Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1401 Open your eyes and tell lies

Zhu Ping'an was unarmed and miraculously calmed the angry soldiers wielding weapons with the words "I will give you a fortune". The human shield soldiers opened their mouths in shock as if they had seen a miracle.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and bowed his hands to the rebels in front of him, and said politely, "Please help me move this table ten meters forward. I will stand on it and speak so that more brothers can hear me."

Okay, you threw yourself into a trap and took the initiative to go deep into our rebellious soldiers. How could we refuse?

Several rebels nodded happily and moved a table back more than ten meters, deep inside the rebels.

Zhu Pingan followed closely behind and walked calmly into the crowd. With every step he took, the empty space behind him was filled with soldiers. When he reached the table, Zhu Pingan was already surrounded by a huge number of soldiers.

"Thank you so much, brothers." Zhu Ping'an smiled and cupped his hands to express his thanks, and then climbed onto the table using both hands and feet.

Zhu Ping'an stood firmly on the table like a green pine. The breeze blew, his clothes fluttered, and the sun shone on him, covering him with a layer of golden light, like a god descending to earth.

"Brother Wang, just let the dog officer say it?! What if other people are deceived by him?"

Among the soldiers, a soldier gathered in front of a small flag and said slightly nervously.

"Fooling?! Haha, it's useless even if the dog officer talks like a lotus flower and talks about everything. Huang Shilang has been killed, and there is no way to turn around. The others can only follow us to the end of the road of rebellion. "Xiao Qi twitched the corner of his mouth disdainfully, then lowered his head and said to the rebel, "In addition, we are still some distance away from the puppy officer, and we are beyond our reach. If we show too much, it will easily arouse other people's suspicion, which will be counterproductive. Tell others. , don’t act rashly!”

"Yes, that's what Brother Wang said." Luan Bing nodded, then bent over to contact the others.

There was an undercurrent surging among the rioting soldiers.

Zhu Ping'an stood on the table with a smile on his face, bowed his hands in the four directions of east, west, north and south, and said loudly: "Brothers from Zhenwu Camp, before I speak, I would like to briefly introduce myself. "

"Officer Dog, if you have something to say, say it quickly, if you have something to say, say it quickly!" The rebels made a loud noise and cursed.

When Wang Xiaoqi and others saw this, they couldn't help but grin and sneer. The puppy officer must have known how powerful he was, and he still wanted to appease the rebels. It was really a fantasy.

Zhu Ping'an was scolded by the rebels, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all. He continued, "Okay, let me make a long story short. My officer, Zhu Ping'an, was the number one scholar in Enke last year. Now he is serving as the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Commission, and his official position is fifth grade. He is responsible for coordinating the punishment and impeachment of a province. He is responsible for organizing the army and leading the militia. He is trusted by the Holy One and has been given the power to submit secret reports to me. My secret reports can be directly submitted to the Holy Master."

"Puppy tube, can you speak human language?!"

"What do you mean?! Are you using officials to suppress us?!"

"Can you fart quickly?!"

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's introduction, the rebel soldiers were a little confused and immediately started making noises and swearing again.

"To put it simply, I have the right to impeach all officials in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Nanzhili. I have the right to make promises to you. I can directly report them secretly to the Holy One. To put it more simply, what I said is not fart!"

Zhu Pingan still had a smile on his face.

"Okay, even if what you said is not fart, then what do you want to say?! Say it quickly! Don't waste everyone's time!"

"Speak quickly, don't miss the moment of reincarnation."

Although the rioters below were still noisy, the curses were obviously much less than before.

Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes and nodded, then stretched out three fingers to the rebels. Langxeng said: "I mainly want to say three things. The first thing is that the sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortunes and misfortunes. Huang Shilang Huang Your Excellency, he came to Zhenwu Camp to inspect the military situation, and unfortunately he fell from his horse and died. He fell from his horse and died, and it had nothing to do with you. I will report the truth to your Majesty in secret, and will not accuse you of killing an official of the imperial court, let alone You will be slandered for rebellion."

ah? !

What? !

My ears, what did the puppy officer say just now? Did I hear it wrong? ! The dog officer Huang Shilang was obviously hacked to death by us. Why did the dog officer say that he fell off his horse and died and it had nothing to do with us? !

After Zhu Ping'an said something, the rebel soldiers below were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded, with expressions on their faces like "Fuck!"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. This little dog official was kicked in the head by a donkey. He actually said that Huang Shilang fell from his horse and died?!"

"This puppy officer is really telling lies with his eyes wide open, and he's talking seriously."

Suddenly there was a burst of noise and laughter.

However, there was an exception. Wang Xiaoqi and others from the rioters below heard Zhu Pingan's words. They did not laugh. On the contrary, their faces turned serious and nervous from the relaxed and sneer at the beginning.

The reason why they were able to so smoothly instigate Zhenwu Camp to the current level of rebellion was that, in addition to the reduction of silver coins, cancellation of wife's grain, and arrears of military pay, the death of Huang Shilang was the key catalyst. It was the killing of Huang Shilang that left no way out. , and then successfully mobilized and coerced Zhenwu Camp into the rebel carriage, never to return.

This puppy officer said that Huang Shilang fell from his horse and died and had nothing to do with Zhenwu Camp. He was shaking the morale of the army.

"Yes, there is no need to doubt your ears. Huang Shilang fell off his horse and died on his own, and it had nothing to do with you! The Duke of Wei, the Marquis of Linhuai, and other guards all came to the same conclusion. Later, we will jointly issue an official announcement , announce it to the world! I will also secretly submit a memorial to the emperor to explain this matter! You have not killed the imperial officials, nor have you rebelled. You should take care of yourselves and don't make mistakes!"

Zhu Ping'an stood on the table, glanced at the rebels with burning eyes, and repeated loudly and emphasized again.

This time, the confused soldier understood what Zhu Pingan meant, thought for a moment, lowered his head and whispered to the people around him.

For a moment, some of the rebel soldiers were agitated, and some of the rebel soldiers quietly lowered the weapons they were holding high.

Zhu Pingan glanced at the rebel soldiers, took into account their reactions, cleared his throat, and spoke again. This time his voice was much harsher, with a reprimanding tone, and he said sternly, "What are you still doing? If you don’t put Master Huang’s body down quickly, you won’t commit the crime of insulting the body of an imperial official!”

Several soldiers who were holding flagpoles hanging Huang Shilang's body were scolded by Zhu Ping'an and subconsciously lowered the flagpoles in a hurry.


Huang Shilang's body fell to the ground, splashing a layer of dust.

Poor, but deserved!

Huang Shilang committed suicide, and Zhenwu camp evolved from a mutiny to a rebellion. He has an unshirkable responsibility, and it can be said that even death cannot redeem his fault. However, after all, the dead are the most important. Zhu Ping'an sighed and prepared to instruct the human shield soldiers to collect Huang Shilang's body.

At this moment, I heard a shout from the crowd of soldiers, "Brothers, don't be fooled by the dog officer!"

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