Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1387 What happened at Zhenwu Camp

Zhenwu Camp is located between Purple Mountain and the Old Forbidden City. The camp stretches for several miles. It seems to be much larger than the navy camp of Linhuai Marquis, but it is also set up in one place and is not separated into separate camps.

Deer antlers are placed in the camp, fences are erected, and sentry towers are built every two hundred meters. Crossbows are mounted on the sentry towers, and spear-like crossbow arrows are ready to go. There are also two forts built in the camp, which are dark and dark. The dark-skinned French artillery was placed on the fort, with the barrel pointing diagonally towards the sky, full of intimidation.

It looked heavily guarded.

But as he got closer, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but frown slightly. This is a fake product. The hardware is good, but the software is not. There was no one on duty in front of the Folangji artillery. Only a few artillery pieces sat naked on the turret, like sculptures. The sentries on the sentry tower who were supposed to be on guard did not fulfill their duties. They used the sentry tower as a place of fun. With their backs to the outside of the military camp and their faces to the inside of the military camp, they sat on the ground and made fists and drank. Even if they looked up during the break of drinking. His eyes were also looking towards the direction of the military camp.

Zhu Ping'an and his party walked 30 meters in front of the military camp, but did not see any sentry tower issuing an early warning message.

The guards at the door also gathered together, not knowing what they were doing. It was not until Zhu Pingan and his party arrived at the gate of the camp that they discovered Zhu Pingan and his party. One guard stuffed something into his arms in a panic, and several guards came up. Qianpan asked, "Stop coming, what are you doing?"

"My official, Zhu Ping'an, the Minister of Criminal Affairs of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, has an appointment with your Commander-in-Chief Wei Guogong. Please let me know." Zhu Ping'an stepped forward and cupped his hands, took out a name card from his sleeve and handed it to the person in front of him. guard.

The guard took Zhu Pingan's name card, turned around and asked the guard behind him, "Are any of you literate?!"

"Haha, Tou, the character knows me, but I don't know it."

"Boss, aren't you talking nonsense? If we were literate, who would come here to be a top soldier!"

All the guards burst into laughter.

"Gungungun, you can't read and still have a smile." The leading guard turned around and scolded the laughing guards.

"Tou, are you literate?" the guard asked with a smile.

"You are talking nonsense, why would I ask you if I knew how to read?" The leading guard scolded them again.

"Boss, you don't need to be literate to pass the message in. We can just pass the name card inside."

A guard warned.

"Well, you idiot, it's rare for you to be smart for once. Here, here you go, go in and pass the message."

The leading guard thrust the name card into his arms, patted his shoulder, and pushed him into the camp.

They don't look like soldiers, they are all rogues. Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch his lips.

After about tea time, a man dressed as a deputy general and Li Er came out of the camp.

Zhu Ping'an was surprised when he saw Li Er. Why was Li Er in Zhenwu Camp? It seemed that Marquis Lai Huai was also in Zhenwu Camp today.

"Master Zhu, I have been ordered by the governor to welcome you into the camp." The deputy general clasped his fist at Zhu Pingan from a distance.

"Fifth aunt, the Marquis and Duke Wei are waiting for you in the camp." Li Er ran over and bowed.

"Thank you, General, Steward Li." Zhu Ping'an smiled and returned the greeting.

"You are blind, why are you still standing there? Why don't you quickly open the camp door and invite Lord Zhu and his party to come in." The deputy general glared at the guards at the door, scolded them angrily, and ordered them to open the camp door.

The camp gate opened wide, and Zhu Ping'an and his party entered the Zhenwu Camp under the leadership of the deputy general and Li Er.

"Why are you so arrogant? Isn't it just a stupid dog? Just wait, you'll be good-looking."

Zhu Ping'an's ears were much sharper than ordinary people's. After walking a certain distance, he vaguely heard the sound of the guard at the door spitting and cursing in a low voice.

The dog in their mouth refers to the deputy general, but what about the idiot? ! You're not calling Mr. Wei a fool, are you? ! Is Wei Guogong so miserable among the soldiers of Zhenwu Camp? ! Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

After walking in the military camp for about a tea time, we arrived at Wei Guogong's commander's tent. The deputy general went in to report.

"Hahaha, my great nephew is here. I am sorry to hear you come from afar." Wei Guogong and the Marquis of Linhuai walked out of the handsome tent and greeted with a smile.

"Uncle, your words are serious." Zhu Ping'an stepped forward and cupped his hands, and then greeted the Marquis of Linhuai, "Uncle, you are also in Zhenwu Camp today."

"I happen to be here today on official business, so I can supervise this old guy for you to prevent him from breaking his promise and getting rich."

Marquis Linhuai said with a smile.

"You're so careless and careless. I, Mr. Xu, keep my word, so how can I break my word and get fat like you?"

Duke Guo of Wei gave the Marquis of Linhuai a rolling look and mocked the Marquis of Linhuai's figure. The two of them grew up wearing the same pair of trousers and were used to fighting.

"Fart, why do you break your promise and get fat? I am broad-minded and fat. Unlike you, who is narrow-minded and thin, like a bean sprout, it will fall when the wind blows." Naturally, the Marquis of Linhuai was not to be outdone, and mocked Wei Guogong for being thin.

"Don't worry, my dear nephew, I've already ordered all the things to be counted and put them in the warehouse. Lieutenant General Xu, take your nephew's men to receive them. One hundred sets of tents, one hundred pairs of armor, two hundred fire guns, There are also ten stones of gunpowder, no less. If there is a little less, I will only ask you. Also, if the chariots and horses brought by my nephew are not enough, you can transfer some chariots, horses and men from the camp."

After Wei Guogong and Linhuai Hou exchanged words for a while, he smiled and said to Zhu Pingan, and then ordered his lieutenants to take Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others to the warehouse to receive the military supplies promised to Zhu Pingan.

"Here." Vice General Xu accepted the order, and then said to Liu Mu and others, "Follow me."

"You all follow Vice General Xu's arrangements." Zhu Pingan said to Liu Mu and others.

"I obey, young master." Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others took the officers from the Punishment Division and accompanied Vice General Xu to receive the military supplies.

"My dear nephew, it's windy outside, please come in quickly and have a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up." Wei Guogong invited.

"Uncle, please." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands in courtesy.

Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis first entered the tent, and Zhu Pingan then entered the handsome tent. Wei Guogong's handsome tent was decorated very luxuriously and comfortably. The chair in the center was covered with a piece of tiger skin. There was a table in the middle of the handsome tent. There was a table on the table. The bubbling pot is the earliest prototype of hot pot. There are plates of shabu-shabu ingredients on the table. The most eye-catching thing is the plates of freshly cut mutton. The quality of the meat is all good. Cucumber strips, lamb brains, lamb tendons and clean haggis; three small wine pots were still warming on the table, and the intoxicating aroma of wine wafted out from the spouts, setting off the whole table of shabu-shabu. If you have an appetite, this wine must be good. Zhu Pingan, who doesn't like drinking, can't help but feel a little salivated when he smells the intoxicating aroma of wine.

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