Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1390 Murder

The officer broke into the tent suddenly, fell to the ground suddenly, and the blood dripping from his body was even more sudden.

Everything was so sudden!

The Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai, who were showing Zhu Ping'an what it means to be as calm as a mountain despite wind and rain, and not change their expressions even if Mount Tai collapses in front of them, were frightened and trembled, and all the wine in the wine glasses they held was spilled.

Zhu Ping'an, who they said had poor concentration, looked at the fallen official without changing his expression.

This man was lying on the ground, his face could not be seen clearly, he was wearing an exquisite and gorgeous flying fish suit, and his back was dripping with blood.

"Who?! Dare to break into the commander's tent?!" Wei Guogong's shout was a little sharp, with a frightened aftertaste.

"Kill someone, kill someone"

The official who was lying on the ground propped himself up on the ground with his hands, and raised his head tremblingly. His face was full of horror, and his face was as white as window paper. His mouth was half open, and his upper and lower teeth were chattering, and he made a sound. A sharp and hoarse scream, repeatedly shouting "killer, killer"

He put his hands on the ground and tried to get up, but because his hands were trembling, his legs were trembling, and his whole body was trembling, he couldn't get up, so he could only barely hold himself up.

This is a eunuch!

Zhu Pingan saw his face and heard his voice, and came to a conclusion. This official was about forty years old. He didn't have a beard on his face and was even powdered. His panicked and screaming voice was also a eunuch's unique androgynous tone.

"Ah?! Eunuch He?! It's you. What's wrong with you?!" After the eunuch raised his head, Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis immediately recognized him as Eunuch He. Their expressions changed greatly, and they hurriedly stood up and left. On the mat, he stepped forward in three steps and two steps at a time. One person helped Eunuch He up with one arm on each side.

What father-in-law? ! Zhu Ping'an's brain was running rapidly, and he went through the important people in Yingtian Mansion. The father-in-law named He, who had the Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai respect him so much, could only be the guarding eunuch He Sui!

"Kill someone, kill someone." Eunuch He obviously hadn't recovered from the panic yet, so he just repeated this sentence.

"Eunuch He, have you killed someone?!" Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis heard this and showed shocked expressions.

No wonder Eunuch He was stained with blood, no wonder he was so panicked, it turned out to be a murderer! A eunuch is a eunuch after all, and his courage and determination are even worse than Zihou's. Look at this, his whole body is shaking like chaff.

"It's okay, don't worry, Father-in-law. How could you kill someone? It must be that person who is full of evil and has done many evil things. You clearly saw every detail and exposed his evil deeds. You caught the evil person and punished him properly to serve as a warning to others."

Wei Guogong smiled slightly and said to Eunuch He with a confident and comforting expression.

"That's right, you are not killing people, you are enforcing the law and performing meritorious services." Linhuai Marquis also comforted him.

"Ouch! Why did I kill someone?" Eunuch He was helped up by Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis. After taking two steps, he finally came to his senses. He touched his neck to make sure his head was still on his head. When they heard Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis saying that he had killed someone, they immediately slapped their thighs with both hands, feeling anxious and angry.

"Yes, yes, of course you are not the one who committed the murder, you are the one enforcing the law." Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis looked at each other and smiled.

"Bah! What are you thinking! It wasn't me who killed someone! It was the rebels outside. The rebels killed people! Zhenwu Camp mutinied and rebelled! Huang Maoguan, the right servant of the Governor of the Ministry of Revenue, was killed by the rebels! Poor Mr. Huang Ah, in front of the Zajia family, they were chopped into pieces by the insurrectionary soldiers! If the Zajia family hadn’t run so fast, the Zajia family would have been chopped into pieces by the insurrectionary soldiers!” Eunuch He became even more anxious and angry. When it came to the Superintendent of the Household Department When Huang Maoguan, Chu Youshilang, was killed by the rebels, the horror on his face was clear.

"What?! Zhenwu camp really mutinied! Huang Maoguan, the governor's assistant minister, was killed by the rebels?!" Upon hearing this, Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis' eyes turned black, there was a buzzing in their ears, and they were all frightened.

They are hereditary military attachés who hang out in military camps all year round. They are very aware of the dangers of soldier mutiny. Soldier mutiny is no joke. It is often accompanied by the killing of officials and rebellion. The most dangerous person at this time is the general, because the mutinous soldiers are the first to be attacked. The targets are often generals. At this time, they are either coerced by the rebels (being coerced by the rebels is just to save their lives for a while, and the court will definitely liquidate them when they turn around. This is a serious crime to punish the Nine Tribes), or they are sacrificed to the flag by the rebels. Now the rebels all give Huang Maoguan, the right servant of the governor of the household department. Killing him further illustrates the seriousness and danger of this mutiny!


Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis were frightened, and their hands suddenly lost strength. Eunuch He was trembling all over and couldn't stand up. He only had time to let out a cry of surprise before he fell down again.

"Eunuch He, be careful." At this moment, a pair of hands stretched out from behind Linhuai Marquis, accurately grabbed one of Eunuch He's arms, and held him up, preventing Eunuch He from having close contact with the ground again.

"Huh, I scared the Za family to death." Eunuch He was in shock.

"Eunuch He" Only then did Wei Guogong and Marquis Linhuai react. A layer of cold sweat broke out on their backs. They hurriedly supported Eunuch He and helped him sit down on a chair.

After Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis placed Eunuch He on the chair, they glanced at Zhu Pingan gratefully. Fortunately, Zhu Pingan supported him. If Eunuch He fell, even if he was lucky enough to survive the mutiny this time, he would be punished by He Ping'an in the future. My father-in-law wears small shoes like crazy!

"Who are you?" Eunuch He sat on the chair and looked at Zhu Pingan, who was holding him up to prevent him from falling to pieces.

"He is the Marquis of Linhuai/my nephew-in-law, and the current Zhejiang Provincial Envoy and Inspector Zhu Ping'an." Wei Guogong and the Marquis of Linhuai introduced him almost at the same time.

"I'm in charge of Zhejiang's Prosecution and Prosecution Service, Zhu Ping'an. I've heard about the name of Mr. He for a long time, and I'm lucky enough to meet him today."

Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and said.

The reason why Zhu Pingan was so polite was because the guarding eunuch had a very prominent official position and was one of the three most powerful figures in Yingtian Mansion. To some extent, the guarding eunuch could even be said to be the highest military commander of Yingtian. The guarding eunuch is also known as the Zhongguan. Originally, the official position of "Guardian" was the title of military attache, which was the military commander of the main town. Generally, it could only be filled by the commander-in-chief. However, during the Yongle period, Zhu Di, who succeeded in seizing the throne, set the precedent for eunuchs to leave the town. While dispatching the guarding generals, he also sent eunuchs to accompany them, called "guarding eunuchs". Not only that, Zhu Di also gave the guarding eunuch a prince. Serve, make him sit above the generals, and be responsible for supervising the generals. If the seats were arranged in the court, Eunuch He would sit at the head of the table, Duke Wei could take the seat, and the Marquis of Linhuai could only sit sideways.

In addition, Yingtian Mansion had a high status in the Ming Dynasty. It was the capital of Liuzhou, and the emperors of all dynasties paid special attention to the eunuchs who guarded Yingtian, because their task was to "protect the capital of Liuzhou and serve their relatives and ministers three thousand miles away." This Eunuch He must have been favored by Emperor Jiajing, otherwise he would not have become the eunuch guarding Yingtian.

That's why Zhu Pingan was so polite.

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