Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1400 Zhu Pingan is determined to move forward

Behind the crumbling defense line, Wei Guogong's soldiers looked at the angry and attacking rebel soldiers with fear, and mourned for their tragic fate as human shields. In fact, if they were not the sons of Wei Guogong, if their wives, children, children, and even three generations of their ancestors and grandchildren were not in the Duke of Wei's house, they would not work so hard.

Human shield, is this a job done by humans? !

This is cannon fodder.

A human shield soldier looked at the increasingly crazier rebels, his face was so frightened that there was no color at all, and he sighed repeatedly.

This human shield soldier was the soldier who was patted on the shoulder by Wei Guogong. He thought that Wei Guogong was going to go out to solve the problem of insurgent soldiers. Unexpectedly, Wei Guogong disliked that his position was not close enough, so he was scolded.

"Hey, my mother-in-law wrote a letter. She finally gave me a baby girl ten days ago. After giving birth to six girls in a row, our old Xu family finally has a baby. Unfortunately, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, especially The stinky bitch coaxed me."

The tank soldier lamented repeatedly, regretting that he could not see his born son with his own eyes.

Just as he was lamenting, he was patted on the back by a hand.

The highly nervous human shield soldier was startled and was about to curse, but after the experience of being slapped on the shoulder by Wei Guogong last time, he reflexively looked back before he cursed. When he turned around, he found that it was Zhu Pingan. He knew that this was a high official personally invited to the military camp by the Duke of their country. He was the nephew-in-law of the Marquis of Linhuai next door and the current number one scholar. He couldn't help but feel glad that he looked back.

"Young man, I'd like to pay my respects to Mr. Zhu." The meat shield soldier quickly saluted Zhu Ping'an and said hello, then adjusted his position and stood closer, bringing the role of the meat shield to its peak. Smart, the last time he was tapped on the shoulder by Wei Guogong was because he didn't stand close enough.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and nodded to him, and then said loudly to all the human shield soldiers, "You have all worked hard. After this time, I will ask Duke Wei for your credit, and everyone will have a share."

"Thank you, sir."

"I hope we will still be alive by then, and I hope the adults will too."

Zhu Pingan's promise raised the spirits of the soldiers a little, but it was also very limited, because in the eyes of the soldiers, they were afraid that they were doomed this time, and they would not live to enjoy the credit that Zhu Pingan asked them. On the other hand, Wei Guogong and others Including Zhu Ping'an, he was more dangerous than them and more doomed than them. After all, the first target of these rebels was Wei Guogong and other officials.

Zhu Ping'an saw their worries and smiled at them confidently, "Don't worry, we will all survive."

"With your good words, I hope God will bless you." The soldiers did not have much confidence in Zhu Pingan's words.

"God will definitely bless him." Zhu Pingan smiled confidently and patted the soldier on the shoulder again.

The soldiers couldn't help but be confused. "Sir, I'm already very close. It can't be any closer."

Zhu Ping'an knew that the soldier had misunderstood, so he couldn't help but smile and said softly, "Get out of the way for me."


When the soldier heard this, he was immediately confused and looked in disbelief. He wondered if he had heard wrongly.

This young adult, you want me to get out of the way? ! Doesn't it make me stand closer? !

"Please make a way for me!" Zhu Pingan repeated again with a smile, his voice firm and clear.

I heard you clearly. Your Excellency asked me to step out of the way to make sure I didn’t hear a word wrong.

Although the shouts of the nearby rebel soldiers were deafening, this time the soldiers heard it clearly.

"Sir, if you go out now, the rebels will kill you." The soldier said hurriedly and nervously.

"Calm down." Zhu Ping'an smiled and patted his shoulder again, "Just get out of the way and leave the rest to me. This is an order."

"Okay, sir, please be careful."

His arms couldn't twist his thighs, so he was a high-ranking official. The soldiers had no choice but to nod and move out of the way.

Seeing the soldiers making way, the rebels behind the defense line became excited. Like sharks smelling blood, they roared, waved their weapons, and swarmed toward the gap.

What a pig-like leader!

My life is over

The soldiers' faces turned pale with fear, feeling that their good life was about to end at this time.

At this moment, the soldiers saw Zhu Ping'an walking into the gap without hesitation and moving forward without hesitation.

On one side are three thousand angry and agitated soldiers wielding weapons, and on the other side are unarmed teenagers. You don't have to think about the outcome.

The soldiers couldn't help but close their eyes. They couldn't bear to look down and see Zhu Ping'an being chopped into pieces by the soldiers.

The three thousand soldiers were furious and had ferocious expressions on their faces; Zhu Pingan strode forward with his head held high and a smile on his face.

In fact, in just a blink of an eye, the angry and agitated soldiers rushed into the gap. When they shouted and killed, almost all the spittle they flew out landed on Zhu Ping'an's face.

Just when the swordsman was about to attack, Zhu Pingan spoke loudly, "Brothers from Zhenwu Camp! I have a fortune for you!"


The tips of the swords of the first few rebel soldiers stopped abruptly in front of Zhu Pingan's face and body!

Zhu Ping'an's words were so tempting and contagious. Such a fortune, how could the rebels not be tempted. If Zhu Pingan was talking about something else, this would already be a corpse.

"Don't listen to the dog officer's nonsense, kill him! Then go in and kill that idiot, that damn fat man, and the damn eunuch, and take back our soldiers' pay and wife's food. After that, we will go to the Japanese pirates, where we can eat well and drink spicy food."

"Kill the dog officer!"

"When an official opens his mouth, he will always lie to others! My wife's food is gone, my military pay has stopped, haven't you been favored enough?!"

"Give us a fortune?! Listen to the nonsense of the dog officials! They have stolen our soldiers' pay, wives' food! How could they give us a fortune! Only after we kill them will our wealth come!"

There were some rioters behind who made trouble and encouraged the rebels in front to kill Zhu Ping'an. They are out of reach in the back.

Under the instigation of the people behind them, the rebels at the front also became a little moved and swallowed their saliva.

Zhu Ping'an squinted his eyes and remembered the agitating soldiers without any trace, and kept them in his heart.

When the rebels at the front were getting excited, Zhu Ping'an spoke again, "I'm right here, and Wei Guogong and the others are also in the handsome tent at the back. They can't escape even if they have wings! Brothers, why should you worry? Everyone Please listen to what I have to say first. If you still want to kill me, I will kill you on the spot."

After Zhu Ping'an spoke, the soldiers in front took back their swords and said fiercely, "Okay! You, a dog officer, can't run away anyway. Just listen to what you say. If you dare to lie to us, you will die miserably." !”

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