Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1383 Bath water

Zhu Pingan said goodbye to the Marquis of Linhuai and Wei Guogong, and went straight back to the Yamen of the Tixing Division. He walked around in the Yamen, reported to Mr. Nantai the situation of Wei Guogong's funding of the militia troops and supplies, and applied for the transfer of officers from the Tixing Division to accompany him tomorrow. Zhenwuying received military supplies funded by Wei Guogong.

With a wave of his hand, Zhentai gave Zhu Pingan an official document, stating that all the officers of the Criminal Division would be under Zhu Pingan's command tomorrow.

After leaving office in the afternoon, Zhu Pingan returned to the courtyard assigned by the office.

"My uncle is back, Ruo Nan. Why are you still standing there in a daze? Why don't you go and get some face wash for your uncle?"

Hua'er is like a diligent little bee. As soon as Zhu Pingan comes back, Hua'er wanders around Zhu Pingan, standing on tiptoes to help Zhu Pingan remove his official uniform and put it into comfortable regular clothes worn at home. When changing into regular clothes Not forgetting to instruct the demon Ruo Nan to give Zhu Ping'an face wash.

"It's not like he has no hands or feet. Why do you always ask me to give him face wash?" The demon Ruo Nan muttered and brought the face wash. She brought the face wash to Zhu Pingan with an emotional look on her face, and then said to him in a strange way. Zhu Ping'an said, "Wash your face, my eldest daughter."

"You are the one who wants to be a maid. Of course, to be a maid, you have to act like a maid." Hua'er snorted.

"I am the envoy supervising him on behalf of Shanzhai." The demon Ruonan corrected him.

"Messenger? Messenger, isn't that what people do?" Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, blinked in confusion.

After hearing Hua'er's explanation, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but laugh. This silly and cute Hua'er was really interesting.

The witch Ruonan gave Zhu Ping'an a hard look and said, "Hurry up and wash your hands, my rich master."

"Thank you, messenger." Zhu Ping'an washed his hands with the face wash water brought by the demon girl Ruonan, and thanked him with a narrow smile.

The witch Ruonan glared at Zhu Pingan again, gritted her teeth and said, "Hmph, next time I will bring you my foot-washing water!"

"Bath water?!"

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise. Why did the demon Ruonan suddenly start driving? !

Not to mention feudal ancient times, even in modern times, girls’ bath water also has special significance. Between husband and wife, between boyfriend and girlfriend, if the wife or girlfriend takes a bath, you can ask the husband or boyfriend to wash it again with the bath water. In short, it is only a very close relationship. As for outsiders, it is absolutely impossible.

How could Zhu Pingan not be surprised when he heard the demon Ruo Nan said that he would bring her bath water next time.

It’s really not that Zhu Pingan was teasing the seductress Ruonan on purpose, but it was just like bathwater. Because the witch Ruonan said it through gritted teeth, her articulation was not very clear, and the pronunciation of the word "foot" was a bit like the word "bath".

"Shameless! Who said bath water?!"

The pretty face of the enchantress Ruonan first turned red, and then her whole body radiated a chill, and she almost dropped the washbasin on Zhu Ping'an's head. This bastard pretended to be drunk last time and deceived her into carrying him, but this bastard took the opportunity to cheat on him. This time, he clearly said it was foot-washing water, but this bastard deliberately said it was bath water to tease him! Is this bastard really planning on me? !

"Did you say that yourself?!" Zhu Pingan looked innocent.

"I'm talking about foot wash!!! Feet, do you understand?!" The demon girl Ruonan stomped her foot hard, either intentionally or unintentionally, this foot just happened to step on Zhu Pingan's toes.

Zhu Ping'an grinned in pain, but he was obviously relieved on his face, "Ahem, it turned out to be foot washing water, I was shocked."

"What do you mean?!"

Seeing Zhu Pingan's relieved look, the demon girl Ruonan understood the meaning, and her whole body suddenly became colder.

This bastard actually despises himself!

"I don't mean anything." Zhu Ping'an said speechlessly.

"Hmph, he looks sanctimonious on the surface, but he is actually an insidious beast wearing a cassock!" The demon Ruonan gave Zhu Ping'an a hard look and snorted.

"My uncle is a gentleman." Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, heard the demon Ruo Nan once again said that Zhu Pingan was a sinister beast wearing a cassock, and couldn't help but stand up to defend Zhu Pingan again.

"A gentleman? Him? Ha!" The demon girl Ruo Nanjin sneered, "He is not a gentleman."

"My uncle is a gentleman." Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, nodded vigorously and frantically called Zhu Pingan.

"Ahem, eat, eat." Zhu Pingan coughed, ending this war without gunpowder.

Of course, the seductress Ruonan at the dinner table didn't give Zhu Ping'an a good look either. Zhu Pingan has become accustomed to this.

"I have something to do tomorrow, so I won't leave for now. As for whether I can leave the day after tomorrow, I'll wait and see what happens tomorrow."

After dinner, Zhu Pingan said to Hua'er and Yaonv Ruonan.

"Okay, uncle, I will buy some things tomorrow. Jinshan County is a small place, and the things are definitely not as good as those in Yingtian, and they are definitely not as complete as those in Yingtian." Hua'er has always supported Zhu Ping'an's decision. After hearing Zhu Pingan's decision, After being safe or leaving tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I have already begun to think about buying things.

"Why, do you regret not going to Xiyao Tower last time?! This time I'm leaving Yingtian for a small county. Why don't you go to Xiyao Tower before leaving?! Oh, men, they are all beasts in cassocks. !”

The demon girl Ruonan glanced at Zhu Ping'an, snorted, and said angrily.

"Ah?! Slim waist building?!" Baozi's little maid Hua'er was alert and looked at Zhu Ping'an nervously.

"What a thin waist building! What are you thinking about? I, Zhu Pingan, am not that kind of person!" Zhu Pingan said speechlessly.

"Aren't you?!" The demon Ruonan rolled her eyes.

"I'm not!" Zhu Pingan said one word at a time, and then explained, "Today Hu Yushi met Duke Wei after the reception banquet. Duke Wei funded me a batch of military supplies and made an appointment to pick them up at Zhenwu Camp tomorrow."

"Ha, who knows whether what you said is true or false? Tomorrow you will go to Zhenwu Camp to lead troops or go to Xiyao Tower to drink wine, who knows?" The demon girl Ruonan shrugged her shoulders and said in a strange manner.

"My uncle will not go to the Slim waist building." Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, glared hard at the demon Ruo Nan.

"Sister Hua'er, a man's mouth is a liar. If a man is trustworthy, a sow can climb a tree."

The witch Ruonan preached in a strange manner.

"Where should I go to the Slim Waist Building?" Zhu Ping'an tugged at the corner of his mouth speechlessly, "If I wanted to go to the Slim Waist Building, why did I have to pretend to be drunk and not go? I would have taken off my pants and farted. It’s unnecessary.”

"It's just that you regretted not going there last time, so you want to go see it tomorrow." The demon Ruonan blinked.

Meet your sister! ! ! What logic! Zhu Pingan was speechless.

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