Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1393 The sky has cleared up, the rain has stopped, and Wei Guogong is on his way again

When Zhu Ping'an heard the words of Huang Maoguan, the governor of the Ministry of Household Affairs, "Each guard will die, but your guard is the only one who will not die?", why did Zhu Ping'an feel like shit in his heart?

Mader is retarded! Mud bastard! How did this guy become a third-grade official? ! Aren't you seeking death? !

Zhu Ping'an treated Huang Shilang to the extreme.

It is definitely wrong for soldiers to mutiny. Not to mention being deceived and used by others, the important and direct reason for the mutiny of soldiers is that the wives’ monthly rations were first reduced and then cancelled, and the payment of military pay was delayed. They suffered the tragedy just last month. The soldiers who were hit by the flood must have a lot of expenses at home, and they were just waiting for money and food to be rescued. Unexpectedly, Huang Shilang not only had no intention of distributing it, but also said such an extremely irresponsible, official PUA, and bastard sentence: "Each guard will kill people, and you will die in your guard." Isn't it just a matter of death?" What if this isn't seeking death? ! It's strange that the soldiers who were already angry could endure it!

"Isn't this Huang Shilang adding fuel to the fire?!" Linhuai Marquis couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

"During the flood, no one died in our Zhenwu Camp. How could we be wrong?! Why did Huang Shilang say such bastard words?!" Wei Guogong, as the commander of Zhenwu Camp, couldn't help but frown when he heard Huang Shilang's words, "At that time In that situation, how could Mr. Huang dare to say such words? Isn’t this irritating the rebels?!”

"Oh, that's not what happened. As soon as Huang Shilang finished speaking, the angry soldiers drew their knives on the spot. Countless knives were slashing at Huang Shilang. Huang Shilang was so miserable. He was chopped down just before his eyes. His body was bloody and bloody. If the Zajia family hadn't had some kung fu skills, sharp eyes, and quick feet, and had taken advantage of the rebel soldiers to kill Huang Shilang and left me alone, he ran out. If not for the personal followers around the Zajia family who risked their lives to stop the rebels, the Zajia family would have fought against Huang Shilang. I have become a dead soul killed by the swords of random soldiers."

Eunuch He slapped his thigh and said with a trembling voice. When he talked about the scene at that time, he still couldn't help but feel heart palpitations.

It seems that the reason why the mutinous soldiers have not advanced to the commander's tent is because Eunuch He's personal entourage helped to stop them. However, listening to the noise, the mutinous soldiers were not far away from the commander's tent. They would reach the commander's tent in a few minutes, but Wei Guogong's soldiers had not yet arrived.

Dangerous, but no need to despair.

Zhu Pingan stood there with his face as usual. After listening to Eunuch He's story, Zhu Pingan felt confident.

"Old Xu, what's going on with your soldiers? Why haven't they arrived yet?" The Marquis of Linhuai listened to the growing noise caused by the mutinous soldiers outside. He realized that the rebels were getting closer and closer, and couldn't help asking anxiously. .

"Yes, Duke Wei, where are your soldiers? If you don't come to guard the commander's tent, we will follow in the footsteps of Huang Shilang! These big-headed soldiers really dare to kill people!"

Eunuch He was so anxious that he couldn't sit still. Thinking of the scene where Huang Shilang was chopped into a pulp, he couldn't help but tremble.

"I don't know either. It should be here soon. Just wait, wait. My soldiers are all sons of the family in the mansion, and they are loyal to me. When I gather them, they will be able to climb mountains of swords and seas of fire. Came here!" Wei Guogong was anxious as he listened to the approaching noise outside. These words were not so much comforting Linhuai Marquis and Eunuch He as comforting himself.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a commotion outside, and then a burst of chaotic footsteps came to the handsome tent.

In a hurry, Eunuch He, who was sitting on the chair with trembling legs, suddenly jumped up from the chair and hid in the innermost corner of the handsome tent with quick steps. His movements were as smooth as clouds and water. Done in one go.

When Zhu Ping'an saw this, he couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth. He immediately understood why Huang Shilang was chopped into a pulp, but Eunuch He was able to survive alone. Eunuch He has mastered this set of fluent escape techniques.

Not only Eunuch He, but Duke Wei and Marquis of Linhuai were also frightened when they heard the noise outside. They thought they were rebels. Just when they were about to imitate Eunuch He and find a place to hide, they heard a sound coming from outside. , "General, I asked the general to punish me for being late while waiting for rescue."

"The soldiers are here!" Wei Guogong was instantly overjoyed, his panic swept away, and his crouching waist instantly straightened up.

"Your soldiers are finally here." Linhuai Marquis let out a long sigh of relief and straightened his back.

"Ahem, there is indeed a poisonous centipede in the corner, but don't worry, I have already trampled it to death."

Eunuch He coughed and half-explained and half-covered the words to Zhu Pingan and others. As he spoke, he pretended to crush the corners with his feet, as if I was not hiding, but helping everyone get rid of poisonous centipedes.

"Haha, thank you Eunuch He for your help. My handsome tent is often infested with centipedes, spiders and other poisonous insects."

Duke Wei said with a smile.

"No, this place is located at the foot of the mountain. It is dark and humid, and it is easy for poisonous insects to breed. Last time I came here, I was bitten by a centipede. Maybe it was the one that was trampled to death by Eunuch He. Thank you Eunuch He for helping me take revenge."

The Marquis of Linhuai also agreed and arranged the steps clearly for Eunuch He.

"Haha, you're welcome. The Za family have sharp eyes." Eunuch He looked at Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis with satisfaction.

For a time, most of the panic in the military tent was gone.

"Uncle, Eunuch He, the rebels are about to arrive. While there is still time, arrange your own troops to defend, and defend the commander's tent first."

Zhu Pingan reminded the three of them.

"Haha, Zihou, don't worry. My soldiers have arrived. A few random soldiers are nothing to worry about." Wei Guogong chuckled and said confidently, "My soldiers are all the best among the best, well-equipped and well-trained. They will guard the commander's tent and protect everyone without any problems. I have always had prestige in Zhenwu Camp. No one dares to disobey an order. I will have my own soldiers to guard the commander's tent and stabilize the situation. I only need to As soon as the rebels appeared in front of us and gave the order, these rebels would naturally disperse."

At this moment, Wei Guogong's back was very straight, his voice was very strong, and the confidence on his face was beyond words.

Zhu Ping'an looked at Wei Guogong, and a sentence came to his mind: The sky is sunny and the rain has stopped. Do you think you can do it again? !

"Old Xu, it's okay to be cautious. It's better to set up defenses first." Linhuai Marquis reminded.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Wei Guogong smiled and nodded, leading Zhu Pingan and others out of the tent.

When they walked outside the tent, Wei Guogong and others couldn't help but be stunned.

There were indeed soldiers outside the commander's tent, but there were only about a hundred of them at most, all with bare hands and no weapons.

"Old Xu, these are the only soldiers you have?!" Linhuai Marquis looked at Duke Wei blankly and murmured.

"Wei Guogong, didn't you say that your soldiers are well-equipped? How come they are all bare-handed?!"

Eunuch He's mouth twitched and he looked at Duke Wei.

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