Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1374 More suggestions

Zhu Ping'an saw that the Marquis of Linhuai seemed to have something to say, so he asked Liu Dadao and the others to escort the food and wages in front. He and the Marquis of Linhuai slowed down and trailed a few meters behind them, leaving a distance for conversation.

Sure enough, the Marquis of Linhuai exchanged a few pleasantries and then sighed and said, "Oh, I regret not listening to my wise nephew."

"What is uncle referring to?" Zhu Ping'an asked softly, not knowing what the Marquis of Linhuai meant.

"A few days ago, you suggested that I petition the Holy One to build more warships and restore the old forehead. I didn't listen to you. One time when I was having a drink with Duke Wei, I mentioned this. Unexpectedly, Duke Wei remembered it. He I submitted your suggestion to the Holy One, and the Holy One approved it. I didn’t know about it until I received the newspaper from Di yesterday. I heard that the Holy One even sent someone to reward Duke Wei’s palace in the capital with ice regulations.”

The Marquis of Linhuai beat his chest and said, regretting that he did not listen to Zhu Ping'an's words. This achievement and reward should have belonged to him. If time could go back again, I would definitely adopt Zhu Ping'an's suggestion and seek advice from the saints.

So that’s what happened.

To be honest, after hearing the news, Zhu Ping'an felt a little happy. He was not gloating about the misfortune of Linhuai Marquis for not listening to his suggestions, but he was more happy for the warships at Jiangkou. The number of warships increased, the strength of the navy increased, and the anti-Japanese forces The strength will also increase, which is good news for the future eradication of Japanese pirates.

"When we were having a drink, after hearing my suggestion, Duke Wei became a little absent-minded while drinking, and then left in a hurry. At that time, I thought he was worried about the affairs of the rear family. Now that I think about it, he just hurried back to write some memorials. Gone. This thief. I have to come to the door one day to ask Duke Wei for an explanation." The Marquis of Linhuai thought about the scene of having a drink and shook his head repeatedly, feeling regretful.

"Uncle, calm down the fire, the fire will damage the liver." Zhu Pingan opened his mouth and comforted softly.

In fact, it is not easy to blame Wei Guogong too much for this matter. Although it's a bit unethical for him to sneak up on someone, after all, the advice is that you don't want it first. Others want what you don't want, so don't be too harsh on it.

"This thief is still on guard. I have to come to him to ask for an explanation." The Marquis of Linhuai snorted.

Should Tian defend? !

After hearing what Duke Wei said, Zhu Ping'an's eyes couldn't help but light up. It turned out that Duke Wei was guarding Yingtian.

In Yingtian today, there are three people who are most powerful, or have the most real power. One is the Exhibition Machinery Engineer, which is actually the Minister of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, because the Minister of the Ministry of War of Yingtian will basically hold this official position concurrently, and the other is the guarding eunuch, and also One of them is Yingtian Guard. The three of them are jointly in charge of Yingtian affairs. Although it is the Minister of War of Yingtian who calls the shots, the say of the other two cannot be ignored.

I am responsible for the military preparations in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so I will definitely have to deal with them. In any case, Wei Guogong owed him a favor. It would definitely be smoother when dealing with him in the future.

After the Marquis of Linhuai regretted for a while, he looked at Zhu Ping'an with squinted eyes and said with admiration, "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last. The wise nephew was promoted to the fifth rank at the age of less than a year, and his vision is harmonious. His ability is really admirable.”

"Uncle, Ping'an deserves the reward. It's just a coincidence last time." Zhu Ping'an said modestly.

"My nephew is too modest. Ahem, I regret not listening to my nephew's words. I wonder if my nephew has any good suggestions about the current situation?" The Marquis of Linhuai stared at Zhu Ping'an with his small eyes without blinking. , said with great expectation.


Is this why you came? ! After hearing this, Zhu Ping'an finally understood the purpose of Marquis Linhuai's visit.

"Uncle, Ping'an has just entered the officialdom, and he only has some immature ideas. What good suggestions do you have? Last time, it was just the right time." Faced with the expectant gaze of the Marquis of Linhuai, Zhu Ping'an smiled bitterly.

