Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1386 Cannons mounted on Purple Mountain

Zhu Ping'an went to the outer office of the Criminal Division and met with Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others. With the official document from Mr. Tai, he summoned the thirty servants of the Criminal Division's Yamen and drove the fifteen carriages coordinated yesterday out of the Yamen. , rushing to the destination Zhenwu Camp.

Zhenwu Camp is stationed with the outer wall of Yingtian City, south of the outer city, between the old imperial city and Zijin Mountain. The yamen of Tixingsi is generally in the north of the city, exactly to the south and north of Zhenwu Camp, and there is a considerable distance between them.

Zhu Ping'an and his party drove the carriage for half an hour before arriving at the south of the city, and saw the Purple Mountain in the distance.

"Zhongshan has a dragon and a bean, and Stone City has a tiger. It is the home of a true emperor."

Zhu Ping'an looked at the Purple Mountain from a distance. The Purple Mountain is slightly arc-shaped, with the mouth of the arc facing south, winding like a giant dragon. He couldn't help but sigh. When Emperor Hongwu chose Yingtian to build his capital, he chose this place. The terrain of it.

The outer wall of Yingtian City winds like a dragon, encompassing the entire Purple Mountain.

From a distance, the old imperial city is at the foot of Purple Mountain.

Oh, I remembered it.

When the Ming Dynasty was first established and Dingdu was built, Purple Mountain was not inside the city, but outside the city.

At that time, Emperor Hongwu built the capital city and recruited more than 200,000 civilians to build Yin Tiancheng. It took several years to complete. The city wall is 70 miles in circumference. It is supported by Zhongshan Mountain in the east, the Qinhuai River in the south as a natural moat, and the Yangtze River natural moat in the west. , with Xuanwu Lake as a barrier in the north, it integrates mountains, lakes and rivers into one.

After Yingtian City was built, Emperor Hongwu happily took his prince and officials to the Purple Mountain and looked down at Yingtian City. He was very satisfied with it. Such a strong city should be the foundation of eternity.

Emperor Hongwu, who was delighted with Long Yan, proudly pointed at Yingtian City and showed off to the prince and the civil and military officials, "Hehehehe, what do you think of the construction of this capital city? My capital city has high walls and thick walls, and its circumference is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. It has a total of thirteen This city gate is supported by Zhongshan Mountain in the east, the Qinhuai moat in the south, the Yangtze River natural moat in the west, and Xuanwu Lake in the north as a barrier. It is as solid as gold and can be defended for more than a year."

"The Holy One is wise, Yingtian City should be the most fortified city in the world from ancient times to the present."

"Yingtian City is really a Tiancheng."

"The Holy Spirit has a sharp eye. Such a majestic city with natural barriers is truly impregnable."

"Not just for one year, but for ten or eight years, there will be no problem."


All civil and military officials echoed in unison, praising Emperor Hongwu for his wisdom and praising Yingtian City as impregnable.

However, in the midst of the civil and military officials praising our emperor's wisdom, a discordant voice of a young man whose voice was changing sounded: "Cannons are mounted on Purple Mountain, and the cannons are driven into the Houzai Gate."

Houzaimen is the gate of the Forbidden City. The boy means that if a cannon is set up on Purple Mountain, the cannon can hit the Forbidden City.

The young man's voice was like a phoenix flying into the forest and chirping. The noisy birds in the forest suddenly fell silent. All the civil and military officials immediately fell silent when they heard the young man's comments about his life.

Everyone followed the sound and saw Zhu Di, the fourth prince of Emperor Hongwu, standing there with a look of pride on his face.

The young man Zhu Di is in his teens, and he is at the age where he likes to express himself. He is very proud, and he is proud that he has discovered hidden dangers in the city's defense.

At this moment, he raised his face proudly and looked forward to the praise from his father and the civil and military officials.

The air was quiet, even a little depressing.

Why don't you praise me? !

The young Zhu Di glanced at the civil and military officials from the corner of his eyes and found nervous expressions on their faces. Well, they should be nervous because they were incompetent and failed to discover hidden dangers in the city's defense, and were worried about being punished by their father. Hurry up and praise me, and I will consider interceding on your behalf.

