Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1389 Zhenwu Camp Mutiny

In Zhenwu Camp, people outside the commander's tent were shouting and neighing. It was chaotic and exciting. The noise gradually came from far away, and the distance to the commander's tent was getting closer and closer.

"Left and right! What's going on outside?! How unbecoming is it to make a noise? Break up with me and give me a severe punishment!"

When Wei Guogong heard the commotion outside, he couldn't help but became furious and shouted loudly outside the tent.

Just now, he was talking about how excellent the military camp was with Linhuai Marquis and Zhu Ping'an. The commotion coming from outside was like a slap in the face to him on the spot, which made him feel that he had lost his face. How could he not angry.

The Marquis of Linhuai couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the commotion outside, "This is enough to make the army strong. Our navy would never dare to make such a fuss and cause trouble in the military camp."

Both Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis thought it was someone making a noise and fighting in the military camp, and didn't think there was any big problem.

But Zhu Pingan frowned. Zhu Pingan's vision and hearing were far beyond ordinary people. Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis couldn't hear clearly and only heard the noise. However, Zhu Pingan vaguely heard the words "Every stone meter folds." The money has been reduced for us!", "The monthly rations for our mothers and children have to be cancelled!", "It's already November, and the military pay for September has not been paid yet! ”, “This has been cut, that has also been reduced, soldiers are not paid, and they can’t support their wives and children, so why should they be soldiers? ", "Corrupt dog officials, give me back my soldiers' pay, and my wife and children's monthly rations", "Corrupt dog officials, take advantage of my soldiers' pay, and eat steamed buns with human blood! ", "You won't give us a single copper, and you still want us to go to the front lines to fight against the Japanese pirates? ! We really think we are dead people! ", "It's better to defect to the Japanese pirates. They are popular, drink spicy food and sleep with women, and their lives are a hundred times better than ours! ”, “Reverse, reverse! If you don’t fight now, wait until later! ”, “The officials forced me to rebel, I had to rebel! ”, “The dog officer won’t give us a way to live, and we won’t give the dog officer a way to live either! "Such angry shouts.

This is not a row! It’s not just a slap in the face!

This is a mutiny in the barracks!

Zhu Pingan came to this terrible conclusion in an instant, and a thin layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back!

I remembered that when I came to Zhenwu Camp just now, I found that the sentries on the sentry tower had their backs to the outside of the barracks and faced into the barracks; the guards at the door gathered together and hid things in their arms; the soldiers in the camp gathered together. At the same time, they scolded the deputy general as a dog raised by a straw, and said that he was waiting for you to look good. At that time, he felt that Zhenwu Camp was weird because of their military discipline and military tolerance, so he didn't think deeply about it.

Now that I think about it, they were plotting a mutiny at that time. No, they had already plotted a mutiny. The time was set for this morning, and they were already preparing to carry out the mutiny. That's why the sentries were watching the movements of the guards and soldiers gathering in the barracks. Really notify the mutiny time and discuss the mutiny action.

"Two uncles, the situation outside is not right!" Zhu Pingan stood up with a serious face and said to Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis.

"Haha, my nephew is still young and lacks concentration. It's just a normal noise. My nephew, don't worry. Just sit down and drink and eat meat."

Duke Wei laughed and waved his hand to signal Zhu Pingan to sit down. In his opinion, Zhu Pingan was too young and a scholar. He had no concentration and was frightened out of his wits when he heard the slightest movement.

"My dear nephew, please be patient. These big-headed soldiers have nothing to do in the military camp every day. They hold in their farts and are prone to making noises and making moves. It's not a big deal. My dear nephew, don't worry. There are two of us here, guarantee It’s okay.”

Linhuai Marquis also said with a smile. At this moment, he and Wei Guogong had the same view.

"That's right, don't worry, nephew. We are veterans on the battlefield. We have never seen any big storms or waves, and we have gone through fire and arrows. This small scene is nothing. My nephew, please relax. With the two of us here, we guarantee that everything will be fine." "

Duke Guo of Wei agreed with a smile, raised his glass and had a drink with the Marquis of Linhuai, giving Zhu Ping'an a demonstration of being as calm as a mountain despite the weather.

At this moment, the two stood together, arguing and competing as if they had never happened.

"My dear nephew, you are a scholar and have never experienced the battlefield. It is understandable that you lack concentration. However, you are also a leader of troops, and the militia is also a soldier. You still need to practice your courage and concentration."

Marquis Linhuai put down his wine glass and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile, giving Zhu Pingan guidance as an elder.

"Well, what Brother Li said makes sense. My nephew, as the commander of an army, you must have the courage and determination to remain calm even when Mount Tai collapses. You must be as calm as a mountain despite the weather." Wei Guogong nodded, and also treated him as an elder. , said to Zhu Pingan in a senior tone, "My nephew still needs to improve in this aspect."

Both of them looked calm, laughing at Zhu Pingan's fuss and telling Zhu Pingan to stay calm.

"It's not uncle, the situation outside is really not right, it's a bit like a mutiny by the soldiers." Zhu Pingan reminded him with a serious face, and then told him all the abnormalities he found when he came, including the soldiers on the sentry tower, the guards at the gate, and the soldiers in the barracks. The two of them analyzed the situation outside as a possible mutiny by the soldiers and reminded them to pay attention.

The reason why I didn't say what I heard was because I was still far away. Zhu Pingan's hearing was so different from ordinary people that no one would believe him and he couldn't explain it clearly. It would only cause trouble and increase trouble.

"Hahaha, nephew, you are making too much fuss. It's just some soldiers who are lazy. Every one of my soldiers has been disciplined by me and is obedient. They are the first to support me. How can they mutiny?"

When the Duke of Wei heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. He laughed at Zhu Ping'an for making such a fuss and turning every tree and plant into a soldier.

Duke Guo of Wei was very confident in his leadership of the army and vowed that all his soldiers would support him and would not mutiny.

"It's normal for soldiers to get together. My nephew is too sensitive." The Marquis of Linhuai couldn't help but laugh.

"Uncle." Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but remind him anxiously, "Please also order the soldiers to be summoned to guard the commander's tent, just in case."

The soldiers outside mutinied. Listening to the soldiers' scoldings, Zhenwu Camp has not paid the soldiers' salaries and has also cut many benefits. The soldiers are very resentful towards the leadership of Zhenwu Camp. At this time, the only one who can be trusted in Zhenwu Camp is Wei Guogong. The personal soldiers of Duke Wei are basically the generals and servants brought by Duke Wei from the Duke's mansion. They are much more loyal to Duke Wei than other soldiers.

When the barracks mutiny, the primary target is the commander's tent. The mutiny can only be quelled by calling in soldiers to guard the commander's tent to ensure safety.

"Call the soldiers?! Hahaha, nephew, you are making too much of a fuss." Wei Guogong laughed and fell forward.

"Good nephew, calm down." Marquis Linhuai couldn't help but cover his face and looked at Zhu Ping'an speechlessly.


Just as Zhu Ping'an was about to persuade him again, he heard a burst of hurried and panicked footsteps outside, and then the handsome tent was knocked open. A man in official uniform rushed in and fell to the ground with blood stains on his body. Spots.

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