Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1392 You Wei alone cannot kill anyone.

Seeing that the mutinous soldiers were about to arrive at the commander's tent, Wei Guogong and the others were still showing off their special skills. Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but be speechless. He couldn't distinguish the priorities. After the mutiny, if one person was not handled properly, everyone would be gone. They were still throwing the blame here. pot

"Eunuch He, Uncle Xu, at the moment of the mutiny, we might as well put the dispute aside and deal with the mutiny first."

Zhu Pingan took a step forward, bowed to Eunuch He and Duke Wei, and reminded them seriously.

"Yes, what my nephew said is that the most important thing now is to deal with the mutiny. This is the first priority at the moment. As for Wang Baihu's official documents, we can put it aside until the mutiny is resolved. There will be plenty of time to deal with it. If the mutiny is resolved, No, I’m done waiting, and I don’t care what Wang Baihu and Zhang Baihu do!”

When the Marquis of Linhuai heard this, he couldn't help but nodded, walked to Zhu Pingan, and said to Eunuch He and Duke Wei.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"The Za family will listen to Mr. Xiao Zhu first."

Duke Wei nodded, and Eunuch He also pointed at the orchid and nodded, and the two reached an agreement.

Then, Duke Wei, Marquis of Linhuai, and Eunuch He all looked at Zhu Pingan unknowingly.

Uh, okay, when Zhu Pingan saw this scene, he had no choice but to stand up first. Eunuch He has obviously not recovered from fear. Until now, you can still see his hands and feet shaking from time to time. Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis have not calmed down yet, so they can only stand up on their own.

"Eunuch He, can you briefly tell us what happened after entering the military camp so that we can analyze it."

Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and said.

"Well, the thing is like this." Eunuch He nodded, and then slowly said, "At that time, Wang Baihu invited me to Zhenwu Camp with an official document, saying that Duke Wei wanted to discuss something important with me. The Miscellaneous Family is honored by the Holy Spirit. The decree is to guard Yingtian, and Zhenwu Camp is an important force in defending Yingtian Mansion. Naturally, we cannot take it lightly, so we followed Wang Baihu in a hurry to Zhenwu Camp without washing our faces."

Didn't you wash your face? !

Zhu Ping'an glanced at Eunuch He without leaving a trace, and twitched the corners of his mouth inaudibly. Eunuch He was even smeared with makeup and powder, and he still hadn't washed his face. It seemed that these old foxes had to listen to what they said.

"The Za family met Huang Maoguan, the governor of the Ministry of Household Affairs, on the way. The person who went to invite him was Zhang Baihu from your Zhenwu Camp, so we rushed to Zhenwu Camp together." Eunuch He continued.

"Then what?! How come Huang Shilang was killed by the rebels?!" Wei Guogong asked impatiently.

Eunuch He was dissatisfied with being interrupted by Wei Guogong. He looked at him as if he were there. Seeing Wei Guogong shrinking his neck, Eunuch He continued, "I and Huang Shilang just entered the military camp. After walking a few steps, Wang Bai, who led us here, Hu and Zhang Baihu disappeared, and then we were surrounded by rebels."

Zhu Ping'an roughly pieced together the scene at that time from Eunuch He's dictation:

After Huang Shilang and Eunuch He were surrounded by rebels, they did not realize that Zhenwu Camp had mutinied. Both of them were in high positions. Eunuch He was one of the three giants in Yingtian, and Huang Shilang was the governor of the Ministry of Household Affairs. The minister holds the power of money and food for the local guards and soldiers. He is respected by others on weekdays, held up, respected, and worshiped. Seeing these big-headed soldiers being so rude, he naturally shows off his official authority and faces them. The rebel soldiers yelled, "You bastard, how dare you be so rude and why don't you quickly retreat and kneel aside!"

However, the big soldiers who usually support, support, and fear them no longer buy their fault at this moment.

Not only did the rebels not retreat, but they became even more excited. The crowd was so angry that they not only surrounded them tighter, but also pushed them.

