Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1407 The relationship is extraordinary

"My dear nephew, are you so confident that the Ministry of War will resume its business and keep your wife and wife as old as before?! Ahem, we don't have as much influence on the Ministry of War as you think." Wei Guogong and others were frightened and full of worry. asked.

"Of course, now that the Japanese pirates are rampant in the south of the Yangtze River, the imperial court is deploying troops. It wants the horses to run and not eat grass. How can it be done? If the soldiers want to serve their lives, they must not be stingy with rewards so that they will have no worries. Today, Zhenzhen From this mutiny in the military camp, the Ministry of War will definitely learn a lesson and take action quickly to avoid chain reactions in other military camps and ruin the overall anti-Japanese war." Zhu Pingan explained with confidence.

In addition, the Minister of War in Yingtian is Zhang Jing, which is one of the important reasons for Zhu Ping'an's confidence.

Although Zhang Jing is a bit stubborn and arrogant, he has to admit that he is a great talent who is proficient in literature, Taoism and military strategy, and focuses on the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, his current focus is on Japanese pirates, actively raising food, grass and silver, recruiting brave men, and serving the country. Prepare to resist and exterminate Japanese pirates. Therefore, Zhu Ping'an believed that after Zhang Jing learned about the mutiny in Zhenwuying and verified the truth, he would definitely return the money and his wife's food to the original state.

"Oh, I hope so." Wei Guogong closed his eyes and thought for a long time. After opening his eyes, he sighed heavily.

"My dear nephew, do you want the rebels to put down their weapons and disperse back to the camp?" Linhuai Marquis asked.

"This is not enough to make them put down their weapons so quickly and disband and return to the camp. In fact, there is one more critical thing."

Zhu Pingan said truthfully.

"What's going on?" The three Linhuai Marquises were curious.

"Actually, it's nothing. I promise them that in view of the floods and the difficulties of the officers and soldiers' livelihood, I will give a reward of 30,000 taels of silver to all the officers and soldiers of the battalion!"

Zhu Pingan shrugged and replied calmly.

"What?! Thirty thousand taels?!" Hearing this, Duke Wei took a deep breath and almost wanted to strangle himself.

"Thirty thousand taels?!" Marquis Linhuai and Eunuch He were stunned when they heard this.

Thirty thousand taels is not a small amount of money. For the salary of Ming Dynasty officials, this thirty thousand taels is an astronomical sum.

"Yes, thirty thousand taels. In fact, my bottom line is one hundred thousand taels. I didn't expect that it would be solved at 30,000 taels." Zhu Pingan nodded, then changed the subject and said something that made Wei Guogong and others gasp.

"One hundred thousand taels?!" Wei Guogong and the other three swallowed hard to suppress the surprise in their hearts.

"In Yingtian Liudu, if a rebellion of this scale can be solved with a mere one hundred thousand taels of silver reward, it will be a huge advantage. If it were not for the recent floods, it would be impossible to raise more cash in the short term. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with 200,000 taels or 300,000 taels. Not to mention, it can be solved with only 30,000 taels of silver." Zhu Pingan said to Wei Guogong and the others with a serious look.

Wei Guogong and others suddenly fell into deep thought.

"Well, that's right. With just thirty thousand taels of silver, the rebellion was eliminated. The lives of Wei Guogong, Linhuai Marquis and the miscellaneous family were saved, and the splendid future was continued. This deal couldn't be more cost-effective." Soon, He The father-in-law raised his orchid finger and nodded in agreement.

"Old Xu, what Eunuch He and the wise nephew said make sense." Marquis Linhuai also nodded vigorously, "Thirty thousand taels is indeed a good deal. Think about it, if the rebellion is not controlled, the consequences will be unbearable. First of all Our lives are not guaranteed. Secondly, we will definitely become the sinners of this rebellion. Not to mention being infamous for thousands of years, our titles will be taken back by the court as a crime, and our family properties, fiefs, etc. will all be taken back. Our wealth is far more than one hundred thousand taels of silver. ; In addition, the rebellion of Zhenwu Camp will definitely shake the capital, and no amount of money can make up for the damage it causes. If they really defect to the Japanese pirates as they say, the harm will be even greater, and we will be blamed for our death! Now we only spent 30,000 taels of silver to solve the mutiny, isn’t it a great deal?”

"Thirty thousand taels is not a small amount." Wei Guogong frowned. Although he already agreed in his heart, he couldn't help but feel his heart bleed at the thought of giving out 30,000 taels of silver to reward the entire battalion of officers and soldiers.

"Uncle, although the mutiny occurred in Zhenwu Ying, the responsible government officials are not just Zhenwu Ying. The main reasons for the mutiny among the officers and soldiers were the reduction of silver coins, the cancellation of wife's grain and the delay in the payment of military pay. Ma Kun, the Minister of Household Affairs, reported the discount. In terms of silver, Huang Maoguan, the governor's assistant minister, also petitioned the government to raise the monthly rations for the sergeants' wives and families, and then delayed the payment of military pay. In addition, the Ministry of War in Yingtian was responsible for supervision, and it was also to blame. In any case, these 30,000 taels of silver were rewarded. Yingtian's Ministry of War and Ministry of Household Affairs all share the responsibility."

Zhu Pingan reminded Wei Guo of justice.

"Yeah, my nephew is right. Let's not talk about the Yingtian War Department for the time being. The Yingtian Household Department cannot escape the blame for this mutiny! They are the ones who brought the trouble! They have to share the 30,000 taels of silver no matter what. !”

When Wei Guogong heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded repeatedly. What Zihou said makes sense. All the yamen responsible for the mutiny are responsible for sharing the 30,000 taels of silver. I can't resist alone.

Speaking of responsibility, Duke Wei couldn't help but glance at Eunuch He quietly.

"Haha, the Za family also has some savings, and I won't let Wei Guogong bear it alone."

When Eunuch He saw this, he didn't understand what Duke Wei meant. He immediately covered his mouth with a handkerchief and burst into laughter.

"Ahem. How can I let my father-in-law spend money? I will ask my father-in-law to help me coordinate with the Tian Hu Department and the Ministry of War to share the 30,000,000 taels of reward silver." Wei Guogong was told his thoughts by Eunuch He, and his old face could not help but blush slightly, but He was an old fox in official circles, and he quickly adjusted his state. Although he had the intention to let Eunuch He share part of the money, he just thought about it in his mind, but he didn't dare to put it into practice. Eunuch He is actually Yingtian's highest military officer. In some ways, his status is higher than that of Duke Wei. Duke Wei does not want to offend Eunuch He.

In addition, Wei Guogong knew the eunuchs very well. The eunuchs had lost their descendants and had no interest in women. Their interest and obsession with money were far beyond ordinary people. Because they had no heirs, only money could give them a sense of security and dependence. . Trying to steal their money is like swatting a fly from a tiger's head.

"Haha, of course, Duke Wei, don't worry. The Za family will go to the yamen of the Ministry of Husbandry and the Ministry of War when they return."

Eunuch He covered the corners of his mouth with an embroidered handkerchief and nodded vigorously.

"Thank you so much, father-in-law." Duke Wei cupped his hands and thanked him.

"Why are you so polite, Mr. Wei? After today's incident, we have all experienced life and death together. Our relationship is extraordinary. How can the Za family just sit idly by and do nothing." Eunuch He raised his orchid and pointed.

Our relationship is not ordinary. Wei Guogong couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

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