Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1402 Come out and avoid death rolls

"Brothers, don't be deceived by the dog officials! He is deceiving us! Is there a word of truth in the mouths of these dog officials?! These dog officials are used to talking human words to people and lying to ghosts. He can open his eyes now He told lies with his eyes open, saying that Huang Shilang fell from his horse and died, which had nothing to do with us. But when he was safe, he turned around and changed his story, saying that we killed Huang Shilang, that we were killing officials and rebelling, and that he deserved death. At that time, we were shouting that the sky would not work, the earth would not respond, and we would die without a burial place!"

When Zhu Ping'an directed the human shield soldiers to collect Huang Shilang's body, someone among the rebels suddenly shouted.

"That's right, brothers, none of these dog officers are trustworthy! At the beginning, the dog officers summoned us to join the army in Zhenwu Camp. What a good deal they made. They promised us that if we have a wife, we will get one stone per stone, and if we don't have a wife, we will lose four-tenths of the price. In the second month of the Spring and Autumn Period, every stone was discounted to half a tael of silver. But later, the discount was first reduced to 0.40 taels, and then the food supply for our wives was stopped. Then, even our military pay was in arrears. They haven’t posted it yet. They are just sitting on our necks, shitting and peeing, treating us like monkeys step by step! Brothers, use your brains and think about it. Are any of the words of these dog officials true?! Can we believe the dog officer’s promise?!”

"That's right, brothers, Gou Guan does one thing before others and another behind others. He can tell lies now with his eyes open, and he can change his story later! This is a stopgap measure that Gou Guan has to do out of necessity. If we don't seize the opportunity now "In the future, let alone silver, wife's food, and military pay, I won't even have my life in the future."

"Brothers, what the dog official says is unfounded and cannot be trusted. Otherwise, there will be no place to cry in the future!"

"Brothers, there is no way any of these dog officials can be trustworthy. They are all just those who break their promises and get rich by breaking their promises!"

After the first person spoke up, people from different directions in the crowd shouted in agreement, trying their best to slander Zhu Pingan.

Under the bewilderment of these people, the rebels began to riot again.

Jump, jump out, everyone

Zhu Pingan ordered the human shield soldiers to suspend their actions. He stood on the table with a calm face and looked at the soldiers whose hearts were floating. He silently took note of the soldiers who had just confused people's hearts. The reactions of these people were as expected by Zhu Pingan. If If no one slanders or confuses, that's not normal. The chaos in Zhenwu Camp was obviously premeditated. Zhu Pingan believes that 99% of these rebels who have jumped out are participants.

Zhu Ping'an stood calmly on the table, waiting until the rebels were done dancing and slandering and demagogueing, then he smiled and bowed his hands to the rebels again, and said loudly, "Very good, thank you brothers for your support." Concern and reminder, your concerns are very reasonable."

"Haha, Dog Officer, the truth has been exposed by us! Are you angry and angry?! It's really hypocritical, and you still say you care and remind you."

"Dog Officer, if you keep your word, then come down and kill him! This is what you said!"

"You officials are good at telling lies with your eyes open and empty words. We don't believe your words!"

"Suffer death, dog officer!"

The group of rebel soldiers uttered strange yells and curses, urging Zhu Ping'an to come down and kill him.

"Haha, brothers in Zhenwu Camp, please be patient. I will not tell lies with my eyes open, let alone empty words! Your worries are unnecessary. Why?! This is what I want to say. Two things." Zhu Pingan stood on the table, smiled, stretched out his hand and pressed down, and said loudly.

"Guan Guan, how else do you want to fool us?!"

"Guan Gu, don't try to deceive us again! We don't believe a word of your words or your promises!"

There was a burst of boos from the crowd of rioters.

"The second thing I want to say is the death-free scroll! Three thousand death-free scrolls have been written by Wei Guogong, Linhuai Marquis and He Zhenshou, and have their official seals stamped on them! Each of you will have one."

Zhu Pingan stood on the table, pointed at the handsome tent behind him, and said to the rebels.

"Ah?! Avoid the death roll?!"

"Everyone has a death-free certificate?! It's written by the idiots themselves, and it's stamped with the official seal?! Is it true?!"

When Zhu Pingan said that each of them would be given a death-free certificate, the rebel soldiers' eyes suddenly lit up.

Zhu Pingan said before that Huang Shilang fell from his horse and had nothing to do with them, so they were a little tempted.

However, after they were reminded that the officials were not keeping their word, they became worried again. It makes sense. Zhu Pingan can now tell lies with his eyes open, saying that Huang Shilang fell from his horse and died. Then he may change his story in the future and say that they killed Huang Shilang and that they were rebelling.

However, if, as Zhu Pingan said, everyone is issued a death-free coupon, then there is no need to worry.

We have a death exemption certificate. It was written by the idiots themselves, and it has an official seal. They won't be afraid if they change their words in the future. I have a death-free certificate. If I can avoid death, what should I be afraid of?

"Brothers, don't believe what the dog officer says."

"Brothers, don't be deceived by the dog officials. How could they give each of us a death-free coupon?"

"Brothers, this is a delaying tactic by the dog officer. He is just saying that he will give us a death-free certificate. It is impossible for him to give it to us."

As expected, many people from different directions among the rebels stood up and loudly slandered Zhu Pingan.

"Brothers from Zhenwuying, did you hear it correctly! Death-avoidance scrolls! Each death-exemption scroll is written by Wei Guogong and others, and each death-exemption scroll is stamped with the official seal. Each of you will receive it. Get a death-free scroll!" Zhu Ping'an nodded vigorously to the rebels and said loudly.

After saying this, Zhu Ping'an ordered the human shield soldiers behind him to quickly go to the commander's tent to get the death-free scroll.

Seeing that Zhu Pingan's words and deeds were consistent and he asked people to get the death-free scroll, the eyes of these rebel soldiers suddenly brightened.

Although some people in the rebel group continued to loudly slander Zhu Pingan and confuse the rebels, the effect was obviously very little.

The two human shield soldiers entered the commander's tent and came out quickly, holding a thick stack of death-free scrolls in their hands.

Seeing the human shield soldiers taking back a thick stack of death-free scrolls stamped with red seals, Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly. Wei Guogong and the others finally did not stretch their hips this time. Although they have pulled their crotch, you can also remedy it on the spot, but it is best not to pull your crotch.

"Master Zhu, these are a total of 580 death-free scrolls. The Duke and the others are still working hard to make the death-free scrolls," the human shield soldier said in a low voice when he handed the death-free scrolls to Zhu Ping'an's hands.

"It doesn't matter, you can pick it up every tea time." Zhu Pingan nodded and explained.

"Yes." The human shield soldier took the order.

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