"As for our wives' monthly rations, we agreed when we formed the army that those with wives would have one stone, and those without wives would lose four-tenths. You made your own decision at the beginning of the year and reduced our monthly rations by half. Just pay back. , why haven’t they been given to us since last month? There were still floods at that time. The family was already short of food, and the monthly rations were stopped. Do you know how our family got here?! "

"Huang, at first you, the Ministry of Household Affairs, took the initiative to reduce our monthly allowance for wives. Later, you intensified your efforts and slandered the superiors. You abolished our monthly allowance for wives! Your surname is Huang, You are responsible for the review and distribution of money and food for various health stations and soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River. You have abolished our monthly rations for wives and families, and the money has been changed into another form, and it has all been embezzled by you, and it has all gone into your own pockets!"

"My surname is He, the Yingtian Mansion's army will listen to you. If you speak, we will return our wives' monthly rations and soldiers' pay."

"Guan Gu, let's not talk about the monthly rations for my wife and my wife. What about our soldiers' pay, which is the money for our hard work? There has been no military pay for two months. Our whole family is just using the soldiers' pay to buy rice for cooking. Do you want to be hungry? Will our whole family die?!"

"Dog Officer, bring me the money!"

"Dog Officer, give our wives our monthly rations and our soldiers' pay!"

"If you don't give us money, we will rebel!"

"Rebellion, rebellion! It's better to surrender to the Japanese pirates. They are popular and drink spicy food, and their lives are a thousand times better than ours."

The rebels surrounded Eunuch He and Huang Shilang, shouting angrily.


Eunuch He and Huang Shilang scolded the rebels. They were used to being arrogant and arrogant. Not to mention these big soldiers, even the middle-level officers were not taken seriously by them. It was normal for them to show their official power and so on. These big-head soldiers even beat and cursed at every turn. At this moment, they still did not realize the danger and seriousness of the rebellion.

"A group of Qiu Ba, shouting and shouting, asking for monthly rations for wives, have stopped a long time ago! Soldier pay! Oh, the imperial treasury is currently tight, how can there be any money to pay you soldiers! It keeps rolling away, and it keeps rolling away."

Huang Shilang holds the power of money and food for the local guards and soldiers. He is used to treating these big soldiers, and he can't stop scolding them now.

Naturally, the rebel soldiers would not leave, and they became even more agitated, shouting louder for monthly rations and soldiers' pay.

"We have three thousand people in Zhenwu Camp. If you don't give us full-month food and military pay today, don't even think about leaving!"

"That's right, we have three thousand people in Zhenwu Camp, and one of them is missing today. You dog officers, no one can even think of leaving!"

"That is, if you don't give us money and don't give us a way to survive, you dog officers who eat soldiers' flesh and drink their blood will not even think about living!"

“If you don’t give me money, I will rebel!”

When Huang Shilang heard the rebels shouting about three thousand people, he couldn't help but cursed, "What?! Three thousand people?! There are still three thousand people!"

According to the military system of the Ming Dynasty, if a soldier died in the garrison or military guard, then the amount of money, food, etc. would be reduced according to the number of deaths. During the flood last month, Huang Shilang was in a good mood. Because soldiers in various guard posts died due to the disaster, he was able to save a considerable amount of money and food.

Zhenwu Camp was full of 3,000 people, and it still has 3,000 people now, which proves that no one died in the flood.

So at this moment, Huang Shilang was in a very disappointed mood, and couldn't help but curse at the rebels, "Your mother, when there is a flood, everyone will defend themselves to death, but you alone can't kill anyone?!" The translation is "Made, when there is a flood, everyone will defend themselves" Everyone is dead, how come you are the only one in Zhenwu camp who is not dead?!"

This sentence ignited the anger of the rebels, pushed their anger to the peak, and pushed himself to the point of no return.

The extremely angry rebels drew their knives on the spot, and Huang Shilang bloomed with bloody flowers.

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