Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1382 Wei Guogong’s thanks

"My dear nephew, come here"

Zhu Pingan and his colleagues from the Criminal Division said goodbye to Hu Zongxian. After walking a few steps along the street in front of the patrol office, they heard a familiar voice in front of them. Zhu Pingan looked up and saw the Marquis of Linhuai waving to him.

Next to the Marquis of Linhuai, there is an official who is a few years older than the Marquis of Linhuai. He is two times smaller than the Marquis of Linhuai. He is wearing a military attaché uniform with a brave leopard embroidered on the plain. This is a third-grade military attaché uniform. .

The two of them were two levels apart in class, but they hugged each other, talked and laughed, and seemed to have a good personal relationship.

Well, this official is probably Wei Guogong. Zhu Pingan guessed in his mind.

Zhu Pingan confessed to Lord Zhetai, Chu Xiong and others. Zhetai and others also noticed that Marquis Linhuai greeted Zhu Pingan, asked about the identity of Marquis Linhuai, nodded with a smile, and signaled Zhu Pingan to go. No problem.

"Uncle, who is this lord?" Zhu Pingan said goodbye to NiTi and others, came to the Marquis of Linhuai and bowed his hands in greeting, asking for the identity of the person next to him.

"Haha, my dear nephew, I am about to introduce you to the Duke of Wei." Marquis Linhuai introduced with a smile.

It turned out to be Wei Guogong, just as he had guessed.

After Zhu Ping'an was introduced by the Marquis of Linhuai, he smiled and bowed his hands to the Duke of Wei, "I will pay my respects to the Duke of Wei."

"Haha, it's quite natural to call Zihou like this. Marquis Linhuai and I are close friends. We are close as brothers. Zihou, you are the nephew-in-law of Marquis Linhuai, so you are also my nephew-in-law. , if you don't mind my nephew Zihou, you can just call me uncle." Wei Guogong said to Zhu Ping'an with a smile.

"Ping'an is a blessing. Let's meet my uncle." Zhu Ping'an responded with a smile and greeted him as his nephew.

"Haha, what a good nephew." Wei Guogong smiled brightly.

"Thieves, please don't think that just because you have a good relationship, you will be able to deny your gratitude." Linhuai Marquis bumped Wei Guogong with his shoulder.

"What kind of thief? I was just a reference. Why don't you thank me? Am I that kind of person?!" Wei Guogong couldn't help but blush after hearing what the Marquis of Linhuai said. He blushed like Guan Gong and replied with a stiff neck. .

"Haha." The Marquis of Linhuai chuckled and rolled his eyes with his squinted eyes.

"Ahem, nephew, last time you gave the Marquis of Linhuai some insights on replenishing warships, but he stuck to his old ways and was stubborn. It's not that Bole didn't recognize your nephew's insights. I was different. I was your nephew at that time. I was impressed by his true knowledge and insights. My nephew’s suggestions were to the point. He pointed out the current problems of the navy and put forward practical suggestions. It would be a pity to abandon such good words. I can’t bear to let the pearl be dusted, so So I adopted my nephew’s suggestion and suggested to the Holy One to add more warships, and the Holy One actually agreed to the suggestion.”

Wei Guogong coughed and explained to Zhu Pingan.

"It's an honor for my uncle to adopt it." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Marquis of Linhuai, look at my nephew and then at you, are you sorry? My nephew has a much broader mind than you."

Hearing this, Duke Guo of Wei was overjoyed. He couldn't help but bumped Linhuai Marquis with his shoulder and joked with a smile.

"Don't talk about these. Where are the thanksgiving gifts?" Linhuai Marquis stretched out his fat paw and pushed Wei Guogong away.

"Ahem, good nephew, I heard from your uncle that you are in charge of organizing the military equipment of Jiangsu and Zhejiang and leading the militia in the Criminal Division. My uncle doesn't have any good gifts to give you, so he will give you some materials needed for military equipment."

Wei Guogong coughed and said to Zhu Pingan.

The military supplies are good, I like them. When Zhu Pingan heard this, he cupped his hands and thanked him, "Thank you uncle for providing help in times of need."

"Don't use junk against us." Marquis Linhuai interjected from the side.

"Do you think I'm like you? What kind of discarded products should I use to deal with Zihou? The materials I give Zihou are all new ones."

Wei Guogong raised his chin and mocked the Marquis of Linhuai, emphasizing that all the products he gave Zhu Ping'an were new.

"What new product?!" Linhuai Marquis asked.

"Of course I will provide whatever my nephew needs," Wei Guogong said generously.

"Okay, this is what you said." The Marquis of Linhuai clapped his hands, and then said to Zhu Ping'an, "Xianzi Zihou, it's rare for Wei Guogong to be generous for once. If you need anything now, just ask."

Last time, the Marquis of Linhuai gave him a batch of obsolete military uniforms, as well as spears, swords, long bows, damaged armor, and three hundred muskets. Currently, what he lacks are tents, armor, and artillery.

Zhu Ping'an thought for a moment, then handed over his hand to Wei Guozheng, "Uncle, the food and salary allocated by the court are limited and it is difficult to maintain. At present, our militia still lacks tents, armor, muskets, artillery, and food and grass."

"Ahem, my dear nephew, it's okay to use firecrackers, but there's nothing you can do about artillery. These are all quotas set by the imperial court."

When the Duke of Wei heard this, he was sweating on his forehead.

"Hey, then why were you so shy just now and said that if Zihou needs anything, you will give it to me."

The Marquis of Linhuai didn't waste the opportunity to laugh.

"Then you are better than giving only the eliminated products to your virtuous nephew." Wei Guogong retorted, and then said with a wealthy voice, "Although the artillery is hindered by the court's quota, I can't help it, but I can do everything else."

"My dear nephew, I heard that you want to form a militia of a thousand people. Well, let's do this. I will allocate one hundred sets of tents and one hundred pairs of armor to you from the army. I can't help you with the artillery, but I can also give you two hundred fire guns. branch."

Wei Guogong made a promise to Zhu Pingan.

"As an elder, you have used Zi Hou's good advice. With this little thing, you still have the nerve to speak."

The Marquis of Linhuai ridiculed and urged Wei Guogong to bring out some more good things.

"I have all new things, the tent is new, the armor is new, and the fire guns are also new. They are all new products recently distributed by the War Bureau. Oh, by the way, nephew, I will give you ten stones of gunpowder again. "Wei Guogong raised his chin and said.

"Well, the new products distributed by the Military War Bureau are fair enough." Linhuai Marquis nodded when he heard that it was a new product distributed by the Military War Bureau. Although not all products produced by Bingzhan Bureau are high-quality goods, they are all of high quality.

"Thank you so much, uncle, thank you so much, uncle." Zhu Pingan first thanked the benefactor, Wei Guogong, and then thanked the Marquis of Linhuai for helping him negotiate the terms.

"My dear nephew, you are so polite. Today, Japanese pirates are running rampant. I am rushing to help the Zihou Mingliang, just to share the worries of the Holy One and solve the problems of the people." Wei Guogong replied with a smile, and then encouraged, "Although it is a militia, Zihou should do his best. If you have any problems, you can come to me and the Marquis of Linhuai. We have been in the army for many years and we still have experience in the army."

"Thank you uncle." Zhu Pingan thanked you again, "I will ask uncle for advice from time to time in the future."

"I'll go back and make arrangements. Zihou can bring enough people to Zhenwu Camp tomorrow to collect tents, armor, fire guns and other supplies." When they parted, Wei Guogong and Zhu Pingan agreed on the time and place to collect the supplies.

"Thank you, uncle." Zhu Pingan thanked him again.

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