you back, and helped you get your things. Then you sent you home, and then you chased them away. You even invited us to drink a cup of tea. This is just unreasonable. There is no way to unload the food box like this." Seeing the fat man unloading the food box like this, Liu Dadao almost threw the food box in his hand to the ground.

"Ahem." The fat man said with a slight blush, "I don't even have tea at home, how can I treat you to tea?"

"No tea, not even water?" Liu Dadao snorted.

"There is water, but you and your family can't drink boiled water," the greasy fat man replied.

"If you can drink it, or if you can't, you have to ask, how much does it mean?" Liu Dadao curled his lips.

"Okay, I have a few broken bowls and a pot of plain water at home. Do you want to go in and drink a bowl of water?" the greasy fat man responded.


Zhu Pingan nodded in agreement as soon as the fat man finished speaking.

"Ha, don't drink. Then, you actually agreed?!" The fat man didn't think that Zhu Pingan would agree at all, so everything he said was based on Zhu Pingan's rejection. In the middle of his words, suddenly Suddenly he realized that Zhu Ping'an had responded just now, and the boss grinned in surprise.

"Well, after drinking some wine and walking all the way, I'm really thirsty now. Brother Hu is so kind, so we won't lie." Zhu Ping'an smiled and nodded under the greasy fat man's surprised eyes.

"Yes, we are very thirsty." Liu Dadao followed.

"Well, I only have boiled water at home, not even a single tea leaf. I'm not exaggerating. Can you drink it like this?!" The greasy fat man repeated it again, saying with a look of reluctance.

"Of course I can drink it, I can drink it too much. We are not from a wealthy family. My family is a farmer in a mountain village, and Dadao is a hunter in a mountain village. I have been drinking boiled water since I was a child, and I only drink tea and other things during the holidays." Zhu Pingan said with a smile while squeezing past the fat man into the yard.

"Thank you for the hospitality. Go get some water." Liu Dadao followed Zhu Pingan and squeezed past the fat man into the yard.

After Zhu Ping'an walked into the house where the fat man lived, he couldn't help but twitch his lips. This fat man was really sloppy.

The house was like a pig's nest. It was messy and dirty. Clothes were thrown away and garbage was thrown away. The floor was almost full of garbage and debris. Zhu Ping'an could hardly find a place to stand when he entered the house.

The dishes on the dining table were overturned, and leftover soup and rice were spilled on half of the table. The remaining half of the table was also greasy and stained. It had not been cleaned for an unknown period of time. The chairs and stools were tilted here and there, with only one standing. The bed was dirty, the quilts were piled in a corner, the sheets were all yellow, and there were shoes, socks, and clothes piled under the bed.

The whole room was filled with a suffocating smell, and Zhu Pingan almost stumbled over when he walked in.

There was only one place in the whole room that could barely be called clean, and that was the desk. Although the books are not neatly arranged, they are much better than other places in the house. It can be regarded as a rare pure land.

No wonder Fatty didn't want him and Liu Dadao to come in. It turned out that he didn't want people to see a scene that would damage his image.

Zhu Pingan suddenly understood.

"Hey, the leftover soup on the table looks familiar. Isn't this what you packed and brought back yesterday to feed the dog?! Why did it end up on the dining table? What's the matter, is your dog also on the table?!"

When Liu Dadao saw the leftover soup on the table, he couldn't help but look up at the greasy fat man and asked repeatedly.

"Ahem, sit down wherever you like, sit down wherever you like, and I'll get you some water." The greasy fat man coughed and pretended not to hear Liu Dadao's words.

"Your place is simply a pig's nest." Liu Dadao curled his lips, "No wonder you want us to come in."

"A real man should clean up the world and keep everything in one room? Just make it more chaotic. It doesn't hurt anything. It doesn't hurt anything."

The greasy fat man said shamelessly.

