Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1404: Quelling the Mutiny

"Brothers, what's the point of avoiding death? It can't be used as food or clothing! Have you forgotten what our original intention is!? Where is our silver?! Where is our wife's food?! Our Where’s the military pay?! There’s nothing! Brothers, Officer Puppy is changing the subject!”

"Even if there is a death-free certificate, it will not change the fact that we are in poverty and cannot uncover the blame. It will not help."

"Puppy Officer didn't solve any problems for us at all. At most, things are back to where they started this morning. We still have little money, we still don't have food for our wives, and our soldiers' pay still hasn't been paid."

As expected, as soon as the rebels were calmed down by Zhu Ping'an, another slanderous and bewildering voice came out from the crowd of rebels.

"Yes, the key issues of silver, wives' food and soldiers' pay have not been resolved."

"That's right. The puppy officer didn't solve any problems for us. We are still poor, hungry and cold!"

"Damn it, listening to what you said, it seems like this is really the case. We were taken into the ditch by the puppy officer."

The flammable and explosive rebels became restless again.

The reaction of the rebels was completely within Zhu Pingan's expectation. Zhu Pingan smiled, cupped his hands to the rebels, and said calmly, "Everyone, please be patient. The third thing I want to talk about next is Food for his wife, silver and military pay.”

"Okay, let's listen to what you have to say. If you can't tell me something, don't blame us for sending you to see Huang! You are young, strong and have good legs. If you go now, you should be able to catch up. The surname is Huang."

"Guan Gu, please return my wife's food, silver and military pay. Don't try to prevaricate us like before,"

The rebel soldiers shouted one by one, staring at Zhu Ping'an with burning eyes, holding their weapons tightly in their hands and gesticulating.

The meaning is self-evident.

Zhu Pingan glanced at the crowd of soldiers with a smile, taking in all the faces of the crowd. After the scene calmed down, he stretched out a finger and said loudly and clearly: "First, from today on, my wife The food quota is restored to the original quota: those with wives, one stone of rice per month, and those without wives, the monthly food rice is reduced by 40%!"

When a group of rebel soldiers heard this, most of the anger in their brows dissipated, and they lowered their gesticulating weapons.

Zhu Ping'an stretched out a finger again and continued: "Second, starting from today, the silver price will return to the original value. Every spring and autumn in the second month, one meter and one stone will be worth five coins!"


When the rebel soldiers heard this, the anger on their faces disappeared, and some even couldn't help but cheer.

Zhu Ping'an stretched out another finger and said to the rebels with a gentle face, "Third, in view of the recent reduction in wife's grain and discounted silver, we will give each of you an additional one or two taels of discounted discount!"

"Ah!! In addition to restoring the wife's grain and discounted silver to the old rates, they also gave us an extra one tael of silver as a supplementary discount?!"

"What an unexpected surprise!"

When the rebels heard this, they couldn't help but show joy on their faces, and the atmosphere at the scene changed from depressive to relaxed and joyful.

"Fourth, the military salary owed to you will be repaid tomorrow." Zhu Pingan stretched out another finger.

"My lord, I'll pay you tomorrow."

"Finally, I've been paid, and I can cook a pot of rice again from the pot that I couldn't open at home."

Hearing this, all the rebel soldiers couldn't help but smile on their faces, put down all the weapons in their hands, and all of them called Zhu Pingan from "dog officer" to "sir".

"Brothers, these belong to us!"

"The dog officer is showing generosity to us! Brothers, don't be fooled by this little profit."

"Have you ever heard the allusion of "Have you ever heard of the allusion to the monkeys?! There was a monkey farmer who fed acorns to the monkeys. One day, he wanted to restrict the monkeys' diet, so he told the monkeys, give each of you three acorns in the morning, and give them three acorns in the evening. I’ll give you four acorns, and all the monkeys were anxious. Then he said, I’ll give you four acorns in the morning and three acorns in the evening, and all the monkeys were happy! That’s it now, dogs. The officers are treating us like monkeys. Brothers, are you willing to be treated like monkeys by the dog officers?!"

"Brothers, we have put in so much effort and risked beheading, are we satisfied?! As the saying goes, a man who travels a hundred miles will be half a mile. If we give up now, then all our efforts will be in vain!"

"Kill the dog officer and rob the military camp, and all of us will make a fortune and enjoy delicious food every meal."

Sure enough, another voice of angry slander and bewilderment came from the crowd of rebels.

The rebels were hesitant

"Fifth! In view of the recent severe floods and the difficulty in making a living for all brothers, we will give a reward of ten thousand taels of silver to all the soldiers in the battalion. No, thirty thousand taels. Everyone can receive a reward of ten taels of silver!"

Zhu Pingan fully unfolded his hand, waved it forward vigorously, and made a loud promise to the rebels.

"Everyone with thirty thousand taels can receive a reward of ten taels of silver."

Zhu Ping'an's promise echoed in everyone's minds, completely weighing down the balance in everyone's hearts.

One side is exempt from death, the discounted silver will be restored, the wife's grain will be restored, an extra one tael of silver will be used to make up for the discounted price, the military pay will be paid tomorrow, and the reward will be thirty thousand taels of silver.

On the one hand, those who rebelled, took refuge with the Japanese pirates, or fell into the trap of becoming a bandit, were wanted by the court from then on, and were punished by everyone, and would never be able to live in the sun.

There is almost no need to think about which side to choose. With a bang, bang, bang, and a crowd of rebel soldiers silently dropped their weapons.

"Are you all stupid?! Do you still take the dog officer's promise seriously?! Who can't talk nonsense!"

"Brothers, the dog officer is lying to us. If we take it seriously, we will be fooled by the dog officer."

"Brothers, the dog officer has lied to us too many times?! Does he really remember eating and not beating?!"

The rebel soldiers with ulterior motives couldn't help but shouted angrily when they saw that everyone had lost their weapons.

"All my promises will be posted in the whole camp in the form of official documents later. Please supervise them." Zhu Pingan stood on the table, smiled at the troublemakers, and said.

"Sir, here comes the death-free scroll. Three thousand copies are ready."

At this moment, two human shield soldiers came with foot-thick death-free scrolls and reported to Zhu Pingan.

"Very good, you have worked hard, just leave it on the table." Zhu Pingan smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I've said this, it depends on your choice. If you want to kill me, then do it."

Zhu Pingan turned to face the three thousand soldiers, stretched out his hand and pulled down his collar, exposing his neck, and said with a righteous look on his face.

The death-free certificate is here, why are you doubting it? The rebels fell to their knees like wheat blown by the wind.

"Greetings, my lord."

"Whoever wants to kill you, please step over my body first!"

For a moment, the rebels knelt on the ground to pay homage to Zhu Pingan. Their support for Zhu Pingan was beyond words.

If Wei Guogong saw this scene, he would shed tears of envy.

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