Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1368 The wool harvesting plan

Zhu Pingan carefully held a stack of scrolls as if they were treasures, and walked on the way back as if he were holding a stack of gold bars. Not only were there twinkling stars in his eyes, but he seemed to be beaming with happiness even as he walked.

"Young master, aren't they just some of Fatty's calligraphy practice works? Why do you think you treat them like a treasure? Your calligraphy and painting are not a hundred times better than him." Liu Dadao was very puzzled by this and said doubtfully.

"This is the treasure." Zhu Pingan smiled meaningfully, then took a volume of calligraphy and painting from it and handed it to Liu Dadao, "Here, Dadao, this is yours."

Liu Dadao waved his hand and rejected Zhu Pingan's kindness. He disliked the fat man's paintings very much, "Sir, I don't care about the sloppy fat man's paintings. I even feel uncomfortable taking this painting back to the toilet."

Wipe your ass? !

Are you wiping your ass with this painting? ! You are so luxurious! A hundred times more luxurious than the gold toilet paper used by Arab tycoons!


Liu Dadao is really capable of doing such a thing. Forget it, this calligraphy and painting would be such a waste of natural resources for him.

Zhu Pingan had no choice but to take the calligraphy and painting back.

"Sir, these two days of big fish and meat, I always feel that it's too cheap for that sloppy and shameless fat man," Liu Dadao said.

Cheap? !


Any one of these paintings can be sold for tens of millions in later generations. The value of one painting is enough to feed the fat man for a lifetime, let alone eight paintings in his hand.

Therefore, not only did the fat man not take advantage of him, but on the contrary, he also took advantage of the fat man.

Of course, he couldn't tell Liu Dadao these words, and even if he told Liu Dadao, he wouldn't believe it.

Liu Dadao did not understand the value of paintings. Even if he forcibly gave the paintings to Liu Dadao, he would not treasure them properly. Liu Dadao is a rough man and has a lot of prejudices against fat people. If this painting is in his hand, he will probably wipe his butt in a few days. Even if he doesn't wipe his butt, the end will probably not be much better. It will not be kept at all. Can't live.

Therefore, this painting is destined to have no relationship with Liu Dadao. It is better to keep it in his own hands and give Dadao other compensation. I will treasure these paintings well. Not only that, I will also set a family motto and strictly instruct future generations to carefully treasure these calligraphy and paintings.

These calligraphy and paintings are the precious wealth that he leaves to his family's descendants. In the future, just auctioning off a painting is enough for the family to tide over a difficult time.

Um? !

Think about it this way, should you take advantage of the opportunity to get a few more wool from the fat man? ! This fat man is quite a spendthrift. When he is rich, he can spend all his money. He has no concept of saving at all. When he has no money, he sells paintings for wine and paintings to make a living. In addition, he has an arrogant personality, unrestrained behavior, and hates power and wealth. He refused to go to the banquet and asked for paintings. Instead, the people in the neighborhood offered him a handful of vegetables, a fish, and a glass of wine in exchange for his paintings. The people had a hard time making a living and did not recognize the value of his paintings. , did not cherish his paintings very much and retained very few; coupled with family reasons, not many of his works were passed down to later generations. If I pick up a few more of his pieces, I can help him pass on his works to future generations.

Of course, you can't just pick up a sheep, like Master Xu Jie, Wang Shizhen, Zhang Siwei, Zhang Juzheng, Gao Gong, etc. Anyone who has the opportunity will pick up a few. Oh, by the way, Emperor Jiajing's imperial edicts and small notes must be treasured. In the future, these wool, no, these calligraphy and paintings will be worth thousands of gold.

This is much more cost-effective than any other investment!

At this moment, Xu Jie, Wang Shizhen, Zhang Siwei, Gao Gong and others who were far away in the capital sneezed inexplicably.

In the study room at midnight, Zhu Pingan unfolded the eight paintings packed from Fatty on the desk, admiring them with gusto. There are two ink paintings of grapes, one of which is of grapes after rain. With just a few strokes, it depicts the feeling of grapes glistening with raindrops; the other is of a crab, with withered lotus leaves and crawling crabs. The crabs painted are particularly interesting. It seems that the fat man’s Crabs are not free to eat. If you like to eat crabs, your paintings are both physical and spiritual. The three bamboo and chrysanthemum pictures and the two banana and stone pictures are all paintings that are both physical and spiritual and full of creativity.

"Gee, uncle, what kind of crappy painting is this? It was worthy of my uncle sitting here admiring it for half an hour."

While Zhu Ping'an was admiring the painting with relish, Hua'er came with hot tea and snacks. He put the hot tea and snacks aside and glanced curiously at the painting that his uncle had been admiring for half an hour. He looked at the lumps on the painting. A ball of ink, large and small, with indistinct layers, couldn't help but cover his mouth and giggle.

"This is not a broken painting. This painting is of grapes. The brush and ink are flying and hearty. We don't seek the shape, but seek the meaning."

Zhu Pingan commented.

"I don't understand. I think my uncle's random scribblings are better than his paintings." Hua'er looked at Zhu Pingan with stars in his eyes.

I can doodle better than Fatty? ! Zhu Pingan's face turned red after hearing Hua'er's words.

Why am I better at scribbling than the fat guy? Fatty’s graffiti with his feet is better than mine.

This has to be admitted. Fatty is talented in painting. As for himself, his calligraphy is good, but painting can be forgotten. Although I have modern experience and have used some Western painting techniques, I only have a brief understanding of it. I am only at the level of a beginner. It may be okay to draw some small cartoons, but in terms of artistic value, it is completely different from that of a master like Fatty. Fabi's.

"Gee, I think he is stupid because of his reading. He actually regards such a messy painting as a treasure."

The witch Ruonan's sarcastic voice came from behind.

Zhu Ping'an is now used to the witch and the male god appearing and disappearing. Who can let people with good light skills walk silently? He is used to being frightened.

Under Hua'er's puzzled gaze and the enchantress Ruonan's mocking gaze, Zhu Ping'an fully enjoyed a cup of tea before he reluctantly put away the eight paintings one by one and carefully treasured them.

"Hey, we don't even want your messy and broken paintings for free, and you still hide them so well."

Seeing Zhu Pingan's carefulness, the demon girl Ruonan couldn't help but rolled her eyes and pouted sarcastically.

If you have eyes that don’t recognize gold and jade, I’m talking about you.

Zhu Pingan turned around and glanced at the demon Ruo Nan with a smile, and shrugged, "Your broken painting is my treasure."

"There is still a treasure, Hua'er. You should ask a good doctor to take a good look at your uncle's eyes and head. I think he is either blind or his head was kicked by a donkey." The demon Ruo Nan heard this. , rolled his eyes at Zhu Pingan, and said to Hua'er in an exaggerated tone.

"Bah, bah, bah, what the hell are you talking about? That's why you're blind and your head is broken."

When Hua'er heard the evil girl Ruonan say bad things about Zhu Pingan, she immediately bit her lip and glared at the evil girl Ruonan hard.

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