Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1391: At the moment of mutiny, I’ll take the blame first

"Zhu Pingan?! Are you the new champion Zhu Pingan who inspected Taicang's bank with his bare buttocks?!"

When Eunuch He heard Zhu Pingan's name, his eyes widened immediately. He looked Zhu Pingan up and down and asked with his orchid finger raised.

"Ahem. Yes, I am Zhu Ping'an who inspected Taicang's bank with his bare buttocks."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help coughing, and his face turned slightly red. These words made him sound like a pervert.

"Eunuch He, you just said that there was a mutiny in Zhenwu camp, and Huang Maoguan, the governor's assistant minister, was killed by the rebels. Is this true?!"

Duke Guo of Wei asked anxiously. He seemed to have some illusions and found it difficult to accept the fact that Zhenwu Camp had mutinied.

"Hey, Duke Wei, Duke Wei, do you think the Za family is in the mood to make such a joke with you?! The blood on the Za family is Lord Huang's blood!" Eunuch He slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "I don't believe you. Reach out and touch it, Mr. Huang's blood is still warm."

"How could it be possible? How could Zhenwu Camp mutiny? It shouldn't be. They are all very obedient. They are not doing well when they reduce the amount of discounted silver. They are not doing well when they stop paying their wife's rations. They are also not doing well when they delay the payment of military pay. Why did they mutiny today? They shouldn't have done anything."

Wei Guogong could not accept the fact that Zhenwu Camp had mutinied, and murmured to himself like Xianglin's wife.

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. It turned out that the scoldings of the soldiers in the distance were all true. The discounted silver was really reduced, the soldiers' wives' rations were stopped, and the soldiers' pay was also in arrears.

"Uncle, the top priority is to quickly recruit soldiers to defend the commander's tent while the mutinous soldiers are still far away from the commander's tent, lest the mutinous soldiers attack the commander's tent and lose control of Zhenwu Camp!"

Zhu Pingan once again reminded Wei Guo of justice.

"Yes, Lao Xu, my nephew is right. Hurry up and gather the soldiers to guard the commander's tent. If the troops attack the commander's tent, it will be a serious matter, and it will be really difficult to save the day. .”

Linhuai Marquis reacted after Zhu Pingan reminded him, nodded repeatedly, hurriedly pushed Wei Guogong's arm with his hand, and said anxiously, like an ant on a hot pot.

There is no trace of the demeanor of a veteran in the army, and it has nothing to do with being calm and calm. It is a hundred thousand light years away from "the color remains unchanged even if Mount Tai collapses, and the calmness of the mountain remains unmoved by wind and rain". .

The Duke of Wei's mind went blank at the moment. He came to his senses after being reminded one after another by Zhu Ping'an and Linhuai Marquis. He nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's right, summon the soldiers, summon the soldiers." Then he hurriedly called the soldiers on duty. He pulled off a tiger head seal from his waist and gave it to one of them, ordering him to quickly summon his own troops to guard the commander's tent.

At this time, the shouts and curses of the mutinous soldiers outside were getting closer and closer, and Zhu Ping'an could hear them more and more clearly. The Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai also vaguely heard the shouts and curses of the mutinous soldiers outside. As a result, the expressions of Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis became more frightened and paler. They were like ants in a hot pot, spinning around in circles in the handsome tent. While spinning, they raised their heads to pay attention to the movements outside the tent. , "What's the situation? Why haven't the soldiers come yet?"

Compared to them, Zhu Ping'an was much calmer, standing in place like a sea-fixing needle.

Eunuch He was also sitting there, but because his legs were still shaking, he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

"Stop spinning, it makes me dizzy!" Eunuch He shouted to Duke Wei and Marquis of Linhuai with his hand on his forehead.

"Eunuch He, what on earth is going on?! Aren't you supposed to be at the garrison, why are you here at Zhenwu Camp?! And why are Minister Huang here too? Why did my soldiers suddenly mutiny?"

After Wei Guogong was told to stop by Eunuch He, his brain seemed to resume functioning, and he asked Eunuch He one question after another.

"You ask the Zajia family! The Zajia family still wants to ask you!" Eunuch He suddenly became speechless after hearing Wei Guogong's series of questions.

"Ah?! Ask me?! Why did Eunuch He say this?!" Wei Guogong was stunned when he heard this.

"Didn't you send someone to invite Zajia and Huang Shilang?! You asked why Zajia was at Zhenwu Camp?! Wei Guogong, come and tell Zajia why you invited Zajia and Huang Shilang to Zhenwu Camp this morning! He also said that we have something important to discuss! What important matter do you have to discuss with Zajia and Huang Shilang?!"

Eunuch He said word by word, his eyes fixed on Duke Wei with an unkind look on his face.

"I invited you to discuss important matters this morning?!" Wei Guogong couldn't help but excitedly said with a look of injustice on his face, "Eunuch He must have made a mistake. I made an appointment with Zihou the day before yesterday to hand over the sponsorship at Zhenwu Camp this morning. Give me the troops to Zihou's militia. Both the Marquis of Linhuai and Zihou can vouch for me. Since I have an appointment this morning, how can I invite my father-in-law and Huang Shilang to come over to discuss important matters again?!"

"Yes. We can testify." Zhu Ping'an and Marquis Linhuai nodded at the same time, testifying for Wei Guogong.

"Ah?!" Eunuch He was stunned when he saw this, and then said with a sure face, "But it was indeed someone from Zhenwu Camp who came to invite me and Huang Shilang with a stamped official document this morning?! It was you Zhenwu Camp who invited me and Mr. Huang this morning?! Wang Baihu of Wuying, I have seen him, it is impossible to admit his mistake, and it is impossible for me to admit the military seal of your Zhenwuying."

"Ah?" Wei Guogong was also confused and said with an innocent look, "But I did not send Wang Baihu to invite you and Mr. Huang, nor did I issue an official document inviting you and Mr. Huang."

"It may be that Huang Baihu carved a carrot seal privately, or secretly stamped the military seal while you were not paying attention, Lao Xu."

Marquis Linhuai concluded.

As soon as the Marquis of Linhuai finished speaking, Eunuch He and Duke Wei spoke in unison, each holding their own opinions and refusing to give in to each other.

"It can't be the carrot seal, I won't admit it wrong." Eunuch He insisted, "As the guard of Yingtian Mansion, the seal stamped by the military seal of Zhenwu Camp, every stroke, length, depth, position, I know the spacing and so on clearly, no carrot seal can fool my eyes."

"It's impossible to steal the official seal. My official seal is locked. Only I have the key." Wei Guogong also insisted, "Only I can seal the military seal. There is no chance for others to steal it."

The reason why the two of them are so persistent involves the issue of "responsibility". If it is a carrot seal, then Eunuch He is responsible for unclear censorship and trusting others. Similarly, if it is a secret military seal, then Eunuch Wei is responsible for poor management. Both of them know this.

Throw the blame!

This is a skill. The two of them have been in the officialdom for so many years, and they couldn't be more proficient in using the skill of blame-shifting.

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