Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1384 If you are a boy or girl, eat more walnuts

"Sister Hua'er, look, he fell silent. I must have exposed the truth and was speechless."

The enchantress Ruonan stretched out her slender jade finger and pointed at the speechless Zhu Ping'an, then turned to Hua'er and said to the side.

He looks like an old yin and yang!

"No, my uncle never goes to such dirty places." Hua'er was unmoved.

"Knowing people but not knowing their hearts, he will report to you when he goes to a place like that. He goes there secretly. How can there be a cat in this world who is not sneaky? Men are all virtuous, and they eat Wanli's food .”

The demon girl Ruonan tried her best to slander and sow discord, pouring basin after basin of dirty water on Zhu Pingan.

"Uncle, no."

Hua'er shook his head. Although the demon Ruo Nan tried his best to discredit Zhu Pingan, Hua'er still believed in Zhu Pingan.

"Hua'er, I've inquired about it. The Xiyao Building is the most famous entertainment venue and gold-selling cave in Yingtian Mansion. The girls in it are all as beautiful as flowers. They are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. If they didn't spend money like water, what kind of things would it be? Even a stinky man would love to live there. However, it is said that the girls there admire talented people the most. If they can write a good poem, all the girls there will appreciate it. Tsk tsk, even though your uncle is ugly, he looks ugly. , but I have to admit that he still has some talents, especially the youngest number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty. Gee, just this name alone can make the girls in it fight over each other. Red sleeves add fragrance, and a beautiful woman warms the bed. How do you think a man can resist the temptation to hold a beautiful woman without spending any money? Just like this moment of candied fruit, if you can eat it for free without spending any money, who do you think would not eat it? "

The witch Ruonan said in a low tone, stretched out her slender hand and pinched a candied fruit, shook it in front of Hua'er, and then put it into her red lips.

"My uncle can't do that." Hua'er was unmoved.

"Haha, if you are a boy or a girl, after you have said so much, do you want to go to the military camp with me to supervise?"

Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

"Ahem, okay, I'll go with you tomorrow to see where you go." The demon Ruonan coughed and blinked.

Zhu Pingan smiled at the demon Ruonan and said firmly, "Don't think about it, it's impossible!"

"Why?! You don't dare, you feel guilty, don't you?!" The demon Ruonan snorted.

"Women are not allowed to enter this important area of ​​the barracks." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"I can disguise myself as a man." The enchantress Ruonan blinked, "You want to go to the Slim Waist Building, right? That's why you don't dare to let me follow you."

"Your men's clothing is full of flaws. People saw it last time." Zhu Pingan curled his lips.

"It won't happen this time." The demon Ruonan said confidently.

Last time she went to Miao Camp with her master safely, Mrs. Yilan saw through her disguise as a man. After she came back, she summarized her mistakes and raised her level of disguise as a man to another level. She was confident that she would never be seen through again.

"Don't think about it, I won't take you there." Zhu Pingan shook his head and said without room for negotiation.

"Zhu Ping'an, you must be going to the Slim Waist Building tomorrow, that's why you won't take me with you." The demon girl Ruonan said excitedly.

"It's useless to provoke the general." Zhu Pingan shrugged.

"Zhu Ping'an, are you feeling guilty?" the demon girl Ruonan said reluctantly.

Zhu Pingan was too lazy to pay attention to her, stood up and walked to the study, leaving the demon Ruonan behind.

"Look, Hua'er, he ran away and didn't even dare to answer." The demon Ruonan pointed at Zhu Pingan's back and said to Hua'er.

"I have already answered." Zhu Ping'an paused when he reached the door, turned to look at the demon Ruonan and twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Giggle. Didn't you see the painting? This is your uncle. He is telling lies with his eyes open. He didn't say a word, but he said he answered tut tut. He said he would go to the military camp tomorrow. Do you still believe it?"

The demon girl Ruonan chuckled, thinking she had caught Zhu Pingan's flaw, and said to Hua'er without losing the opportunity.

"Boys and girls, don't just eat candied fruits. There are walnuts on the table. Crush them yourself and eat a few more."

Zhu Pingan stood at the door and smiled slightly, pointing at the snack plate in the hand of the demon girl Ruonan.

"What?! I've caught you by the tail and you're starting to please me?!" The demon Ruonan chuckled.

"No, the shape complements the shape. Eat more walnuts to nourish the brain." Zhu Pingan pointed to the walnuts on the table and then to his head.

"What do you mean?! You mean I'm stupid?!"

The demon girl Ruonan was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was doing. Suddenly, she felt a chill all over her body. She stared straight at Zhu Pingan with her eyes, as if she wanted to poke two holes in Zhu Pingan's body.

"What do you think? I have already answered you, but you don't know." Zhu Ping'an pulled down the corners of his lips and curved them.

"Zhu Pingan! You are a typical person who tells lies with your eyes open, calling a deer a horse, confusing right and wrong. Zhu Bajie beats you up." The demon girl Ruonan gritted her teeth and looked at Zhu Pingan, her anger level rising, "My aunt is not deaf, you clearly didn't say a word , where did you answer me?!"

"Hua'er, tell me, did you hear him speak just now?!" The demon Ruonan pulled Hua'er over for verification.

"Hua'er, please don't speak out of conscience. You speak according to your conscience." The demon girl Ruonan took Hua'er's hand and placed it on Hua'er's chest, asking Hua'er to answer according to her conscience and not blatantly favor Zhu. Safety.

Ahem, I'm a little jealous

At this moment, the demon Ruonan had an idea in her mind.

Before Hua'er could speak, Zhu Ping'an spoke. He looked at the enchantress Ruonan and shrugged, the corners of her mouth curved even more, and said with a smile, "So, Ruonan, if you are a boy or girl, you should eat walnuts to replenish your strength."

"You are the one who should be eating walnuts to replenish your brain!" The demon girl Ruonan glared at Zhu Ping'an hard, feeling chilled all over her body.

"Do you have to speak to answer? I have just given you the answer with actions." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Action?! What action?! You just walked over." After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, the demon girl Ruonan couldn't help but be confused, with a confused look on her face, completely unable to understand what Zhu Pingan meant.

"So, if you are a boy or a girl, please eat a few more walnuts every day." Zhu Ping'an said with a smile.


The demon girl Ruonan was filled with chills. She stretched out her hand and smashed not only the walnuts, but also the plate containing the walnuts.

However, Zhu Ping'an didn't even blink. He was almost immune to the threatening behavior of the demon Ruonan.

"Zhu Ping'an, what do you mean?! If you don't make it clear, I will crush your head like a walnut."

The demon Ruonan gritted her teeth and threatened.

Zhu Pingan looked at the demon Ruonan and smiled, ignoring the threat from the demon Ruonan, turned around and left with his hands behind his back.

Just when the demon girl Ruonan was about to explode, Zhu Pingan's voice came over, "Look, this is my answer. I, Zhu Pingan, stand up straight, act upright, go my own way, and let others speak."

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