Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1396 The Secret of Money

Duke Guo of Wei was extremely embarrassed. He was scolded as a idiot in public and ran away with his tail between his legs.

I wanted to regain my glory, but unexpectedly I was beaten to the point of giving up! I originally wanted to be a savior, but I didn't expect to become a lost dog!

The embarrassment of Wei Guogong cannot be described in words.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Eunuch He and Marquis Linhuai were so stunned that their eyeballs and chins seemed to have dropped to the ground!

Duke Guo of Wei, didn't you say that he has great prestige in the military camp? ! Why was he called a fool by everyone in the military camp? ! Duke Wei, didn't you say that with just one order from him, these mutinous soldiers would disperse? !

Ten million horses jumped through their minds. They had imagined ten thousand possibilities, but they never thought it would be such a result! How can the Duke of Wei have any prestige in Zhenwu Camp? It is simply a joke!

However, Eunuch He and Marquis Linhuai did not ridicule Wei Guogong because it was too late!

"The idiot ran away!"

"The idiot won't give us our hard-earned money!"

"The idiot doesn't care whether we live or die, and we don't care about their life or death! Kill the idiot and grab the money!"

The escape of Wei Guogong was like a drop of blood dripping into the sea, stimulating the sharks in the sea. The rebel soldiers were so excited that they attacked the human shield soldiers crazily, shouting and killing to chase Wei Guogong!

The human shield soldiers are like a lone boat in the stormy sea, unable to stop the impact of the mutinous soldiers. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the rebel soldiers easily broke through the defense line composed of human shield soldiers.

The rebel soldiers charged over with their swords waving, almost sharpening their knives and rushing towards the pigs and sheep.

At the critical moment of life and death, how could Eunuch He and Marquis Linhuai bother to ridicule Wei Guogong? It was important to escape for their lives.

Duke Wei couldn't care less about being ashamed. When he saw the rebels coming, he fled toward the tent without looking back. At the same time, he ordered the scattered human shield soldiers, "Hold it, Master, I'll stop it." !”

For a moment, Duke Wei, Marquis of Linhuai, and Eunuch He were all scrambling to be the first, chasing each other. They all stretched out their necks, spread their legs, and fled towards the commander's tent with all their lives.

There was no other way to escape towards the camp. There were rioters from all directions, so the camp was the only place to hide. As for whether he will be caught in the chaos of the army, he can't care about it. Let's focus on the present first. If we don't hide in the commander's tent right now, these ruthless soldiers will kill us with a thousand swords!


However, just as they rushed to the door of the handsome tent and were about to rush in, a thin body firmly blocked the door with outstretched hands, blocking their way.


The entrance to the handsome tent was narrow, and the three of them were walking together without giving in to each other. It was difficult to squeeze in. What's more, there were people blocking the entrance. The three of them seemed to have bumped into a mountain!

The three of them raised their heads to curse, to see which blind guy was blocking their way to escape!

When they looked up, they found that it was Zhu Ping'an who was blocking the road. Duke Wei, Marquis of Linhuai and Eunuch He were suddenly stunned!

"Good nephew?! What are you doing?! Get out of the way and let us in, the rebels are about to rush over!"

"Master Xiao Zhu, we have no grievances in the past and have no enmity in the recent days. What are you doing?! The rebels are coming to kill us! We are in urgent need and life is at stake! Get out of the way quickly! Let the Zajia family go in and hide."

The three of them were angry and anxious.

At this moment, the rebel soldiers behind them had dispersed the human shield soldiers, and were only six or seven steps away from Wei Guogong and the others. Even the spittle and breath of the rebel soldiers shouting and cursing were sprayed on their faces.

"Look! Silver!"

Zhu Ping'an didn't have time to answer them. He reached into his arms and took out the scattered silver he was carrying. He shouted and threw it over the heads of the rebels. The white silver sparkled in the sun, unusually Eye-catching, like a goddess scattering flowers, they scattered into the crowd of soldiers.

"Silver! Silver!"

"It's indeed silver!"

"Mine, I picked it up first! Don't rob it, this is my money!"

"Mine, it's mine. Damn it, you dare to rob me of my money. I'll fight you!"

The soldiers who were chasing and shouting for death suddenly saw stars falling from the sky. They couldn't care less about chasing Wei Guogong and others. They stopped one by one, turned around quickly, bent down and scrambled to pick up the silver, even for a broken piece. There was a big fight between Yinzi and the situation turned into a mess.

"Get up, don't grab the money, get up and hunt down the dog officer! Once you kill the dog officer, all the money will be ours!"

"Stop robbing! Kill the dog officer first!"

"Don't grab them! These scattered pieces of silver are deliberately distracted by the dog officers. Get up, everyone, get up. The dog officers are right in front of us. Kill them. All the money they have is ours!"

At this time, someone among the rebels shouted and made noise to remind the rebels to get up and continue to hunt Wei Guogong and Zhu Ping'an.

They saw Zhu Pingan's purpose clearly, but it was useless. The money moved people's hearts, but no one listened! The rebels were still squatting on the ground grabbing the silver. The fight was fierce, and their heads were bleeding. "When will the time come? I won't know who owns the silver then. If you grab it now, it belongs to me."

Zhu Ping'an threw a handful of broken silver, causing the rioters to fight for it, and then he had time to explain to Wei Guogong and others, "Uncle, Eunuch He, my own soldiers have been scattered. Now I hide in the commander's tent. The rioters will rush in with them. The consequences will be It goes without saying. For the current plan, we must first stabilize the rebels and re-defense!"

"Yes! Yes! Zihou is right. Just now."

Duke Wei and the others reacted belatedly, a layer of cold sweat broke out on their backs, and they nodded repeatedly.

"Uncle, Eunuch He, hurry up! Hurry up and throw all the gold, silver and jewelery on your body, as long as they are valuable, to the back! Take advantage of the opportunity of the rebels to fight for it, organize your own soldiers to build a line of defense again, and stabilize the rebels!"

Zhu Ping'an had been paying attention to the rebel soldiers and noticed that the broken silver he had just thrown had been picked up by the rebel soldiers. The rebel soldiers looked up and hurriedly interrupted Wei Guogong and the others and urged.


Duke Guo of Wei and the others quickly took out their money bags, took out the scattered silver and threw them at the crowd of rebels.

After Wei Guogong threw away the scattered silver, he took out his money bag and took out several banknotes. He saw that there were two denominations of fifty taels and one of one hundred taels. Then Wei Guogong threw it away immediately.

"How long has it been, you still care about this?" Linhuai Marquis said and snatched the banknote from Wei Guogong's hand, and threw it towards the rebels regardless of Wei Guogong's distressed eyes.

It is rude to come and not reciprocate!

Duke Guo of Wei's eyes turned red, and he took off the jade ring from the hand of Marquis Linhuai in retaliation, and threw it towards the rebels with all his strength.

"Your jade pendant." Linhuai Marquis began to fight back.

Then Eunuch He was also involved, and all the valuable things on his body were pulled out and thrown to the rebels.

Wei Guogong and the others are much richer than Zhu Pingan!

The rebel soldiers fell into a carnival and started a new round of fighting, which instantly became intense.

Zhu Pingan took the opportunity to command the scattered soldiers, pulled out tables, chairs and other items from the commander's tent, and set up another line of defense at the entrance of the commander's tent.

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