The civil and military officials were worried that my father would punish me and they didn't have time to praise me. What about my father? Why didn't my father praise me?

Young Zhu Di looked in the direction of Emperor Hongwu and found that his father's face had darkened. Young Zhu Di couldn't help but become nervous. What's wrong? Did I see it wrong?

However, the next second, young Zhu Di felt relieved, because his sullen father smiled again, took out an orange from his sleeve with a smile, peeled off the skin, removed the meridians, and handed it to himself, letting himself eat the orange. .

This is the reward from the father.

My father always only praised his brother Zhu Biao, but never me. This orange was the first time my father rewarded me. It's not as simple as rewarding oranges. My father peeled oranges with his own hands and gave them to me to eat.

Even the royal brother doesn't get this kind of treatment.

In the eyes of everyone, the young Zhu Di took the orange proudly, put it in his mouth, and ate it.

Sweet, very sweet, very sweet, sweet in your mouth and in your heart.

The young Zhu Dijue had never tasted such sweet oranges before, and he would never forget them in his life.

After returning to the palace, young Zhu Di paid his respects to Queen Ma. Zhu Di was not Empress Ma's biological child, but he was raised by Empress Ma from childhood. Empress Ma loved him very much and treated him as her own. Zhu Di also regarded Empress Ma as his biological mother, but was not as close to his biological mother as he was to Empress Ma.

Seeing Zhu Di's happy face, Queen Ma couldn't help but smile and asked him if he had a good time when he visited Purple Mountain with his father today. Young Zhu Di proudly told the story of Emperor Hongwu asking everyone about Yingtian City on Purple Mountain. Queen Ma.

"How did you answer?" Queen Ma asked curiously with a smile.

"My son climbed up the Purple Mountain and had a panoramic view of the entire Forbidden City. He immediately realized something was wrong. If an enemy occupied the Purple Mountain, wouldn't it be possible to set up artillery on the Purple Mountain to bombard the Forbidden City. So, my son The minister replied: Mount cannons on Purple Mountain, and the cannons will penetrate the Houzai Gate."

The young Zhu Di looked like he was waiting for Queen Ma's praise, and proudly repeated his answer.

When Empress Ma heard this, her expression changed. She looked at the young Zhu Di nervously and asked, "Did your father say anything after hearing this?"

"My father didn't say anything. He took out an orange from his sleeve. He peeled the orange and handed it to me so that I could eat it. Mother, you know, I have never eaten such a sweet orange."

The young man Zhu Di said proudly, his face was filled with happiness when he mentioned that oranges are very sweet.

After the young Zhu Di finished speaking, he waited for Queen Ma's praise.

But what surprised Zhu Di was that he didn't get any praise, but what he saw was the horrified Queen Ma.

No one understands Emperor Hongwu better than Queen Ma. She understands Emperor Hongwu's personality and his thoughts. Emperor Hongwu was decisive in killing. He wanted to pass the throne to Zhu Biao, their eldest son, and give Zhu Biao a stable country that would last for ten thousand years. Emperor Hongwu had revealed to her more than once that Zhu Biao had helped them seize it. The world, the good bows and lackeys who now have the ability to threaten the country and the country, she knows the meaning of Emperor Hongwu's actions on the spot.

"My son, run away. Not only does your father want to kill you, but he also wants to peel off your skin and cramp your muscles like an orange." Empress Ma was immediately frightened and urged and arranged for Zhu Di to escape. Heaven is perfect.

Emperor Hongwu found out that Queen Ma had let Zhu Di go. He thought that the Queen regarded Zhu Di as if she were her own child and had a deep affection for him. He also thought that Zhu Di was also his own child after all and he was only in his early ten years now, so he stopped pursuing it.

However, Zhu Di's opinion still made Emperor Hongwu unhappy, so Emperor Hongwu decided to build the outer wall of Yingtian City to wrap Zijin Mountain, Yuhuatai, and Mufu Mountain within the city.

So, it became what it is today.

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