Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1375 Returning with a full load

"My dear nephew, we have a batch of obsolete armaments in our army. They can all be used. If my dear nephew doesn't mind, you can take them."

The Marquis of Linhuai was very satisfied with Zhu Pingan's suggestion. Considering that Zhu Pingan was responsible for rectifying the military equipment, and the food and salary just withdrawn from the Ministry of War were not sufficient, in order to thank Zhu Pingan, he said that he had a batch of eliminated troops in the army to support him.

"Thank you uncle for your support." How could Zhu Pingan refuse? He immediately thanked the Marquis of Linhuai with his hands.

"My nephew is so polite. There is also the thief. My uncle will come to visit another day. In addition to being embarrassed about his old face, he will definitely get a lot of benefits for my nephew." The Marquis of Linhuai smiled slightly and expressed his stance again.

"It's a great honor for Duke Wei to adopt Ping'an's suggestion. How dare you ask for benefits." Zhu Ping'an smiled and shook his head.

"My nephew, you are too kind. You don't care, my uncle has made the decision for you." Linhuai Marquis waved his hand.

Well, you are an elder, I can't say anything about you. Zhu Pingan smiled bitterly on his face and applauded warmly in his heart.

The two agreed that tomorrow morning, Zhu Ping'an would take people to Linhuaihou's camp to collect the eliminated military equipment. Then, the two parted. The Marquis of Linhuai was in a hurry to go back and write a memorial, and his plump figure walked as fast as flying.

On the morning of the next day, Zhu Ping'an took Liu Dadao and others with him, requisitioned ten servants from the Provincial Government Office, rented twenty carriages, and went to Caojiang River led by the Marquis of Linhuai. Military camp.

"Fifth aunt, you are here. I am waiting for you in the camp."

The housekeeper Li Er specially waited outside the camp. When he saw Zhu Ping'an from a distance, he came up to him.

"Thank you, Butler Li, waiting outside the camp." Zhu Ping'an smiled and greeted Li Er.

"You're welcome, uncle, please." Li Er smiled brightly and led Zhu Ping'an and his party towards the military camp.

As Zhu Ping'an moved forward, he observed the Linhuaihou barracks. The barracks was stationed at the mouth of the river, half on the river and half on the river bank. It stretched for many miles. The outermost edge of the camp was antlers. A fence was erected behind the antlers to surround the camp.

The military camps of Marquis Linhuai are well organized, but they also have shortcomings. The camps are all in one place, which makes it easy for others to make dumplings. Generally, cautious generals will set up camps in two or three places. Two camps form a diagonal shape. The two camps take care of each other. If one camp is attacked, the other camp can go to support; three camps form a triangle shape. If one camp is attacked, two camps can go to support, and the three camps cooperate with each other.

"Master Li please"

There was a group of eight guards on duty outside the gate of the camp, divided into two columns. When they saw Li Er leading Zhu Pingan and his party, the guards on duty all knew Li Er and rushed to say hello to Li Er. Although they did not know Zhu Pingan and others, But without asking, he opened the camp door and invited Li Er, Zhu Ping'an and his party to enter the camp.

Without checking his identity, he opened the camp door and asked himself to enter.

Military discipline is not good.

Seeing the scene in front of the camp gate, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Military discipline is not strict and the level of military management is not optimistic. Zhu Ping'an expressed concern about Linhuai Marquis' military management level.

Sure enough, Zhu Ping'an entered the military camp and found that the tents in the camp were relatively orderly, but the soldiers were undisciplined. The soldiers who were training in the camp were loosely lined up, while the soldiers who were not training were walking around randomly among the tents, or in small groups. There were many people sitting on the ground, swaying here and there, and there were even many people outside a few open spaces. The noise could be heard far away, as if they were throwing dice for gambling.

Li Er led Zhu Ping'an and his entourage and drove all the way straight to the commander's tent of Linhuai Marquis. They were blocked by soldiers thirty meters in front of the commander's tent.