"Brother Hu, why can't we clean the whole house? It's not comfortable to live in such an environment. Da Dao, come on, lend a hand, and let's help Brother Hu clean up the house together." Zhu Pingan was speechless after hearing this. The corner of his mouth, he really couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Liu Dadao to clean up the house together.

"Ahem, why are you so embarrassed? I'll get you a broom." The greasy fat man said he was embarrassed, but he was not embarrassed at all in his actions. He stuck out his butt and pulled out two small brooms from the corners. , handed to Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao.

After handing over the tools, the greasy fat man ran away without any intention of cleaning up together.

"Damn fat man, come back, I'm here to clean up the house for you, don't even think about being idle, go and work for me!"

Liu Dadao grabbed the fat man with one hand. Although the fat man was tall and fat, he was just like a kid in Liu Dadao's hands.

"Ahem, I'm going to get you some water," the greasy fat man said as an excuse.

"Come on, why don't you drink water at this time? We'll talk about it after cleaning." Liu Dadao dragged the fat man to him and told him, "I'm telling you, we'll clean while you clean up. Don't be lazy."

"Young Master, just rest, Fatty and I will take care of it." Liu Dadao took care of Liu Dadao and turned to Zhu Pingan.

"It's okay, work goes faster when there are more people." Zhu Pingan said with a smile, without stopping the movement of his hands at all.

After about half an hour, Zhu Ping'an, Liu Dadao, and the fat man who worked as a foreigner, tidied up the house.

"Wow, I didn't expect the room to look like this."

Thanks to Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao, the greasy fat man saw what the room he lived in looked like for the first time.

Liu Dadao was too lazy to complain about the fat man and urged, "Pour some water, my throat is so dry that it's smoking."

"Yes, drink water, drink water." The greasy fat man poured three bowls of water, placed them on the desk, and invited Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao to drink water.

His desk is much cleaner than the dining table. Although the dining table has been cleaned just now, the oil stains on the table are not easy to deal with. This needs to be treated with soap locust, but Fatty does not have soap locust, so the dining table just wipes the obvious stains with a rag. The stains and oil stains had to be dealt with someday by Fatty buying saponins.

"Well, your painting is pretty good." Zhu Pingan turned over the rice paper stacked on Fatty's desk while he was drinking water and said to Fatty.

"This painting was made for my own amusement and cannot be considered elegant." The greasy fat man replied indifferently.

"I like Brother Hu's paintings very much. I wonder if Brother Hu can give up my love." Zhu Pingan said.

"It's just a writing practice. If you don't mind, little brother, just take it." The fat man didn't care at all.

Zhu Ping'an immediately beamed with joy, his face smiling like a flower. He regarded Fatty's painting as a treasure and asked Fatty to inscribe and stamp it on the painting. The fat man also had a good impression of Zhu Pingan. He kept treating him to guests and even helped him clean up the house. There is nothing wrong with Zhu Pingan's request. He rummaged around, found a stamp, and pressed it on the painting, leaving the four characters "Tianchi Yuyin" with dancing dragons and phoenixes.

Seeing the four-character stamp "Tianchi Yuyin", Zhu Pingan smiled even brighter, as if stars were popping out of his eyes. He regarded the painting as a treasure, carefully rolled it up and put it away, as if the painting was not a painting, but a painting. It's like a priceless treasure.

"Young master, it's just a broken painting," Liu Dadao said in confusion upon seeing this.

"What, you want one too?!" Zhu Ping'an seemed to have misheard Liu Dadao's words. He was surprised and then looked at the greasy fat man.

"Take it." The fat man waved his hand carelessly, not taking it seriously.

"Master, no, who cares?" Liu Dadao explained quickly.

"What, you want all the paintings on the table?" Zhu Pingan seemed to have drunk too much and misheard again.

"Take it, take it, take it all." The greasy fat man waved his hand nonchalantly. These paintings were all drawn by him for the purpose of recruiting students for his private school, and were just distributed to passers-by as propaganda.

So Zhu Pingan asked the fat man to write a few words on each painting, stamped them, and packed them all up.

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