Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1395 The demeanor of a famous general

"Wei Guogong, this is extremely urgent and your life is hanging by a thread. Are you still in the mood to perform Golden Rooster Independence?!"

"Old Xu, what are you doing?! At the critical moment, you won't fall into your old habits again, are you scared?!"

Eunuch He and the Marquis of Linhuai looked at Wei Guogong performing the golden rooster independence, and suddenly ten thousand rough mud horses roared past in their hearts, and they couldn't help but anxiously started a round of verbal output to Wei Guogong.

"Ahem, why are you so scared? I'm just gathering momentum."

When Wei Guogong heard this, he quickly explained with a blushing face, but his voice was very weak, and the typical lack of confidence.

"At this critical moment of life and death, your life hangs on a thread, what momentum do you have! Hurry up and give them orders!"

"Old Xu, you are the chief officer of Zhenwu Camp! You single-handedly created Zhenwu Camp! They rebelled, and you are the only one who can suppress them! If you give in at this time, then all of us will lose our lives. It’s guaranteed!”

He Gong and the Marquis of Linhuai also saw that Duke Wei was timid in the face of the rebels, and couldn't help but urged anxiously.

"Well, yes, I created Zhenwu Camp with my own hands! I gave the order." Wei Guogong nodded vigorously, puffed up his chest confidently, and stepped forward with one of Jin Ji's independent feet.

However, Wei Guogong's confidence disappeared in the next second.

In front of them, the rebels were getting more and more excited, and the defense line formed by the human shield soldiers in front of them, hand in hand, was already crumbling.

The angry shouts and curses of the rebel soldiers struck Wei Guogong's fragile eardrums, and the sunlight reflected by the waving weapons almost blinded Wei Guogong's eyes. The fatal blow to Wei Guogong was the body of Huang Shilang swinging from side to side on the flagpole.

As a result, the soles of Wei Guogong's feet that had just taken the first step took root again, firmly rooted in the ground.

"Let's go."

Eunuch He finally couldn't bear it this time, and without any nonsense, he put his hand behind Wei Guogong and pushed hard.

Eunuch He was really not lying when he said that he had a foundation in martial arts. This push seemed weak and weak, but it pushed Wei Guogong several meters away. Wei Guogong looked like he was riding a rocket. He suddenly appeared at the front, bumped into the human shield soldiers in the front row, and faced the angry soldiers.

"Who the hell hit me?!" The human shield soldier was nervously and miserably being pulled by the mutinous soldier. Suddenly he was bumped and almost missed the mutinous soldier's arms. He was so frightened that he quickly backed away. , turned around and scolded.

However, when he turned around and discovered that the person who bumped into him was Duke Wei, the human shield soldier's face became brighter. He quickly put on a smile and praised Duke Wei's bravery: "I took the lead, I am so powerful!"

"Who the hell is pushing me?!" Wei Guogong couldn't help but curse.

"Ah?!" The human shield soldier was startled.

"Ahem, it's nothing, nothing." Wei Guogong coughed and covered it up. How could he have the nerve to admit that he was pushed out? He had already been pushed out, could he still go back? ! If he retreated, how could he still have the dignity to hang out in the officialdom? At this time, we can only bite the bullet!

"At this time, only I can solve the problem by taking action." Wei Guogong reached out and patted the human shield soldier on the shoulder, saying with an awe-inspiring expression.

Seeing Wei Guogong's awe-inspiring righteousness, the human shield soldiers thought that Wei Guogong was going out to solve the problem, so they quickly twisted their bodies, trying to clear a way for Wei Guogong. When Wei Guogong saw this, his face turned pale with fright. He grabbed him by the collar and held him down. "What are you thinking about? Stand still and block it!"

When the mutinous soldiers saw Wei Guogong coming to the front, they became even more excited. Not only did they yell and curse more fiercely, but they also raised the flagpole with the body of Huang Shilang above Wei Guogong's head.

"Ahem, my officers and soldiers at Zhenwu Camp!"

Duke Wei forced his face to be calm, rolled up his robe sleeves, and shouted with his head held high, displaying the demeanor of a famous general.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the legs of his official uniform are shaking all the time, and the hands behind him are also shaking.

After Wei Guogong's voice sounded, all the mutinous soldiers looked expressionless, no, they looked at Wei Guogong with fierce expressions, as if Wei Guogong was their sworn hatred for killing their father and taking away their wives.

Wei Guogong was taken a step back by these murderous looks, "Ahem, officers and soldiers of Zhenwu Camp, listen to me, put down your weapons, and go back to your camp. I can treat you lightly." "

After Wei Guogong finished speaking, the scene suddenly became quiet. Upon seeing this, Wei Guogong couldn't help but smile. At this moment, he felt like a tiger descending the mountain, while the mutinous soldiers were like small animals. The tiger descended from the mountain. , the little animals were so frightened that they did not dare to speak out. When he, the commander of Zhenwu Camp, spoke, the mutinous soldiers did not dare to say a word.

It seems that I have great authority!

These mutinous soldiers were immediately persuaded to listen to my words, obediently put down their weapons, and returned to their camps.

The mutiny is about to be quelled by me, Xu Pengju!

As a result, Wei Guogong's legs stopped shaking, and his hands stopped shaking! The demeanor of a famous general is even stronger. If I had known earlier, I would have come out a long time ago. Why did I have to be hesitated for so long? Why did I have to be pushed out by Eunuch He! How nice it would be for me to come out on my own! It made my scenery at this moment somewhat compromised.

However, just when the corners of Wei Guogong's mouth had just risen by a third and were still some distance away from his ears, the mutinous soldiers suddenly burst into deafening jeers one after another.

"Hahahaha. It's so funny. Did you hear what the idiot said?! He asked us to listen to him, put down our weapons, and go back to camp. Can we be treated lightly?! Hahaha, the idiot is indeed a idiot. Your head and belly are full of grass, so ridiculously stupid!”

"Hahahaha, that idiot is really whimsical!"

"What a fool! Why do we have such a stupid commander! And let us all go back to camp and get a lighter sentence?!"

"You're still giving us a lenient sentence?! You idiot, have you seen Mr. Huang! His fate will be your fate!"

"You idiot, pay us back our soldiers' pay! Pay back our wives' food! Otherwise, the fate of Huang Shilang will be your fate!"

"Withholding pay for our soldiers and food for our wives, you idiot! Go to hell! Today next year will be your death anniversary!"

Those who mutinied were the soldiers who shouted insults and insults at the same time, and the scolding Wei Guogong was so bloody!

Not only that, when the mutinous soldiers called Wei Guogong a idiot, they would extend the flagpole with Huang Shilang's body in front of him, keep shaking Huang Shilang's body, and issue death threats to Wei Guogong.

The Duke of Wei was scolded so much that he was in a state of embarrassment. Especially when Huang Shilang's body was stretched over his head by the mutinous soldiers, the Duke of Wei was even more defeated. The last line of psychological defense was broken. He could no longer care about his face and image. He was in a state of embarrassment. Hold your head and retreat, run away when you are in trouble!

Tired and tired like a lost dog!

There is no trace of the demeanor of a famous general!

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