"My dear nephew, if you and my uncle-in-law's family have anything we can't talk about, feel free to tell us what you think."

Linhuai Hou urged.

Well, after all that was said, what else could he do? Zhu Pingan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

However, the Marquis of Linhuai is a distinguished person and comes from a family of military generals. Some words may be passed down through their mouths, which may be more appropriate than for me, a civil servant who has just entered the officialdom.

Zhu Ping'an raised his head and looked at Linhuai Marquis, "Uncle, Ping'an does have some immature ideas, please give me some advice."

"My dear nephew, you're too polite, but there's no harm in talking, let's learn from each other." Marquis Linhuai said with a smile.

"Uncle, the current situation has nothing more to do with my uncle's identity and responsibilities than the Japanese invasion." Zhu Pingan said softly.

"What my nephew said is true. Nowadays, Japanese invaders are becoming more and more serious. In coastal areas such as Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian, there are reports of Japanese invaders almost every day. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese invaders are now the worst."

Marquis Linhuai nodded and sighed.

"My uncle is now the admiral of Caojiang and the left guard of the navy army in the Yingtian Left Army Governor's Mansion. Let's not mention the Japanese invaders in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian and other places for the time being, but only talk about the Japanese invaders in the area of ​​​​South Zhili. Now the Japanese pirates are stationed in Baoshan, Jiangkou. The sea was dangerous, and the wind ravaged the area in southern Zhili. Taicang, Yingzhou, Xuzhou, Susong, Huaiyang and other places were harmed by Japanese pirates and suffered heavy losses. Japanese pirates roamed from one place to another. Due to administrative boundaries, the officers and soldiers in each place had their own In order to fight, it was difficult to coordinate against the Japanese pirates, so they were taken advantage of by the Japanese pirates. If the situation was favorable, they would burn, kill, and loot. If the situation was unfavorable, they would flee to another place to commit crimes and escape the pursuit of the government and the army. The Japanese pirates became increasingly arrogant and suffered losses in various places. The situation is becoming more and more disastrous. Ping An secretly believes that Yingtian is the fundamental important place, Zhenjiang and Jingkou are the throats of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and Guabu and Yizhen are the gateways to water transportation. Why not follow the example of the 8th and 9th years of Jiajing and other years to station additional general military officers in Zhenjiang? Or the Jinshan Guard, who regulates the Yangtze River, has overall control over the Huaihai Sea, supervises the coastal defense, and has jurisdiction over the Su and Song prefectures, and coordinates the officers and soldiers from all over the South Zhili. In this way, the South Zhili people play a game of chess, and work in unison to coordinate against the Japanese. Wouldn't it be disadvantageous? Alas. What does uncle think?"

Zhu Pingan thought for a moment and said softly to Marquis Linhuai.

As the Marquis of Linhuai listened, his little eyes became brighter and brighter. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Imitating the old practice of the 8th and 9th years of Jiajing, we will add a general military officer to take charge of Huaihai, supervise the coastal defense, and govern the Su and Song prefectures. Come, we can change the situation where each place is fighting independently and unify the military power of each place, which will be of great help to control the Japanese. Because there are old practices to follow and we will not overstep. My nephew suggested this, it is a great good, a great good."

This suggestion is simply tailor-made for me, and the value of this suggestion is much higher than the last suggestion of adding warships.

The Marquis of Linhuai was full of praise for Zhu Ping'an and was extremely satisfied.

Haha, Mr. Wei Guogong, can you steal my nephew? I want you to look good in a few days.

Thinking of the way Wei Guogong read the newspaper in his residence a few days later, the Marquis of Linhuai couldn't help but grin.

"At that time, the position of commander-in-chief may be difficult. Uncle, if you try hard to get the position of deputy commander-in-chief, there is still hope."

Zhu Pingan blinked slightly and said.

There is a follow-up. When the Marquis of Linhuai heard this, his eyes became brighter and his breathing became faster. Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

This is a serial plan. The Marquis of Linhuai was extremely satisfied with Zhu Ping'an's suggestion.

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