"Steward Li, who are they?!" A group of soldiers stepped forward and asked.

"Li Baldy, you are so blind that even the fifth uncle dares to stop you. This is the fifth uncle of our family, the number one scholar in the dynasty, and now he is the fifth rank of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. Responsible for arranging the military equipment and leading the regiment. I asked my uncle to come to the camp to collect our eliminated armaments and help him organize the military equipment of the militia." Li Er stepped forward, cursed, and introduced Zhu Ping'an to them.

"It turns out it's my uncle. You guys are too blind to see Taishan. Forgive me, uncle, but we will go and report to the master right away." Li Baldy and other soldiers immediately became enthusiastic. They sent someone to report to the commander's account and helped push the carriage. .

"Haha, good nephew, you are here." After receiving the report, the Marquis of Linhuai welcomed him out of the tent with a smile on his face.

"Uncle." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands in greeting.

"Come on, come into the tent quickly, drink a cup of hot tea, and warm yourself up." Linhuai Marquis smiled and introduced Zhu Ping'an into the tent. Everyone my nephew brought has been greeted."

Zhu Pingan walked into the tent, Linhuai Marquis poured Zhu Pingan a cup of tea, and then hurriedly brought a memorial to Zhu Pingan.

"Xian Nephew, do you think I'm going to play like this?" Linhuai Marquis asked.

Zhu Ping'an took the memorial and read it carefully. The content was almost exactly the same as his own suggestions. There was no problem with the wording and sentence making, and there was nothing inappropriate in it. He nodded, "Uncle, there is nothing inappropriate in the content of the memorial. It has been polished by my uncle. This memorial is more feasible and of great benefit."

"My dear nephew, do you want your signature?" Marquis Linhuai asked.

Zhu Pingan shook his head, "Uncle, I'd better avoid suspicion."

"Okay." The Marquis of Linhuai nodded, so he signed and sealed it, and ordered it to be sent to the General Affairs Department of the capital as soon as possible.

After the memorial was completed, Linhuai Marquis called the quartermaster and took Zhu Ping'an and his party to the barracks warehouse to collect obsolete armaments.

The quartermaster opened a warehouse, pointed to the messy piles of military uniforms inside, and said to Zhu Ping'an, "Master Zhu, there are more than 1,200 sets of obsolete military uniforms in this warehouse. They are all ordinary military uniforms, and they are no longer good. use."

Zhu Ping'an looked closer and nodded. These uniforms were all re-dressed and were basically in good condition.

"Do you have armor?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"Yes, there is armor, but..." the quartermaster hesitated.

"My dear nephew, it's not that I won't give you the armor, it's just that the armors are all old armor forged in the past and are not well maintained." Linhuai Marquis explained.

Sure enough, when the quartermaster opened a warehouse where the armor was stored, a smell of mildew and rust came out. The armor inside was all rusty and tattered. There was almost no complete armor, and almost every armor leaf was covered with rust. There are many holes. This kind of armor was so rotten that it was just a burden and could not protect the body at all. Therefore, the Linhuai Marquis and his army abandoned it like worn-out shoes, and they were still left to tatter in the warehouse.

However, rotten armor is still armor, and it can be recycled into scrap metal and used to forge weapons or armor.

Zhu Ping'an also asked for all these tattered armors.

Then, the quartermaster opened several warehouses, and Zhu Pingan received 600 spears, 500 swords, and 200 longbows. To Zhu Pingan's delight, in a corner of the warehouse, Zhu Pingan also found three hundred firecrackers.

"Oh, these fire sticks are not suitable for our navy. Not to mention the trouble of loading, they will become useless when the tide comes. They are not as good as a bow and arrow contract."

The Marquis of Linhuai was very disdainful of fire guns.

It’s a waste of money to have firearms and not use them! Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an asked for the three hundred fire blunderbuss without politeness.

This trip was full of success.

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