Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1403: Taking advantage of the situation

"Brothers from Zhenwuying, I have 580 death-free certificates in my hands. Wei Guogong and others have just finished writing the seals, and the ink has not yet dried. The remaining 2,420 death-free certificates, Wei Guogong and others The production is being stepped up. At most, each brother can receive a death-free scroll within one stick of incense time."

Zhu Ping'an bent down to take the death-free ticket, stood on the table, and showed the death-free ticket in his hand while telling the rebels.

“Is the death-free certificate real or fake?!”

"Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me first"

When the rebels heard that there were only 580 death-free scrolls in the first batch, they immediately crowded over with eager faces. Zhu Pingan's table was crowded with rebels, and some even wanted to climb on the table.

"Don't be anxious, don't be crowded, everyone has it. These 580 death-free scrolls will not be distributed for the time being. After the 3,000 death-free scrolls are available, they will be distributed to everyone, ensuring that everyone has one. A free death certificate."

Zhu Ping'an raised the death-free scroll and shouted loudly to the rebels.

If 580 death-free scrolls were issued first, there would be more wolves and less meat, and the insurgent soldiers would inevitably fight for them. Zhu Pingan was worried that the situation would get out of control, so he did not issue the death-free scrolls until all 3,000 death-free scrolls were issued.

After Zhu Pingan shouted, the effect was not very satisfactory. The crowd was still crowded, and the table under his feet was almost torn down by the soldiers.

"Everyone, please be patient. After one stick of incense, three thousand death-free scrolls will be distributed together. If everyone keeps crowding, I will tear these death-free scrolls!" Zhu Pingan held up the death-free scrolls and prepared to tear them up.

After some threats, the rebels calmed down.

"The death-free certificate is real and fake. If we don't give it out now, it won't be fake and deceiving us."

"Are the death-free certificates fake?! Officer Puppy was afraid that we would find out, so he didn't dare to issue the death-free certificates."

After the rebels calmed down, several voices of questioning, confusion, and provocation came from the corner.

"Is the death-free certificate a fake?! No way?!"

"Fake?! The dog officer is lying to us?!"

The rioters started to commotion again

"Everyone, if anyone is literate or has seen the handsome seal, please come forward and confirm the death-free scroll."

Zhu Pingan stood on the table and shouted to the rebels.

"I'm literate, I'll do it."

"I've seen the handsome seal, I'm coming."

"I even got a military order stamped with the commander's seal."

At one time, more than a hundred people stood up. The rebels made a way for them, and these people struggled to squeeze to the table.

Zhu Ping'an made an agreement with them, handing them the death-free scrolls and asking them to distinguish the authenticity from the false ones. After distinguishing, they would return the death-free scrolls. Soon, more than a hundred people had obtained several death-free certificates.

"it is true."

"The scroll to avoid death is genuine. The word 'die to avoid' is written on it. It is the handwriting of Wei Guogong, Linhuai Marquis and He Zhenshou. The handsome seal stamped on it is also authentic."

More than a hundred people came to the unanimous conclusion that the death-free scroll was real, and the handwriting and seal were real.

When they heard that the death-free scroll was true, the rioters seemed to have been given a shot of tranquilizer, and the commotion subsided.

It’s really a death-free scroll. There are already five hundred and eighty. This puppy officer, no, the little adult said that after one stick of incense, they will be able to write three thousand death-free scrolls. By then We all have a share.

They said that Huang Shilang fell from his horse and died and it had nothing to do with us. Now they are giving us death-free certificates.

In fact, we don’t need to rebel. We don’t have to go to the Japanese pirates or bandits when we are desperate.

For a time, the rebels calmed down a lot.

"Brothers, don't be deceived by the dog officials. Even if we are exempted from death, they will still have ten thousand ways to settle the score."

"Brothers, you only have one chance. If you miss this one, you will have no regrets."

"The dog officials are the most untrustworthy. Can you avoid death if you are exempted from death?! I tell you, you will die faster if you are exempted from death. When our dynasty was founded, Taizu rewarded the meritorious officials and gave them a reward for their outstanding achievements. The death-free scroll was granted. Li Shanchang, Xu Da, Li Wenzhong, etc. were given the death-free scroll. The result?! The death-free scroll turned into a death-free scroll! Li Shanchang had a death-free scroll, but it was of no use. Li Shanchang's family is more than 70 years old Everyone was put to death! As for Xu Da, Xu Da also had a death certificate, but Xu Da had a gangrene on his back and could not eat steamed goose and other food. Emperor Hongwu gave Xu Da a bowl of steamed goose. The emperor gave it to him. How dare Xu Da not eat, he ate it with tears in his eyes, and the gangrene attack occurred that night and the person was gone. Even the death-free rolls given by the emperor are of no use, so I bet the death-free rolls they gave are of any use."

As soon as the rebels calmed down, slanderous voices impatiently came out from the rebels, trying their best to discredit the slander.

The last example in particular is very provocative. The affairs between Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Shanchang, Xu Da, etc. were talked about among the people, spread a lot, and the rebels also heard about it. At this time, someone mentioned it with ulterior motives and gave an example, which is particularly convincing and inflammatory. You see, the death-free scrolls given by the emperor don't work. Will the death-free scrolls given by idiots still work? !

The rebels were bewitched and started to stir again.

"Brothers, let me first explain to you the death-free scroll. Someone just gave the example of the death-free scroll at the founding of our country. It sounds reasonable at first, but it is not. At the founding of the country, Taizu gave the iron coupon of the Dan Book, eh , is commonly known as the death-free scroll. There is an exception engraved on the iron coupon of this alchemy book, 'Treason without pardon'! What does it mean? It is the death penalty of conspiracy to treason, and there is no pardon! Li Shanchang was involved in Hu Weiyong's treason case. , was executed! As for Xu Da and Xu Guogong, the steamed goose is even more nonsense! Xu Guogong passed away in Shuntian Mansion, and Taizu was in Yingtian Mansion, so he sent steamed geese all the way?! When he arrived, the geese stunk! Besides, too much Zu was the emperor, and he was decisive in killing and daring. If Taizu wanted to kill Duke Xu, why bother to beat around the bush and send him a steamed goose, and just give him death. For example, the founding general Feng Sheng, because his son-in-law Zhou Wang Zhu Ju secretly met with Feng Sheng. Being suspected by Taizu, he was worried that the King of Zhou had a military alliance with General Feng Sheng and that he would threaten his grandson's succession, so he issued an imperial edict to have Feng Sheng killed! In addition, Xu Guogong was the ancestor of Wei Guogong, and no one knew the affairs of Xu Guogong better than Wei Guogong. The Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai are both my uncles. The Duke of Wei told me personally that the steamed goose matter was a lie. Taizu not only did not give the steamed goose, but also sent the crown prince to visit Duke Xu."

Zhu Ping'an stood on the table and explained loudly to the commotion of the soldiers, "Everyone, you are exempted from the death penalty. All capital crimes are exempted, except for rebellion! At most, you are mutiny, and you are still far away from rebellion! Of course, if you are stubborn and really rebel and go out to join the Japanese pirates, you will be guilty of an unforgivable crime!"

"Oh, yes, Xu Da is the ancestor of the idiot. The idiot knows it all too well. The idiot's words are still trustworthy."

"Yes, Li Shanchang was killed for treason. We haven't rebelled yet, at best it's a mutiny."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's explanation, the rebels nodded slightly, and after whispering among themselves, they became much quieter again.

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